The most disturbing and anormal shit that you've see

The most disturbing and anormal shit that you've see

what is that?




seen a larva type thing on my moms friends nipple. WAS sick as fuck.....kinda hot too.

Makeup to cause a phobia called tripophobia

a fukin peanutbutter or something of similar consistency and holes made with a match


peanut butter

thats fucking weird



It looks like demons and people with melting features and black eyes to me.

brain tries to combine those faces and you get monsters



is this a scene from 1985 Mask?

I really like this

Congratulations OC that is absolutely the wildest gif i ever fuckin seen

Others told me they look cartoonist versions of real people, do you see disturbing "demons" too?

literally years old


i would say mutants with deformed faces

I don't know, people tell me its from an art project.

I have seen other pictures from it, but the one I posted is my favourite.

Try a reverse image search.


Chiggers. Shit is gnarly, Google it and watch a couple videos.

I've been laughing at this all day

ur mom

Okay, similar in a sense.

As you said, it depends on your perceptions and memories.

the shining meh.

I win


welcome to the omternets


I like honeycomb cereal.

looks like the best HJ I ever had the slickm will stay on you hand instead of greasin the yam bad...oh I like that ...NEVERMIND



Why does everyone get creeped out by this? I honestly don't see the big deal behind it.

how in the hell did you pop all them blackheads?...kudo's

>more baby powder

Sitting in my room at 2 in the morning giggling like a school girl


I saw jesus no shit and he is white

No cat should be this sad


Harlequin baby

funny to me they look like the really extreme cartoons but like exaggerated twice or three times

nothing scary at all

Cominz' to playz!

her evil
see mom evil


A reflection of the inner mind perhaps...

I must be filled with demons...


This was harlequin itchtyosis, right?

>Red touches yellow
That thing just killed an actual fucking coral snake

Looks like this lil nigga right here


Harlequin syndrome.

type "harlequin fetus adult" in google images , some of those mutants survive and their skin is literally armored


You may actually have autism if you pop a blackhead and it ends up looking like any one of those holes


Holy shit, that pineal gland.

yeah, no. not gonna


I wonder where in the world it is, and its size.

Xavier, Renegade Angel prequel anyone?

This motherfucker can count in hexidecimal on his toes.

My eyes hurt after this gif

That's definitely not what this is.


TFW you wake up and there are a few dozen of those spiders on your bed.

Lower half is good though


>Coral snake
Has to either be NA or somewhere in Asia.

they gonna get you , keep in mind theyre harder to kill than humans


>takes a pic next to a public toilet like the vagrant turd she is


Yeah, maybe that desert north of the himalayas...

Vag mouth


Witchcrafy, heresy, and mutation...

Girl was ready for doggy style 24-7


nice ants pic

Is that peanut butter?



No you didnt. You saw that video on youtube you lying piece of nigger shit.

>well 9 screws sort of fell in doc




hide some old school 4th of july snakes under some shaved match heads for 800 alex?

I am strangely jealous.


Looks like brain just makes a mirror image down the middle of the face to save energy or sumn

Actually his gf did it while he was passed out drunk for cheating.
