Well, she's right, and you know it.
Well, she's right, and you know it
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You have to go back, Tito
Nigga you dumb
I completely agree.
If we could just get these niggers to stop flooding into Europe
Illegal Immigrant is a classification and NOT a racial slur.
Pretty weak bait, desu.
>she calls it "the i-word"
stupid c-word
>Cohen variant
Every. Fucking. Time.
>inb4 migrant becomes the same as coon
Blacks hate it being called a nigger because either they are or are having a nigger moment and hate being called out for it. Same thing for spics.
so can i just call Mexicans niggers and cut out the niceties
Are they referring to them as "refugees" yet
It's true because it disparages attributes they can't control. Many Latinos find themselves inexplicably pulled north by forces we don't understand yet. Dragged across the wilderness by invisible hands. The least we can do is give them welfare
What's next
Rapists called undocumented lovers?
Struggle snuggles and murders by unfortunates misunderstood tanned Germans?
Tbf, 'illegal immigrant' implies they are actually immigrants, and therefore here to stay. Illegal alien is more correct.
>"illegal immigrant" is the same as the n word.
she's trying to tell us that it's okay to say nigger
Talk like this will just convince more blacks to vote Trump.
It was the left pontificating about how gay marriage was "just like the Civil Rights Movement" in 2008 that pissed off blacks in California enough to BTFO of Prop 8. Trying to lump them in with illegal immigrants will lead to the same result.
Fucking retards.
What is up, my illegal immigrant?
It's not like these cunts are trying to hide it. No wonder Hitler picked up on their shit.
>legal immigrants like myself always get left out of this debate
I guess I should have flown into Mexico and strolled over the border. If I weren't white I would be hailed as a hero.
>le snarky liberal face
Send this fucking ugly kike bitch back to the mountains of Khazaria from whence she came. Her whole fucking tribe are a race of illegal nigger immigrants anywhere they parasitically inhabit on this planet.
She is right actually, niggers are illegal immigrants.
She's an honorary nigger.
The good thing about language is that there are many words at your disposal. Remove "Illegal immigrant" from common vocabulary and people will just come up with a new, potentially more harmful, phrase or even a brief slang term.
>illicit interloper
>unlawful invader
>criminal trespasser
>illegitimate vagrant
I was about to attack you for this, but then I realized you were being sarcastic.
It's an ashkenazi jew face. The reason so many liberal "personalities" have that face is because they're mostly ashkenazi jews
leftists sure love engineering our language
>Unilateral assertion by melanin-enhanced neo-Germans result in serial struggle snugglers and permanent privilege reclamation!
Learn what calling a spade a spade is, and what a pejorative racial epithet is.
Prove to me that she is a jew. You're just antisemetic.
Yeah, American blacks really don't like sharing the oppression spotlight with any other group.
Try harder
It's the obesity. Americans are too heavy, Mexicans get caught in the gravitational pull. Solve obesity, solve illegal immigration. It's simple science, really.
Well, you guys were right.
>listening to some man faced dyke jew about ANYTHING'
Kill yourself faggot
anyone else think it's funny how they won't say nigger, but they'll refer to it as "n-word"
same thing.
Her family tried to make it Irish but its good to be a jew these days so they dont do that anymore.
illegal immigrant - someone in a country illegally. An official term whether faggot libs like it or not
Nigger - racial slur derogatory against blacks
How is this the same again?
Irish are the niggers of the white race
>and you know it
Just fucking kill yourself jews.
Wow, that's exactly what I would expect somebody that thinks that to look like.
Latinos hate niggers though
First, she's trying WAY too hard and everyone had noticed. Fail.
Second, is she supposed to be the poor man's Rachel Maddow? If so, she's doing a good job.
high in-group preference + living in nations that are not "their own" = naturally subversive behavior on the larger scale.
Initially read "Columnist" as "Communist"
When you control language, you direct the tempo of speech, and by extension disrupt the flow of information.
These dumb fuck idiots just continue to make up their own rules and also thinking for everyone and trying to shame people who think differently, whether a liberal or not. I'm glad black people are smart enough to see they are being used
What is that word, again?
I'll give it a read
Jesus Christ I fucking hate jews.
>progressive 'journalist'
If I had a nickle for every time /pol was right, I'd have a lot of nickles
che ci fa la Bongiorno in America?
At least half of /pol is full of gay men sub acting in sl as fem girls wishing to get rap
/pol tries to gzt all misoginistic hurr durr and fuckk off
Suck irony...
>the i-word
Is it possible to be such a pussy faggot
You wouldn't be wrong.
build wall
>illegal immigrant as bad as the n-word
>article can say illegal immigrant
>not even allowed to say what the n-word is
As Ghandi once said: "if some dumb fuck is arguing over which word is worse, but they can't even say one of the words out loud, then that's the worse word. God there is literally shit everywhere. Fuck.."
Anyone else just automatically read " liberal columnist" as "Jew columnist"
ugly dyke jesus christ i hate her face
You wouldn't be wrong.
fellow progressives, I have a great idea, lets make a list of N-word class terms that instantly discredit people, only it will just be filled with the terms our critics use but all of our terms are okay because of. .. systems .. or whatever. Then we'll replace the words on the list with things like "dreamer" or something
>Americans have trouble facing the truth nd reality
All humans do. Carlin is no TS ELiot.
Go to bed, Michele, you're drunk.
Speak english you stupid faggot
>Yeah, American blacks really don't like sharing the oppression spotlight with any other group.
That's why they dislike Bernie. Shillary is promising gibs only to them. Bernie is offering their gibs up to white people too.
Even a chimp understands that there are only so many gibs to go around. Wide open socialism ruins the quality of life for the majority to by trying to hand an equal number of scraps to everyone.
Sure nigger
I didnt know Hoff-Sommers and Ben Stein were against him. Jews only like patriotism for Israel and they want working class gentiles to suffer.
>Jew confirmed yet again
When and how will we act, Sup Forums? Any ideas? There are teenagers who actually buy their shit.
Wow even the most "based" Jews are still pieces of shit
is that a tranny?
"People who are trying to destroy America (Trump/Trump supporters) are dangerous terrorists and it it morally justified they should be killed"
Some retard told me this today, I am totally baffled by the delusion of this statement. Why do people think this?
Holy shit. Liberals are so fucking retarded. Thanks for the laugh, OP.
Haha yeah, even Michael Savage denied there a lot of jews in the media (he literally changed his name from Weiner) when the boxer dude said named the Jew. This is a guy who supported Trump since the onset. Was fucking great to see not one, but 5 comments on Youtube saying "cmon savage, we all know its true."
More alarming is how out of touch they must be to think rhetoric like that doesn't sound extremely fascistic to the average person.
>"People who are trying to destroy America (Trump/Trump supporters)
Obama is already succeeding in this though.
No it's not
to be fair, you'd change your last name too if it was Weiner.
Really? Ive heard him rattle off like 3 jewish last names in a row several times when discussing Hollywood, it's obvious what he's doing.
>I'm glad black people are smart enough to see they are being used
More like: they don't wanna share the victim role.
mods pls sticky
>the i-word
it's 2 fucking words
>how the fuck do these people have jobs?