Best way to learn music theory? do i even need it/is it worth it?

best way to learn music theory? do i even need it/is it worth it?

> do i even need it/is it worth it?

Yep **flies away**

Music theory is for nerds

best way is to go to university.

or look at the Sup Forums sticky. There is a good site there - music theory for musicians and normal people or something.

>do i even need it/is it worth it?
only if you want to understand music. Its mostly useful if you want to be a composer or a high-tier songwriter.

>do i even need it/is it worth it?

absolutely not, please don't fall in that trap.
music is about sounds not stupid notes and technicism.

That's the most autistic post i've seen today

Knowing music theory makes music in general more fun, it's great listening to songs and looking at the melodies and how they relate to the chords, plus it makes songwriting easier.

It is if you wanna write FAST, i.e. composing sheet music for a full orchestra, yes its needed.

Its not if you can fiddle your way to your desired goal, i.e. trial & error until you find the melody or chords you feel "fit". Its way more excruciating and takes longer.

Feel solace in the fact that good / cool music can be written without any theory.

Theory is just the ultimate shortcut, really. If you wanna get good at music you could do it a lot by trial and error, or read on the description of things and why they sound.

Theoretically you could do "oh, press this, this and this" without knowing any of the keys in a piano and it will sound nice, but in reality it's just an A chord and knowing that will help.

Also it's descriptive, not prescriptive. Every damn song has music theory.

ITT: A bunch of people who think that music theory is prescriptive rather than descriptive and don't actually play an instrument.

No shit, you can enjoy life without knowing quantum physics.

Same with music.

But you'll die less an idiot if you understand it.

how so? as long as something sounds good does it need to be about the science behind the music?

I refuse to believe this isn't ironic.

One was forced by his parents to learn music at a young age, other one makes music on garageband


had more fun learning without but if you're really serious about it go to school


>One was forced by his parents to learn music at a young age, other one makes music on garageband
What are you even talking about?

music theory is important, don't get me wrong, but i've learned 5 instruments without it. it sure as hell made it a lot harder, and i do recommend learning music theory to avoid that struggle, but if you're like me and you literally cant understand it for your life, go on ahead and learn an instrument without it. :^) hope i could have helped in some way hahah, have a good one m8!

first thing to learn:
don't listen to anything from anyone here.

music taste is subjective
if it sounds good it sounds good

Learn how to differentiate concepts of Description/Prescription method

also this

On the contrary, I feel like music theory helped with learning to play new instruments. Like when I bought a mandolin, I had never played one before, but I was able to learn to play it in just a day because I already knew my scales and stuff, so working out the instrument's chords and scales was easy because I would be thinking things like "well this string is tuned to G, this one is tuned to D, so the notes for this chord would obviously be this, etc". I've heard a lot of people say that music theory made things more difficult for them, but I guess it depends on how you learn it and how well you understand it.

it's not ironic, it's the actual truth that everyone thinks.
fuck off with your academic bullshit

>it's not ironic, it's the actual truth that everyone thinks.
Great sentence structure right there buddy. Figures you don't want anything to do with big scary words.
>fuck off with your academic bullshit
Like clockwork. Just stop embarassing yourself if you're capable of doing so.