Things you can say about your video game console, but not your girlfriend

Things you can say about your video game console, but not your girlfriend.

I have a video game console

Boy, this thing has a lot of memory

Keeps getting real hot and going down on me.

So what if its 11 years old!


4 people can use it at the same time

It never works, I have to input everything

oh, that was easy to turn on

I can play with it whenever I want.

I wish this piece of shit would work



Wow! This only costs $60 a year.

I'm bored
Time to get some new content

Oh boy, there's a mute button.

I don't have a console

i need to blow her to get her working

that has a shiny box

Next year I'm totally upgrading to the new model for better graphics and an overall more enjoyable experience.

Its black

i had to line up for hours to get one

So light I can carry it around.

i lent it to a friend

I'm taking this back to the store.

I would like a system that's a bit younger.

The stick is kinda stiff

I could play with this for hours.

I feel a sense of satisfaction when I beat things on it.

Nvm. This applies to both.

When do you handfuckers go back to school????

i can turn it off when it over heats and stops working

I feel satisfied after playing with you.

Some of them stop being fun before I beat them.

The piece of shit is too big and hardly even runs anymore.

Lol fag

It came with a 3 year warranty