Was Hitler smarter than Jefferson?

How can separation of Church as State defend society against subversion, demoralization, and degeneracy? As we learned from Yuri Bezmenov, the Left's tactics are specifically designed to take advantage of "open societies". George Soros even named his subversion organization "The Open Society Foundation", and it specializes in overthrowing governments and steering elections. Did Hitler create a better system, one that couldn't be subverted from within, by asserting that the State must defend the centrality of Christianity? Is that why it had to be destroyed, because they created a system immune to the Left (Secular Judaism)?

>Yuri Bezmenov:
>Germany was racist evil?
>Positive Christianity in Germany:
>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany

Other urls found in this thread:


The STATES (plural) DID defend the centrality of Christianity in America. the US was never meant to be a single nation state but a confederacy, and most individual states had laws enshrining Christianity (or even just Protestantism) as the standard, even forbidding non Christians from holding office. (see the Mass. state constitution).

The Establishment clause is only to stop the federal government from enforcing a religion (which they absolutely do now, it's leftism).

but it didn't prohibit the states from doing so at all until the civil war happened and the US's original founding principles completely destroyed

The US has to fall and break up into smaller nations for anything you say to ever work.

That's why Trump is a fool's game. american "nationalism" is a farce, and we need someone so bad that the nation falls apart if we want any of the leftist regime to end

>we need someone so bad that the nation falls apart if we want any of the leftist regime to end
sounds like trump desu

i think he knows this too

nah, despite what the liberal media says trump isn't that extreme enough in either direction to cause the US to collapse. Neither is Hillary.

now a Trump assassination, that could cause a happening

>The STATES (plural) DID defend the centrality of Christianity in America
But it was never enshrined in law, certainly not at a meaningful level. Also, the independence of each state meant that federalism was inevitable, the civil war was inevitable, and with it, the destruction of the values the constitution was supposed to protect at the outset. Unless the values of the country are ENSHRINED explicitly in a strong central government, the process of state independence was only going to be a process of destroying BOTH independence AND the values of the federal government. Both Federalist and anti-federalist ideas were a farce, bound to be subverted. Slavery was a part of that subversion.

>Slavery was a part of that subversion.
Just as the importation of blacks to the Rhineland was meant to be subversive; it was the destruction of both Germans and Blacks.

honestly, the most damaging thing was inviting EUROPEAN (not black) immigrants to the US.

Italians, Irish and of course Jews were never intended to even come to the US. They were rightfully discriminated against.

I'm saying this as a descendent of Italian and Irish immigrants myself. I don't deserve to be American, and the my ancestors made a huge mistake by being sucked into Mystery Babylon and abandoning their real culture

"White" was subversion.

because there is no real culture in America, at least not since the anglo founding culture died out in the mid 1800s.

"white nationalism" is a farce in America because there's no nation left. "White" isn't even a culture, it's a label that the enemy made up to give us a false utopia like 50's suburbia

and I should add, I'm also 1/4 Jewish myself. I'm an abomination that shouldn't have ever been born. That's what America creates.

>Was Hitler smarter than Jefferson?

Jefferson was a masonic tool, parroting what his grandmasters taught him

Of course Hitler is smarter than Jefferson.

imo there's only one "nation" within this country that's doing something good, the Amish.

They opted out of America, our wars,of the "english" system, the technology that America and England invented (which is really a massive root of most modern degeneracy), and even the language.

For the Americans; Which do you prefer? Federalist Hamilton or Jefferson?

What do you think of all the sleaziness those two threw against each other?

both shit, as were the loyalists (it's not like Britain wasn't also controlled by the Rothschilds)

>I'm an abomination that shouldn't have ever been born.
If you recognize the evil that we speak of, that isn't true. I know the shitheads that learn to be kike puppets will say that to you, but your Aryanism shines through. It's cultural, not based in blood; blood is what the Jew worships, even while he aims to subvert it. Not the Aryan, who knows that his soul makes him what he is.

>State must defend the centrality of Christianity

Only if you want a cucked state.

if religion is required to "defend society against subversion, demoralization and degeneracy" then what causes for the society to "degenerate" in the first place?
could it be your precious free market economy?

>says christianity makes you a cucked state
>russian flag
Shut the fuck up proxy kike


>what causes for the society to "degenerate" in the first place?
Glad you asked.

>It is [the Jewish-controlled political press] which attacks anything that might support national independence, cultural values, and economic self-reliance using an absolutely fanatical war of slander. It pounds away with particular hostility at all those honorable characters who will not bend to the Jewish assumption that they should be dominated, or at those whose naturally inspired ability could threaten the Jew.

>In order to be hated by the Jew, it is not necessary to challenge him. The mere suspicion that a man might someday stumble on the idea of opposition, or because of his superior genius, he might add to the strength and greatness of a nation which the Jew finds hostile, is enough for the Jew to act against him.

