I think I have Autism Sup Forums

I think I have Autism Sup Forums

I just cant hold a conversation with anyone espically with girls. I dont make eye contact either. I force myself to but I start to blink fast and get angry. People touching me makes me uncomfortable even as a joke or a good job pat. I tend to linger on why that person touched me.

am I autistic?

Nah, you're just an underage faggot

I'm 27

Go to the doctor
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Like all "disorders", autism is manageable, you just gotta find out if it is indeed a problem.

dont have insurance to see one.

You're not autistic, it just sounds like you don't have a lot of social experience. Just observe everyday interactions in a conversation and try to get a feeling for the flow of communication, both verbal and physical. Do you know what I mean?

no ur being autistic its called anxiety unless ur a fag

>I'm 27
Maybe you've got the Downs?

Should I just sit at starbucks cafe and take notice at other people?

I'm certain there's someone you can see for a free consultation. Ask people you know if they have someone who is willing to see you. Or search the web.

look at peoples mouths instead of their eyes. It's strange as shit to look people in the eye and I never do it. I'm pretty successful, fucked a bunch of girls, nobody knows. I think it will help you a lot.

If you were truely autisic, you wouldn't to be able use this site let alone have a functioning mind to say sentences, you just have bad social skills

>what is degrees of autismo

I actually did try this but someone caught me saying is there something in my teeth and it got akward. I guess maybe I was switching back and forth and they got noticed.

Nah you're just a troll, son.

No, you're just a nigger.

I know because I'm an expert.

Not just there. Anywhere! Just watch how people socialize. Learn how and why people like to do what they do. Just relax, sit back and enjoy the show. People can be really humorous sometimes. Try experimenting with friends and family. Learn to think before you say and listen to what you say. It really helps with improving how you communicate with others. And tell your audience about your attempt to learn! If you believe that you can be better, then you will be, in time of course. Does that help answer your question? Feel free to ask away, I have to deal with people's shenanigans on a daily basis.

That is not autism. More likely Asbergers. Or just normal 11 YO who doesn't understand that women are people too.
2 choices:
1) Grow a pair, man up and go find a bitch to fuck.
2) Find a specialist shrink who deals with learning and related disabilities. Then get some treatment for your anxiety in dealing with females and people in general.

Yes, I have some experience in understanding real issues along this line. No, I am not, and don't want to be, a shrink for you or anybody else.

BTW, where did you find that beauty you posted? Damn, she's hot!

I have been told that I look angrey all the time. I guess I give an expression that is not very approachable. I dont mean it tho.

You might be autistic

Nah, just try and relax. Can't tell you why that is. You sound like a decent guy. Could be nitpicking you, nothing big. Just learn to accept it (but don't let it get deeper than your skin) and move on. Laugh even! Anything to try and lighten the mood. You are an awesome person, and I believe everyone should think that. Just remind youself with "I can do better" if you feel that you've done something wrong. I betcha that you will be just fine.

holy kek THAT'S definitely gonna work

but for real though, if your really can't do eye contact, look at their eyebrows.

Or between their eyes. My dad has this wicked stare and it intimidated me when I was younger. So, I started looking the part of the nose in between his eyes and it helped me for a short while. Looking at eyes can be intimidating at first, but you have to learn to accept it as normal. Take your time. Slowly start moving towards the eyes. Better yet, if you're with a girl look at her left eye. Insta-panty drop guaranteed. Nah, not really. But it helps you in the conversation to get that male edge. You'll know when to get there

THINKING you are autistic is the main proof that you are not autistic. People who are autistic look at the world and their minds in a very different way and it is baseline normal as far as they are concerned.

It is my surmise that your parents did not spend much time properly socializing you when you were a young child and that you are basically developmentally disabled due to not getting a full social skill set.

Look into NLP or resign yourself to being a social retard for the rest of your miserable life.

Man, you're so nice. I like you.

sauce of pic>?