Medfags or Spermfags: where does sperm thinks it's going when you jizz into your hand or on the wall...

Medfags or Spermfags: where does sperm thinks it's going when you jizz into your hand or on the it looking for the egg.

Can you kill all the sperms by squishing it?

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It's usually wet inside a vagina so the sperm can move. Sperm is microscopic so can't really squish sperm cells


So they sit still in my hand

What happens if I jizz in a swimming pool can they swim inside a girls body?

They can, if it is not properly chlorinated to kill the sperm

Read a study too, that 3% of women get pregnant through jizzed toilet seats in clubs.

What happens when I cum in my own mouth does the sperm swim in it?

dumbass women, how the fuck can you touch a seat with your vagoo

There was a story about an Asian girl who blamed swimming in a pool caused her to get pregnant. But it's basically impossible unless she was swimming and washing her insides with pool water and a drop of jizz got in. Pool water pH and chlorine might kill off the sperm too

That link is total b8

Cum is a mix of lubricant and the sperm cells, so yes, yes, they are swimming in your mouth. With your saliva they are able to be alive for several days and be happy in your mouth

One word:


Without the substances secreted by mature ovule, the sperm will just either randomly swim in the liquid or straight ahead within the liquid.

L2 biology.

What the actual fuck is this thread
If there is no chlorine it is completly possible by chance. It is low, but still exists.

But how does it know where the egg is?

If I jizz in the bed and a girl lies on it, and there is water in the bed, can the jizz swim up the girls leg smelling for the egg and swim towards it?

>jizz swim up the girls leg
>smelling for the egg
what the fuck am i reading?


>If I jizz in the bed and a girl lies on it, and there is water in the bed, can the jizz swim up the girls leg smelling for the egg and swim towards it?
If the water is slightly basic, I think between 7 and 8, the sperm can survive for days. Based on their movement of 4mm per minute and a calculated random (since they have 4 directions to swim in), the direction to the pussy is always wet and the woman not moving, it would take about an hour to reach the entry point of her vago.

Why the fuck are you jizzing on a wall


Sperm doesn't think.

neither do animals, but they still move strategically

check quads

>jizz on the wall

Maybe I am not asking it rightly:
I want to know how the sperm head knows where the egg is? Do they smell the egg or so they know the directions to the egg in the body?
They are the same way like tadpoles who are not yet fully born but don't think they don't know

Trail of a chemical flowing out with normal discharge during ovulation.

Like how ants use chemicals to trace a line to direct others.

How fucking high are you?


World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.

literally fake news site you retard

Microorganisms have their movement encoded throug evolution.
There are some reacting to temperature and some reacting to specific chemical elements. The process the later are orienting on is chemical potential. Their bodies react through chemical reactions on different molecule concentration.

good thing, I posted it as humor, because it is an eye catcher. Everyone interested in the thematic will see, that there are cases of pregnancy through public swimming ponds.

the random movements get longer when the sperm faces towards the signal, and it changes its direction less often.

If you get asked in a biology examn, say it exactly like i did, biologists like that.

Hi thanks
Everyone is posting chemotaxis and I have googled it

But I Googled it with sperm but it doesn't tell me he one answer:
How does the sperm know where the egg is? Does it smell it, or does it know the direction?
If then, it is in my hand , with it without water, or on the floor,how does it find the egg,or where does it think it is?

Why not jerk off in a tub of water with a girl across from you, will the sperm swim it's way to her vagina?

How does it know

I'm guessing it senses the hormones or chemicals that is coming off the vagina and will try to swim towards that direction

>op is clearly high off his ass

>my sides

No guessing faggot

this is a prime example of why children and/or retards shouldn't be allowed on the internet

Ok then you answer the question Dr. user

Here is the final answer the the questions posed in this thread:


Pure luck.
Again if the woman stays long enough in the water, she is in the right time of her period and the water has the right temperature and has the right ph level, she will get pregananant. Sperm behaves like any bacteria, just like it is. It is moving slowly in all directions and sooner or later get to the puss


But prove it to me


I hope you know the vid


So if she was in a tub of water with the right ph, the right temperature, and she is was at her peak of fertility, then I can get a girl pregnant without even putting it in? This is a huge advancement on science. I could a parent and virgin!!

You have that video on a webm user

This pic makes me horny

I have, but posting it on b would be retarded, no sound

You could also by simply ejaculating on her pussy or on toilet paper. Both are more lulzy with one night stands.

They follow a biochemical trail. To them it might as well be a light at the end of a tunnel. They always seek towards a fertile egg. Without the biochemical trail, they are aimless until it's found.

Do they smell the trail?

chemical compounds act sorta like a magnet. the sperm does not know where the egg is as it has no form of perception.

They sense it, without a doubt, but to what capacity we don't know. It's like asking how an ant "feels" about its queen ant. how the fuck should we know>. We just know the behavior we observe.

It does sense the chemical, so that's false. How it "perceives" it is a matter of debate and research, but there's no doubt that a sperm cell in the vicinity of a fertile egg will seek directly towards it.

It's honestly no different as to how your own internal workings of your individual cells operate. Do they know that they are sophisticated factories? Do they perceive each other? We can't say, but they certainly cooperate and work together in extremely complicated relationships.

>posted it in humor

So no one knows if they can smell?
That makes sense
But they can find it. Does the brain still small in the sperm before it grows in the egg?

You niggs are cracking me up with this thread.

U no thred ur own post, newfren.

i come from work and sit on the sofa with my laptop and my bf and open Sup Forums and the frist thing i see is this. me and my partner are laughing our heads off.
Thank you for making our night...... lol

And no.
Why are you alive?

>where does sperm thinks it's going
>kill all the sperms by squishing it
>swim inside a girls body
>jizz swim up the girls leg
>smelling for the egg
>They are the same way like tadpoles who are not yet fully born but don't think they don't know


This seems likes the most simplest explanation to me. If op still doesn't get it, he's either a child or a literal retard.

What brain idiot

this thread is gold

The sperms brain in thier head. It was that which is why I thought they could smell. Like the tadpole isn't fully formed but I has all the bits for the frog and then it grows for the tadpole to the frog and it has its legs and brain inside.
Also they smell for the water

this bait has gotten real bad by now. fuck off OP


>The sperms brain in thier head
ITT OP is a pro life fag working for CNN trying to get "detailed research" showing that life begins before conception

But the real question is how far does sperm get up youre ass before it dies?
and what exactly does it do when meeting an UBO (unidentified brown object)?

Include this post in the screenshot, 67 degrees turned

You're some special kind of retarded, aren't you, OP?

It is hard for humans to think about numbers. Basically there are hundred of millions of sperm. Just through pure chance some head in the correct direction. They may be helped along by the woman's body and ejaculation pushing them in the right direction.

But mainly, it is RNG. The chance for any individual sperm to make it is very low, but with several hundred million chances, one will eventually make it.

Nice digits

> jizz swims up the girls leg smelling for the egg

This. Confirmed Medfag here.

Holy fuck you kids are retarded. Also, don't worry, you'll never have to worry about such things.

What about another BESM (brown eye seeking missile)

So what happens whe 2 Jizzloads from 2 different Hosts meet eachother?
Will it be a Free for all Situation or will one side turn racist or something?
asking for a friend

Not OP

But what if you injected sperm into a girls vain can it make it to the pum pum.

top kek