93 billion to be spent on refugees by 2020

>93 billion to be spent on refugees by 2020

what is she thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:


She's thinking of all the mudslides she gets to kill.

>Why are the polls so bad, maybe I should bomb slavs

where they gonna get the money if UK leaves?



japmook (mook) your spam filter is useless like you, you dumb japcuck

This is why brexit is so important.

Britain Leaves
Crashing the EU with no survivors
Germoney doesn't have its massive tariff-less market to sell its goods too
No more mountains of money
Can no longer afford to continue taking in fugees and giving them gibsmedats

The ideology of power is power. Ideology is for the voters.

She is funding the future of Germany.

>what is she thinking

Bring in people reliant on the state so they'll vote to keep "them" in power.

but you can print money endlessly lmao

is that why king hussein of fatmurica was so mad when the bongs wanted to leave.

now it all makes more sense.

she get 100 billion from oil money then spend 93 billion on refugees
UK's prob kek

>based rant
>US shout out

Is Poland the least cucked country in EU? even though I have to assume it's at least cucked because everyone in the room got triggered and silenced him.


Just look at that face.

That's the face of a miserable cunt who is quite literally destroying European culture. In 20 years, Germany won't be the same now, and she doesn't care.
She doesn't care about the youth who will grow up in this new cancerous society. Do you think she'll look back in 20 years, after it grows increasingly worse and think "I caused this"

>God, I hope I might get raped once

The germans could setup a moon colony for that much....

She is not unique, she is doing her job.

And that's not even counting the costs related to crime and terrorism.

She's literally making up for WW2 when no one gives a fuck anymore. People are always going to associate Hitler and Germany together no matter what she does. she's playing a losing game but its still going to be played long after she's gone

le ebin dank meme XDDDDDD

Demographics. Soviets had the same problem . It won't work though

tell that to a Keynesian, Hans

>93 fucking billion euros

They could fund fusion energy research the size of the Manhattan project with that amount of money.

More like feeling

these leafs need to be gassed along with the mudshits.

It will cost much more.
It will be necessary to have more police officers and many other things.


>More like feeling
And Santa Claus is real and here's the proof.

The sad thing is that she genuinely believes that she did the right thing.

Some people are just delusional. Muslim immigrants could be raping their own daughter and they would find some way to justify it.

Remember that the chief of police in one German city said that saying racist things on the internet is more despicable than immigrants literally raping women.


Let the enrichment continue.

They could level all of Syria + Iraq and have money left over to build a kick-ass waterpark on top of the remains.

Not counting the costs to municipalities either.

No, faggot. It's more diabolical and devious than you can wrap your mind around is all...

Talk about delusional...

>Millions move abroad for jobs
>Polish women that move abroad are notorious coalburners
>One of the biggest spongers of EU budget
>Not cucks

I wish this was as easy as preparing for an apocalypse or something, at least then you can build a bunker, get supplies etc. and sit in the comfort of your own shelter and think "heh, serves them right."

Instead we're having to go down with the lefty cucks who think they're actually going to integrate and be useful to society. Although now I think about it, people who are willing to let them in the country don't think about their worth or how they'll be a drain on society.

She's probably thinking how much more she can ruin men's lives.

Women are terrible leaders

It's genetically impossible for a human female to be a good leader.

They are only good for support.

Even Joan of Arc never lead. She was a beacon, a catalyst, for the war.

The 3 options are:

1. She went full retard after being against mass immigration a few years ago for some unknown reason
2. Some NWO shit is going on
3. Ironically, the refugee crisis hurt the Social Democrats much more than her party. Theres pretty much no way that her party wont also win the next election because everyone more conservative than Merkel party is "Nazi" and 24/7 shilled against by the media. These parties also have to win 51% of all seats if they ever want to be in power - impossible with so many cucks and foreigners.

maybe kill her?

She is being a humanitarian human being

I think there should be a rule that nobody should be allowed to hold power that doesn't have children. Especially women without children. Merkel is the fucking poster child for this sort of thing.

Maybe she think's she's doing the right thing. But there's fundamentally something wrong with a woman who goes out of her way not to have kids. And not only that, but not having children means you inherently care very little about the future after you die. What does it matter to Merkel if germany is permanently fucked a few years down the road? She'll be dead. She doesn't have to worry about the state that she'll leave the country for her children or grandchildren.

>mfw i see all the women's triggered reaction


What happened?

Don't forget the successful Germans that are fleeing the country already.

The plan is to crash the economy and destabilize the west. She is doing exactly as planned. You need to run it all dry.

>no way that her party wont also win the next election
just pray for some bombings shortly before the election

I don't know if-or-what pic-related has something to do with all this madness

My view is that the multiculti agenda has sped up as the NWO loses its grip on the East. They need to nuke whites in a single generation instead of several.

Still less than 1/10th of the F-35 program. I doubt a figure like this will bother Germans outside of Sup Forums

It wasn't her decision to make

growing up in a world where get beat to death on street for nothing, hail the new merica.

>I think there should be a rule that nobody should be allowed to hold power that doesn't have children

I like this idea

>If you try to leave the EU there will be war!

-Barrack Hussein Obama, 2015

M8, they can kill a few thousand Germans in 50 seperate terror attacks, and it probably wont change the outcome of the election.

