Gender bs

around the time tumblr started


I'm triggered by the spacing on those axes.

You're a fucking disgrace to your people hans.

>what is a log scale

something different than the monstrosity in the OP

Name one rational argument against the acceptance of new genders.

> inb4 it's degenerate hurr
That's not an argument unless you can explain it further.

what's wrong with logarithmic scaling?

the y modifies the x

rarely does it not

those people are girls

It's based on subjective experience and not subject to independent verification thus making it not scientific and probably stupid. Kill yourself pangender hexiqueer

First, I said spacing not scaling, and second, that's not a log scale either. Kill yourself and take this faggot, uneven-graph-making, OP with you.

>that's not a log scale either.

what is it then you retard. its a semilog plog

why does gender need to be scientific? we have a word called "sex" to describe chromosomes

this is a log scale with log base 2

here you go autists

>> t = [-1500 2010 2016];
>> g = [2 2 1e9];
>> semilogy(t,g,'Linewidth',2)
>> grid minor; grid on
>> title('Genders that have existed over time');
>> ylabel('Genders');
>> xlabel('Year');

>demigender: An umbrella term for nonbinary gender identities that have a partial connection to a certain gender.

you cant tell me this is not bs

That's not a logarithmic scale, you mongoloid.

it is though

>A logarithmic scale is a nonlinear scale used when there is a large range of quantities
>It is based on orders of magnitude, rather than a standard linear scale, so each mark on the scale is the previous mark multiplied by a value.

ahh, that's the stuff


Sometimes I almost wish I was born in B.C. times.

Today, I stand in opposition to all this trans/multi-gender acceptance bullshit.

...but then I look back to my parents and grandparents and greatgrandparents and see them standing in opposition to gays or blacks or jews or women's rights. And I wouldn't stand by them today.

So WTF is happening to me? Is this what it feels like to become conservative?

look at the x axis, you fucking retard. It's not a log scale. It's a kid-with-a-piece-of-construction-paper-and-a-crayon-try-to-make-a-graph scale

Yeah basically. Liberals love degeneracy because degeneracy does not breed success and liberals are jealous of those who are successful.

>Name one rational argument against the acceptance of new genders.

They never shut the fuck out about it.

x axis isnt log scale, the y-axis is tho

You cannot biologically change your sex unless you alter your genetic code. You can alter your hormones artificially, but you will never naturally be a different gender. You were either born a man who did everything in their power to become a woman even through risky body dismemberment surgeries, or you were a woman who tries the same thing. Your DNA does not change so all you are at the end of hormone treatment or surgery is just a modified sex not a completely new one.


new genders are created everyday to make someone feel special about themselves. look i'm protrans peeps. i don't give a shit, if you feel like a girl, i don't care if you're not bothering me. My issue comes with super special snowflakes such as "etherea gender, or other kin" thinking you're the opposite gender is a legitimate disorder and it needs to be treated probably with hormone therapy, people legit suffer from this and they think just accepting it and getting your dick cut off is all it takes to make the feelings of unease go away. but thats neither here nor there. again super special snowflake syndrome is just children who need attention either because there parents never loved them or loved them too much. they need to be shut down and handled like the overgrown children they are.

On OP it's kid-with-a-piece-of-construction-paper-and-a-crayon-try-to-make-a-log-scale scale, and it has fucking infinity on it which is probably the worst part of all

It seems like it's Sup Forums that never shuts the fuck up about it tbqh family


>I look back to my parents and grandparents and greatgrandparents and see them standing in opposition to gays or blacks or jews or women's rights and realize how right they were

Saw that movie. Pretty cute. Not as realistic as they would have you believe though.

>Klinefelter syndrome or Klinefelter's syndrome also known as 47,XXY or XXY, is the set of symptoms that result from two or more X chromosomes in males.

Try again, professor.