>The Jew has a reliable instinct in such matters which will always sense the innermost thoughts of those he deals with. His hostility toward anyone who does not share his thoughts, anyone he does not consider a kindred spirit, will flare, and they will be judged as his enemy. Since the Jew is not the victim but the aggressor, he sees his enemy not only in the man who attacks, but also in any man who is capable of resisting him. The methods that he attempts to use to break down such bold, but respectable souls are not the methods one would consider part of honorable battle. His choice of weapons are lying and slander.
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf


Wiser, maybe. Jefferson was very idealistic. He wanted the United States to have jubilees.

Naive idealism is a very Aryan trait.

>what causes for the society to "degenerate" in the first place?



>what causes women to degenerate
Weak men.

Fuck off, femishit.

It's really that simple. Feminism, Jew press etc. ls ALL the result of the industrial revolution.

Machines led to idleness and removal of the PHYSICAL limitations of degeneracy. When you have to work the land for your own survival you have no time to do all this shit


>>what makes men weak

the Victorian era was part of the problem though, because it promoted "romantic love" and destroyed the institution of arranged marriage and the notion that marriage is not for love but a contract to have a family.

Not to mention that it was the leading power in forcing industrialzation on the rest of the world. Look up the Enclosure Acts.

Because I want to live in an open society that holds liberty and truth as it's highest virtues, not one where the gov has absolute power.

Are men not the heads of the household and state, just as God is the sovereign of humanity?
Just as a swamp has mosquitos, a nation has the Jews, Feminists, and subversives that it deserves. Nations are founded by, and ultimately LOST by MEN.

Men invent society, they create it, not women. Women are elevated during a scoiety in DECLINE, but that decline begins with men. A fish rots from the head FIRST. So unless you're some fedora tipping fag, or some beta cuck who thinks women ever had the power to single-handedly take away the power of men, not sure what sense it makes to try calling me a "feminist". Perhaps you're just too stupid to understand what any of these words mean?

ultimately men did themselves in by inventing too much technology to do the work for them, and thus the masses became lazy and forgot what it means to actually earn a living by hard labor.

What liberty or truth is preserved by a society that is defenseless? You want a computer with no firewalls or anti-virus, while you download porn. Maybe you deserve a computer that stops working one day.

Can you even imagine the world being as degenerate as it is if electricity was never invented?

how about if the PC and internet were never invented?

Hell, without easy mass transportation we'd still have nation states, communities and mass immigration would be impossible

>Are men not the heads of the household and state

No, they are not. Women are the majority of the electorate hence it's women who control the government.

>decline begins with men

So you double down on your attack on men, femishit.

Why is it so tempting to blame women, technology, all the things we need in proper order to be strong, when the answer it constantly beating us in the face, and its not the fruits of our genius, or the beauty of our race?

The Eternal Enemy is standing there, still holding the knife in our backs, while we pretend it was someone else.

So, I argue men are the only one's with the power or intelligence to create and preserve society, that women are not strong enough to take it without men HANDING CONTROL TO THEM, and you're arguing I'm a feminist?
>not arguing equality
>arguing FOR patriarchy as survival
None of this even makes sense, what the fuck kind of feminism are you talking about?

Men handed women too much power the moment that arranged marriage was abandoned for delusions of romantic love.

Yes, and western europeans were particularly vulnerable because we made romantic love an ideal. We abandoned the wisdom of our ancestors. We became gynocentric, and eventually, embraced a foolish egalitarianism that denies nature and God.

>what the fuck kind of feminism are you talking about?

If you aren't a feminist then stop using the same accusations and shaming tactics like feminists.

What would those arguments be?
I know I share no premises in common with feminists, so what makes any I say "sound" like their arguments, if you understand I don't start with the same premises or draw the same conclusions? I have the opposite logic as a feminist, so make sense quick or I'm not going to waste my time on nonsense.

the state taking away the freedom of its citizens is a core issue. without separation between church and state, people don't have a right to be able to think for themselves. you want to give the state the power to decide your religious beliefs?

>says my tone sounds feminist
>tone arguments
>feminists don't use tone arguments

he said your argument tactic were those that feminists use, not your tone. misrepresenting what he said is also a feminist argument tactic

Hitler didn't punish people for their personal faith.

the videos say he promoted Christianity and prevented anti-Christian propaganda, but nowhere did he persecute people with other religious views.

are you being sarcastic or something? nazi germany was anti christian

>he said your argument tactic were those that feminists use
No, no, no. Accusing me of "shaming tactics" is a projection on his part; he FEELS SHAME when anyone says men are responsible for society. That's not a feminist argument, but he feels shame, so he argues
>if you make me feel shame, you're a feminist
But a feminist has specific beliefs and premises. It's a tone argument because I "sound like" a feminist, and make him FEEL shame. It's obvious bullshit, and so is your defense of it.

