What's the most horrible sickness you guys can think of?

What's the most horrible sickness you guys can think of?

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projectile vomitting after necking a whole bottle of my favourite single malt whisky in one go, to win a £ 1-00 bet.

Even worse than licking it all up again, so's not to waste all the whisky.

from the sound of it, the horrible sickness you are suffering from is mental

EAR: Ebola AIDS rabies. You run around biting people while aids-infected blood seeps from every orifice. Fear the EAR.


Mind controlling, sentient alien viruses

>What's the most horrible sickness you guys can think of?

Having massive diarrhea and your ass is already sore and bleeding from wiping it.

radiation sickness.

your insides liquefy and you both shit them out of your ass and vomit them out of your mouth. your skin ulcerates and sloughs off. and then you fucking die.

this is why i am eagerly looking forward to nuclear war.

i own a factory that makes plastic buckets. i am going to be SO RICH.

bone cancer is pretty bad.


her trigeminal nerve is being pushed around by cancer. Basically can't feel more pain than this.


What the fuck? This is South Korea. A developed country! Why wasn't she treated?

tfw no gf


I feel so sorry for people in that situation.

Being gay


Same girl.



What in the actual Fuck? How do you not find treatment before you reach this point? Or eat a bullet?

>any Korea
>developed country
Pick one.

Being liberal.

Nice shop faggot

This is her actually her in the video now: How the fuck did that tumor move sides?

Being a female


SJW transgenderism mental illness

This all happened in one month.





Jews, and liberals

Wtf is happening in OPs pic? Explain?


Click bait. Not same person. Sucks still though.

Locked in syndrome, you are aware of everything and able to feel pain but you can't talk or move.

The blacklight virus.

Well, that looks like ultra zoomed bread cortex pic, lil trypi but not enough cringe fag

Harlequin Icthyosis

furrys to the bone

hey, nice feet

isnt that bone? specifically osteomyelitis?

Wasn't bad for mercer

Mercer WAS the virus.


Aids, ebola, cancer and tuberculosis in one, aka: refugee disease

Found the transgender SJW.

The filename suggests it's skin



irukandji jellyfish bite.

It moves very quickly, and kids have a very strong will to live / accept a life of pain very easily.



xD nice forced meme lol

Gunna repost that on 9gag brah

Down with the