What's the Five Guys of cinema?

What's the Five Guys of cinema?

The Expendables.


your mothers cunt

In n Out

Has anyone tried a whopperito?


Carl's Jr is DC

There needs to be like, 5x more fries to be accurate

The Usual Suspects

replace the lettuce and tomato with bacon and egg

I don't know but it would be pure kino

Great quality thread. I'm sure the janitor will stick his head in it and post a few meme replies too.

Bland and overpriced?

Burger threads are classic Sup Forums newfriend, there's much more worthy threads for you to rage over.

probably captain america civil war
>force fed an unnecessarily long thing in a short amount of time
>it was still pretty good
>great shame afterwards
>want to do it again

Baker's >>>>Five Guys

who is this woodwind wizardress?

So the janitors actually condone these off-topic shitposting threads? Who knew.

Is there anything worse than whiny >>Reddits who don't respect the existing board culture?

>isn't complicated or special but does what it does well
I'd definitely say tarantino, probably kill bill vol. 2 specifically

>my reddit and Sup Forums memes are classic Sup Forums because I want them to be

OK, if you say so, tourist.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4
Lone Ranger
John Carter
Ben Hur
Overpriced and bland.