Look, it's an undeniable fact that a scoiety without patriarchy is vulnerable to subversion.
A feminist doesn't support patriarchy
A feminist denies sexual dimorphism, both anatomically, behaviorally, and socially
A feminist is an egalitarian, I am not
The only argument you shills have is "YOU SOUND LIKE A FEMINIST", etc
Sorry faggots, but your fucking beta feels aren't my fucking problem. Cowardly fucks.

the funniest thing about people like that guy is that "betas" benefitted the most from patriarchy since you didn't have to be the perfect "chad" to get a wife, you would just get someone on your level physically and socially.

Playing dumb now, eh? Acuusing men of being weaklings, accusing men of being the source of decline.

I have totally nothing in common with feminists, I swear. But it's all men's fault and we shouldn't blame women.

>How can separation of Church as State defend society against subversion, demoralization, and degeneracy?
I guess that is why the two states with the most ecclesiastical influence in Europe each collapsed to popular revolutions. The Ancien Regime of France and the Russian Empire both had the church heavily influence the state, yet both of those countries completely fell to revolutionaries and had the powers of the church in the state utterly crippled. Apparently church having a massive influence on the state didn't prevent left wing revolutionaries from overthrowing the French and Russian governments.

Different men for different times. Separation of church and state is an ideal and a luxury that was available back when Jefferson was alive. By the time Hitler came about the world was so interconnected as to make subversion of a countries principles not only possible but quite easy.

Hitler's system could be taken over just as much as any other, just imagine if the kikes and commies hijacked Germany. It would be USSR 2.0

Democracy is the way to go, we just have to use the second advice Jefferson left us. The one about watering the plants

>playing dumb now
YOU ARE WEAK IF WOMEN HAVE POWER YOU FUCKING RETARD. Men like you are exactly why we're so fucked. Any puge should start with the most retarded fucks we can find, and that's you, you whiny fucking bitches. YOU'RE WORSE THANA FUCKING WOMAN, YOU'RE KEKED BY WOMEN. Fucking omega cucked pussy trash. Not even a fucking man, just a fucking clone of feminists.


more importantly limit voting rights

I agree with that, if we had IQ tests and eliminated known criminals from the voting pool, we would be so much better off.

Instead, every single SJW that can't even do basic math(Because 2+2=4 is racist, it should be 5 or 6 inb4 common core) can vote on whoever they want to

Quarter Jew, listen to user, not the midget Andrew Anglin who is such a pussy he fled to some jungle. Plenty of halves and quarters severed Hitler with honor and were awarded the Iron Cross. So the neo-Nazi degenerates are just poison for all of us.

Besides, there has been such a degree of intermittent intermarriage that you probably are more European than you think, for what it's worth. I live in NJ and while there are your classic stereotypes, there are plenty of rather Aryan looking (partial) Jews. So just tell the trouble makers who amount to nothing productive and cannot maintain even a modest job to fuck off.


What is it like being weak?

What we have to understand first of all, is that the problem under discussion is complicated by something our well-intentioned “conservatives” do not comprehend, in spite of all their denouncing and condemning of secularism. It is the fact of the very real connection between secularism—its origin and its development—and Christianity. Secularism—we must again and again stress this—is a “stepchild” of Christianity, as are, in the last analysis, all secular ideologies which today dominate the world—not, as is claimed by the Western apostles of a Christian acceptance of secularism, a legitimate child, but a heresy. Heresy, however, is always the distortion, the exaggeration, and therefore the mutilation of something true, the affirmation of one “choice” (aizesis means choice in Greek), one element at the expense of the others, the breaking up of the catholicity of Truth. But then heresy is also always a question addressed to the Church, and which requires, in order to be answered, an effort of Christian thought and conscience. To condemn heresy is relatively easy. What is much more difficult is to detect the question it implies, and to give this question an adequate answer. Such, however, was always the Church’s dealing with “heresies”—they always provoked an effort of creativity within the church so that the condemnation became ultimately a widening and deepening of Christian faith itself. To fight Arianism St. Athanasius advocated the term consubstantial, which earlier, and within a different theological context, was condemned as heretical. Because of this he was violently opposed, not only by Arians but by “conservatives,” who saw in him an innovator and a “modernist.” Ultimately, however, it became clear that it was he who saved Orthodoxy, and that the blind “conservatives” consciously or unconsciously helped the Arians." - Fr. Alexander Schemann (Dean of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary)

Cherry picked examples aside, did Christianity in the west improve or decline after the emergence of securalism? Does secularism prevent subversion, yes or no?

If not, what alternative do you offer. Be specific.

>Does secularism prevent subversion, yes or no?
Of course not. If it did the Kingdom of France and the Russian Empire never would have fallen to revolutionaries.

Classical Liberalism is the first stage of Jewish Communism

Ghetto culture, and extreme leftism are reasons why there's degnerates in USA.