The mod is a ban happy freak. Reporting the stream will ruin him

The mod is a ban happy freak. Reporting the stream will ruin him.

But i love that show



I fucking love KotH

Youtube has lots of koth streams just report this one to ruin a crazy mods life

Youtube has tons of Koth streams. Just report this one to make the mod have a melt down

Report the stream and see the mod freak out


what does it mean if it says you're banned for a post you never posted???

Fair enough. Have a nice day :)

I don't know. Just make sure to report the stream :)

lol you're such a faggot. Why should we do anything for you? idc that some random mod was mean to you

First, nypa.
Second, why'd you get banned?

Okay fair enough I just thought it would be funny to see him have a meltdown. Have a nice day:)

I had to look up NYPA. sorry did not mean to offend. He just bans people for no reason. He bans like half the chat room.

Everybody report it and just post copypasta.

Okay, but why should we care? Just torrent the show and watch it anyway. Letting some faggot mod stop you is worse faggotry than the mod banning you.

I can watch the show in a million ways. I just thought seeing this mod have a melt down would be funny.

Yes do this! thanks:)


>why does this video need reported?
Promotes terrorism


卐╰༼ ・ ͜ ʖ ・ ༽卐 Heil Trump 卐╰༼ ・ ͜ ʖ ・ ༽卐TrumpTrumpTrumpTrumpTrump Fuck the Cucks Fuck the Feminists Fuck the Liberals Fuck the Social Justice Warriors for freedom for Democracy White Power!!

Lol I too have chosen that option

LOL! and thank you

You have chosen wisely and thank you