What would happen if a sun made of ice would collide with a normal, lava-made sun...

What would happen if a sun made of ice would collide with a normal, lava-made sun? Both suns would be the same size and ice-made sun's temperature would be -1000 degrees of celsius and normal sun's temperature +1000 degrees of celsius.

Would their combined effects cancel each other out so that instead there would be only empty space or one 0-degree sun?

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When they move toward each other it will make a bit of wind and wind is cold so you'll probably end up with a little sun made of cold water but not much

The universe would already be frozen due to the sun with a temperature below absolute zero

-273.15 degrees Celsius is absolute zero yurofaggot so its not possible

both suns would turn into nerve gas

They would merge and create 0 degree stone sun


>-1000 degrees celsius

What about this very weird one?

It looks like is made of stone.

سعر الدولار اليوم، نتعرف الان على آخر تطورات سعر الدولار اليوم الثلاثاء 25-7-2017 ختام تعاملات المساء، وذلك بكافة البنوك الخاصة والحكومية، ونرصد السعر بشكل مستمر في السوق الموازي، كما نتابع من خلال الجدول أدناه السعر المناسب للتعامل، وننقل تطورات السعر من داخل الحقل الإقتصادي مباشرة، تابع التحديثات لمعرفة وقت وقوع تغير بالسعر إن وجد

سعر الدولار اليوم في السوق السوداء الثلاثاء 25-7-2017
نتابع معكم بشكل مستمر تطورات سعر الدولار في السوق السوداء اليوم الثلاثاء 25-7-2017 فترة المساء، ونلاحظ حذر التجار بالتعاملات المختلفة، وسعر السوق الموازي بدء في التغير بشكل طفيف، ونسعى لنقل الصورة واضحة فور وقوعها، ويتراوح السعر الآن ما بين:


>sun made of ice
>-1000 C
>Sun 1000 C
i will watch and see if 1 person would fall for this low ass bait

They would combine and create a sun larger sun, but it wouldnt be larhe enough to fuse the oxygen in the ice so it an hero

I found one

Reported for bomb threats

... Something about a black market?

You gonna cut stuff with your -1000° sun, put a nice wee knife to it and you'll be rolling in that youtube money

Well it would make a purple sun, obviously.

>Implying the holy ball of light in the sky isn't just the radiance of God's throne
>implying stars are actually big balls of gas

nope just fucking his thread up its about dollar price for EGP
witch is 17.38 WTF

>not realizing this is old ass pasta

Lighten up dumbass. Shitpost once in a while