Russian user reporting in. Ask your questions

Russian user reporting in. Ask your questions.
Also no politics and other shit, I will ignore this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Russians are subhuman.

Haхyй иди, пидp

meh, i like chechens better

What is an average day for a russian?

This is understandable, say something new.
Fuck you

In most cases, the same as you.

Is the adidas tracksuit russian a meme or do people actually wear them?

My day begins with a strong dick Chechen in my mouth

Russia's gonna be torn apart and annexed by China, etc.

Do you currently or have owned a tracksuit in the past week?

Previously, they were worn everywhere, now it is a relic of zero culture.

Where's a good online community to learn Russian?

Of course!
> good online community
There is no such.

The poor population of Russia (40-60% of the total population) wears "sportivki" every day

A нy чики-бpики и в дaмки

What are some of the most widely know/believed urban myth and such in Russia?

Hi i like russia


What do you think of the russian guy that got his ass kicked in mexico because he wouldnt shut up?

Hmm ... That's a good question. Only the abandoned Khovriv hospital comes to my mind, I'm not interested in it. (

We do not care about him.

How good is a ruble now?

What's avoid, traditional Russian recipe for when you have guests?

Is dead.

Interesting, most I ever see with things of urban myth and such nature coming out of Russia is muntants/weird scientific experiments on humans.

Now I was also interested. Give a link.

Is the Slav squat a natural occurrence that you regularly see there?

Schemes towards leeching as much monies as one filthy Russian can, from nice hard-working Europeans. That's it, garbage does what garbage does.

Now this is no longer common. This is also a relic of the past, like the adidas, of which I spoke above.

Is this real?

What does drug-resistant tuberculosis feel like? And why do you keep spreading that shit all over the world?

Yes. Not an anthropoid robot, of course, but in general yes - such experiments were conducted. A lot of Russians know about them.

Why do you need roids to win anything sports-wise? Garbage genetics?

Any ever successful?

The image at the top is real. The rest is sadly fake.

I can not say for sure.
> Garbage genetics

Ask more, my English-speaking user. Soon I'll go to bed.

Why does Putin love Assad so much? Is he an arab lover? KEK

Is it hard to break the anti-theft locks on sausages?

What is the most fucked up experiment you know of? This shit is so interesting to me.

No politics, you idiot.

Monkey semen injected into human females.

Gimme a good USA joke, cumrad

not the russian, but it has to do with russia having a monopoly of natural gas for the eu, and assad being against running a pipeline through Syria.

Seriously, besides politics. Why is he in love with sandniggers?

Holy shit. Did that work?

Nope. Or, who knows? KEK

I have a Russian hooker I'm banging on the regular. Any tips on how I can impress her so I can make her like me and maybe get the fucc for free?

A nation, whom will never EVER let their fails show.. They macho, stupid macho.

Not the robot, but there was one successful dog-to-dog head transplant; but the body rejected the head after a couple days or some shit.

Chuck Norris's pubes in....
John Wick 3

To be honest, I can not help you much here, but I can give you a link to a guy who climbs on Russian abandoned objects. True, he is Russian-speaking, of course, but you can include English subtitles below. In any case, this is the closest thing to your topic.
Yes, it was the same. Google it, if you do not believe it.

+ a couple of oligarchs slapping their cocks in old Putins face.

Are traps gay?

Indeed, actual medical breakthrough. An Italian neurosurgeon is about to try this out on an actual human being soon.

I sleep, all good night. Thanks for the interesting thread!

Уёбки, я знaю вы тoжe здecь cидитe. He ввoдитe инocтpaнных aнoнoв в зaблyждeниe cвoeй хyйнёй, oтвeчaйтe нa вoпpocычecтнo и paзвёpнyтo. He пoзopьтe нac, блять.

are most russian teen girls bullies

Thanks for the info my Russian friend.

And a chink, dude sounds like a mad scientist but hey; if the person's willing to get de and recapitated why not.


First i must make of get up from mud. within one hour i must be drink of alcohol or i die

>full-body transplant

How bad are Russian women drivers?

>Garbage genetics.
>Retarded upbringing.
Choose whatever you like.

Is the Russian language worth learning? It seems like the only good websites these days are in Russian.

Are there any parts of Russia that aren't shit?

Vodka or death, Rushki way.

>Is the Russian language worth learning?
>Are there any parts of Russia that aren't shit?

Objectively speaking, what is the state of Russia for normal Russians? How are the services, education, access to information an quality of life there?

>An Italian neurosurgeon
this should go well


In Russia, vodka drinks you.

If he can stack pills fast enough, no problemo.

Sorry Russian user had to go afk for a bit. But many talk about mutants in relation to Chernobyl and things such as

>Alcoholism and starvation.

Geographically challenged much?

How did you feel about the 1980 Olympics?

Read somewhere that poor people started to drink perfume or some shit to get drunk; but the additive was toxic and there started to be a bunch of deaths/poisonings.

Also read up on krokodil or whatever (crocodile drug). Cheap heroine made from eye drops and other shit, more addictive and gives massive gangrene if you miss the vein.

much disease and plagues, many peoples are crawl in dirt look for food, many childs are crush by truck

In Russia steroids use you.

Krokodil is garbage chemicals, that kinda act like opiates.

It caused AIDS

>Russian user
>no politics
>[no] other shit
What's left, tovarishch?

on a non political view:

do you think you could beat him 1v1 ?

Why are there so many pretty Russians?

Plastic surgery

from my research involving purely Russian dash cam and road rage videos on YT, life in Russia seems generally okay, except for huge amount of thugs, drunks, and inept or corrupt govt workers.

Why do you use the colors of Chile's flag?

>pretty Russians?
You're joking, right?

How can i fuck a russian qt?

Instead of vr what other options i have?

Google or Yandex?
Gogol sounds more Russian.

First, you will need to find a Russian prostitute. Luckily for you, that is 50% of the Russian population.

cannot post pic don't know why
putin 1v1 you think you can beat him ?

so hows your day? I was drunk, in Podolsk


>put bepis on her cat

Also France. Laziness + too much vodka.


Why russians are so good at hacking while ussr sucked balls at computer science and was far behind murica?

Tetris nice, no?