51% is an enormous task for a new party, especially with our Lügenpresse.

She's going to feel her mistakes once we kick the bitch out

All the American brothers need to do is make trump presiden/chef in america, and he can influence our Right-wiing party to win by a landslide and kick the mudslimes out

Either by Boat, Box, Or Bodybag, I don't care

they just wanted to be cucked out of existance, respect the eternal teutons decision, its gonna be fun :^)

Just cuck my country up.

No but for real Europe is done, the America's and Mars are the last hope.

>She's going to feel her mistakes once we kick the bitch out
She's going to become chief of the UN or obtain some other fancy position and then retire with all the money she's made from her loyal service.

all I can say is good luck fellow Hansbros, you've got probably the hardest fight of any country group on pol

I need to leave this country

Honestly? She is just following American model.
Mexicans = Syrians.
Prototip: bomb other countries, so they all come to Germany and work for Germany, so that Germany can be the biggest economy on the planet, that's if USA isn't that.

What does kicking her matter when you already took in like 2,5 million of mudfaces and annually spend billions of € that couldve been put in any other useful economic sector?

There literally isnt enough ground in germany for the graves you would have to dig to put all those darkies in.

the german government is embezzling money. just like the US government does but they hide it with refugee expenses and america hides it with military expenses

they got caught during the clinton administration but nobody is keeping track of the war on terror spending

she's a jew puppet

kill every jew before they kill you

>mexicans = syrians

Not even we bring our shitskins in at that alarming a rate.


Either we get a scientist to experiment on them and bring back all forms of being Europe's engineering country (Medical and genetic, gott nos that People could use a liver more than Achmed)


We call a professional backer and do what the germans have been doing well since 1940

because they're already here

to be fair though we didn't necessarily intentionally do it

the Jews in Washington are just like Merkel though, they want to keep them here as long as possible to fuck us over

>Polish women abroad are notorious coal burners
That's wrong tho. Poles are always just Slavs being Slavs. Pretty much keep to themselves in my experience, besides occasional insults thrown at everyone who passes by their group.

British women, meanwhile, are well known for being ugly whores who will fuck anything.

Because she's spending Europe's money.

ahaha you're retarded if you think that it'll be Germans that pay for it.
No, they'll up EU fees, and fuck over Eurozone countries by manipulating the euro more (they'll devalue it further) and then they'll start fining countries which don't accept refugees. Then they'll have acquired ~50bn euros from other EU countries and then Germany will pay the rest from the huge surplus they've created from fucking over eurozone countries for the past 10 years.

here is the redpill
>us shadow goverment and that of russia and britain set up mars colonies called adam and eve using british money and technology given to them by sirians and greys
>they plan to use mars as their new world order homeland and destroy the earth with all the pesky humans
>mars colonies get invaded by 100.000 reptilians from alpha draconis each 5 meter tall at least with power of at least 20 men
>they ate and murdered most of the 300.000 aryans that inhabited the bases
>illerminaty get scared and starts to push Earth saving and cleaning agenda cuz mars is no longer an option
thats reality even tho it may sound like bad sci fi

USA gets at least 1.5 million Latinos every year.

Delusional burger detected.
You've never even been to europe, have you?
Slavs are absolute NIGGERS of Europe, there's a reason everyone is moving AWAY from eastern europe you delusional "muh heritage" "muh eastern yurope" cuckold.

oh fuck brexit is good idea

Didn't you guys already try that after WWI?

Worst case scenario, we put greece on eBay/Amazon to pay off our crash

shut up, ahmed

Angela (((Kasner))) is flooding europe with muslims to destroy white christianity and prepare europe for communism.
She's been a hardcore Marxist even when she was a teen.

We're also 4x the population of germany. Look at it proportionally


Latinos multiply like rabbits.

It shouldn't be a competition who takes in more, but you should actively work on your racism and try to boycott every brown/black guy you see on television, unless you want them replacing you for sure.

I didn't say we're good. My original statement was "not even we bring them in at this rate".

Eh, better than doing nothing so they end up raping and murdering since they literally can't assimilate. Best case scenario desu since they won't ever go back to Africa/Middle East now. Not ever.

>both of the women make the are you kidding me face
watched it three times

Every country should pass a law that says migrants accepted into the country must be settled in the same neighborhoods as the politicians.

Since the politicians are the ones pushing for mass immigration they should be more than happy to agree.

Let them put their money where their mouths are. Let their children walk down the streets and risk rape every single day.

Germany: pass this law NOW.

I now have respect for the polish.


She's a retard m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rcc7xgD2dM

Quints confirm, TrumpWall 10.0 will be in effect by 2011.

goddamn, based poland.

As if anyone wants to buy a broken product


Trump is so awesome, he can build walls through time and space

>make fun of germany spending 100 billion to help people
>meanwhile we spend 600 billion to defend corporate interests while terrorizing and destabilizing nations


This picture is very nice. Do you have more of them?

10/10 drawing.

Think of it as an investment in Germany's future.

That it will help our BIP nonetheless and politicians, banks, tha pharmaceutical industry, landlords etc. will make a lot of money with refugees.

You guys tend to ignore rich fucks generally benefit greatly from this. The middle class and of course poor people are the ones that suffer, so the majority.