How hard was it really to be Irish in the 1800s?
Just change your name and stop doing the gay accent.
How hard was it really to be Irish in the 1800s?
Just change your name and stop doing the gay accent.
How many Irishman can actually pull off a natural sounding American style accent?
The Irish where the dindu nuffin back then, this is why they are still hated nowadays.
Why do they look like failed DNA experiments?
they're still considered as white niggers though
The politically correct term is potato niggers
The Irish have a look, all Europeans do. It's how you can tell a Russian from an Italian, not to mention that back then there was more focus on nationality/ethnic background among euros, so you could tell much better.
is that John C Reilly
my bad, slavs are the white niggers
The point was they shouldn't have to change. America was supposed to be the land of freedom that accepted everyone.
Then again Bill did nothing wrong.
neeson can't
How hard was it really to be American in the 2000s?
Just change your gender and stop doing the gay accent.
he was also the cop in Magnolia
Is there a more hype scene ever than the build up to this fight?
>At my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we are met at this chosen ground, to settle for good and all who holds sway over the Five Points: us Natives, born RIGHT-WISE to this fine land, or the foreign hordes defiling it!
I never got why John c Riley's character didn't help Leo and that awkward scene where Daniel day Lewis literally stabs the guy who collects notches in his stick thing. That and the cat lady didn't age?
They're snow niggers.
>Just change your name and stop doing the gay accent.
Also, preferably stop fucking goats.
It's called a shillelagh you uncultured swine.
Leo's Irish accent in this movie is so fucking shit, he is constantly dropping it same with Diaz.
Cuz John C. Riley turned crooked and made mad shekels.
You guys aren't getting it. It's not a matter of an accent. It's a matter of language.
In the 1860s basically no Irish people spoke English. Right up until the 1870s more Irish people were fluent in Latin than in English.
This isn't reflected a lot in media since the pool of Irish-speaking actors isn't exactly very deep, but it's one of the main reasons they were so reviled. They didn't speak English and a lot of them were very adverse to learning it. They might've pushed it on their children so they could be successful but they would never learn it themselves.
Also they dressed weird and stood out that way too.
I once read a letter from the 1870s which details a group of Irish construction workers in New York speaking Irish amongst themselves, and a group of passersby start laughing at them, and for the next few months of their contract they basically worked in silence.
Well that and historically no one has liked the Irish.
the Franks quite liked them
You can still find old pubs in northern England who kept the old signs. They usually said:
>No Dogs or Irish
I can think of one big guy
>The Franks
Birds of a feather.
>william of malmesbury
What a fucking memer
Is Kings of New York the last time John C Reilly tried to be serious? I thought he'd given up in the late 90's actually.
most of you here are descendants of Irish, or "white niggers" as you call them.
I'm proudly Polish thank you very much.
slavs are the white niggers
Hold up.
White people are racist against other white people?
The Irish aren't human
Not really. Not in America anyway.
Aiden Gillen
what thefuck i thought gillen was a britbong?
Throughout American history there's always been friction between the ideas of the Founding Fathers and the people coming into the US. Self-determination, limited government, and English common law were never understood by continental Yuropoors and a lot of people of the time expressed misgivings about the Irish coming in. Up to the Revolutionary war Americans considered themselves British citizens and all shared the historical grudge with the Irish.
Even today that sentiment is expressed with Mexicans coming in. They're Catholics and will almost always vote socialist. It's completely contrary to what is "American."
>How hard was really it to be yourself? Just stop being yourself!
>all dat hype
>followed by that bafflingly awful fight
I thought the fight was fine. It was simple and brutal like how non-professionals would fight.
Saoirse Ronan
wew lad
I think this would be a better question for /his/
it was actually thought the Irish were descended from africans due to their facial features, though we now know that was just because of all the fetal alcohol syndrome
Because they're Irish
Poland is GOAT.
>Leo's acting in this movie is so fucking shit, he is constantly fucking up same with Diaz
One time in my life I lived with redneck Irish fucks.
They drank every day and were as redneck as you could get.
They all lived in trailers and walked around without shirts trying to fight each other.
I hung out with them, multiple nights they wanted to kick my ass.
As I got to know them, they actually started to like me.
At that point I moved away.
>Irish and Irish Americans have higher IQs and earn more per capita than Britons and Anglo Americans
>British enslaved a race of Whites
>Called them niggers in order to delude themselves from their own mudslime tier barbarianism
>Irish fight for independence just as any other White would
>Britons literally give their rapists and mental patients uniforms to go kill and rape Irish women and children
>Get BTFO anyway
>IRA warns Britons when and where they put bombs so they only destroy subhuman limey property and not take lives
>Only time children are killed is when the Brits fail to evacuate
>Brits use it as propaganda to say IRA are baby killers
>Modern Brits still believe this
>Despite being stupider and less productive than the average Irishman
Britons are truly the lowest form of the White race. Canadians, Americans and Australians are their evolved form, the difference between an African and a chimp is that of an evolved anglo and a Briton.
Let's not forget the villages, women and children Britain targeted during bombing runs during WWII out of spite of losing, or the hundreds of thousands of Aussies they got slaughtered in Gallipoli for their shit tier communication, or Operation Market Garden, one of the most tragic ally loses of the war, all caused by the British.
How's about how they could barely manage to kill literal spear chuckers armed with gattling guns and high powered cartridge rifles? 1 dead Brit for every 6 Zulus armed with nothing but spears and African shields is absolutely pathetic.
The British are truly the Arab of the White race, a despicable, savage, unintelligent lot.
Up the RA.
ITT faggots inferior to the Irish masterrace
hardly, the irish are not superior or inferior to any other
personally I think the fact that America was able to integrate the irish so well proves that we really can do anything. I just wish people would remember that when they scream about how the mexicans are destroying america. Please.
>ITT faggots inferior to the Irish masterrace
>Irish masterrace
>only half their country is free from Britain
talk to us when you're your own country
>northern ireland
top o' the kek to ya
>Northern Ireland (UK)
what are some good movies about Ireland?
pic related is the only one I know of. Gulliver's Travels was political commentary about the english occupation of Ireland but none of the movie adaptations touch on that unfortunately.
3/4 you stupid fuck.
More accurately it's 4.5 million vs 1.8 million.
40% of the Irish are part of the UK.
>I thought only the black lads were drug dealers?
>I'm Irish, racism is me culture!
>Maybe they're for killing little protestants.
see>UK property
The Crying Game
Um excuse me, I'll have you know I'm a proud British person and am quite offended by the slander you're placing on us. Please delete this post.
Calvary from the same director is great. Set in a comfy small town in western Ireland.
Father James, I'm IMO
What are you gonna do, have us be your allies in the next war so we all get killed due to you?
Mate, I'm a British person, not Britain itself!
there's also Miler's Crossing
it's not in Ireland but it's a good Irish mafia film
Does John C. Reilly have the most range out of any living actor?
Colin Farrel's OK at it imo.