What do suicidal shut-ins like pic related listen to?
What do suicidal shut-ins like pic related listen to?
Other urls found in this thread:
berlin school and kpop
>sufjan stevens
>Kero Kero Bonito when I think I can make it
>Black Metal when I losing my mind
Video game soundtracks
user talking about girls?
I used to listen to a lot of Car Seat Headrest in those days
Elliott Smith and Joy Division
Most of the shut ins I know don't take music seriously, and for the most part listen to anime/vidya OSTs or pleb shit
def not suicidal tho
Just give a 5 already faggot
>liking a every microsecond of an album
people do this?
bad bad bad
Either really angry stuff to let out frustrations or drone/ambient/lofi-chill-whatever to help with loneliness.
>pop music
No music makes any difference in my psyche. I want to die and nothing can change it.
haha this my nigha xd
They're touring again. I already saw them three times without killing myself
Unironically kill yourself
Sup Forumscore
Nothing when I'm hopeless. Merzbow when I need the stimulation. I'm going to kill myself sooner or later.
The Smiths
i like to listen to sonic youth's early dark stuff when i feel like that. Confusion Is Sex and Bad Moon Rising mostly
If you kill yourself, you won't be able to listen to Merzbow ever again
Hey don't push him over the edge
I'm a suicidal shutin and I listen to
>Obscure japanese music
>Anime OST
>Video Game OST
>Underground Hip-Hop
Talking Heads
Jethro Tull
Genres followed by a sample
J hardcore - youtube.com
J metal - youtube.com
J soft rock - youtube.com
J DNB - youtube.com
Orchestral - youtube.com
Post rock - youtube.com
Techno - youtube.com
Ambient/minimal - Ghost in the shell OST
Whatever these are - youtube.com
Not as much of a suicidal shut-in anymore, but harsh noise gives me constant chills.
Anything abrasive is really good, but full-on noise hits the spot perfectly t b h.
pop punk
I listen to shoegaze and gfunk
I'm not suicidal, but I'm a shut-in and I like Merzbow, Midori, and Swans.
>Pat The Bunny and Bomb the Music Industry! too, but that doesn't really seem to fit
suicidal shut-in here.
i listen to math rock a lot.
this is actually correct
t. me
I listen to only Elliott Smith. Most other music triggers me.
I cant say im very suicidal or a shut in anymore but
Mah nigga
>tfw some of his best songs like Stickman and Abused never got an official release because his step dad is a child molesting faggot
Got lazy and pasted the youtube search URL sorry
the same track over and over again
Abused, See You in Heaven, and True Love should easily have made that album. Basement could have been his best album if Charlie wasn't a molester.
>type beat
i like anything post punk and early industrial
black metal, dungeon synth, vaporwave, post punk, early industrial