I let my brother fuck my girlfriend. what are your thoughts?

I let my brother fuck my girlfriend. what are your thoughts?

Younger or older?

I'm 25 he is 23

Did you at least participate?

Congrats on your upcoming nephewson.

Yeah I do

When did you discover you were a cuck

Long time ago


The only person I trust

You're a good brother. And she's a disgusting whore.

Your dam right

My brother's a manlet, I'd want to be cucked by someone tall and packing.

We both are (No homo)

i don't care

Your brother let you fuck his bitch

So how did it all start

Got any more pictures or videos?

Thought this was a picture of a foot

Just came out and ask him

How many times do think you say the word cuck in a given day? 100?

more pics?

least degenerate form of cuck

WTF is that a picture of?

Do you worry youll regret it?

Its a mentality i can't quite understand. I don't judge others for it, i just don't understand how the thought of someone else fucking your girl whilst she's your girlfriend doesn't make you angry.