Hello. Rate how i look and guess what country i am from

Hello. Rate how i look and guess what country i am from.


4/10, some rural balkan country

Nice one... you fucking hacker.

10/10 romania or poland

Eastern Europe somewhere


It was easy really

Polish people are the only ones with perfect rectangular heads

Do i look like White European Race ?

Son of Kimmo Alm

You look like you want to kill yourself 24/7.

Holy shit you're weird looking

You'd look more normal if you were surrounded by trees

Somebody needs to return you to the sasquatch parents your mother stole you from

You look like an early prototype of a human being, like a giant mangled sack of bones but without the finer details like pigment and self respect.

You look like frankenstein's monster if frankenstein's monster was made entirely out of dead dicks.

What's the name of that place where all those monsters in monsters Inc. live?



You look like an epileptic picasso painting. I can't see it but I'm sure you're ashamed to call that mangled coat hanger excuse of an abortion your body

Nice pasta, now go cuddle with mom

Nice troll

spergistan ?

4/10 from Minecraft.

How did this guy even take the picture his thumb and index finger are gripping the sides of the phone

Yeah good question. It takes some time to take a picture on my phone after clicking a button.

camera button on the die of the phone you fuckwit?

hello unholy quads

why do u want men to rate u? are u gay?

Nope. I'm not a faggot.