Can someone explain the Alt Right meme to me?
Can someone explain the Alt Right meme to me?
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It's just a group of white teens who are upset because Tyrone is banging their dream girl.
I dont fucking know who the rest of these are and I don't use reddit but
Fucking reeeee
Why is it being pushed so hard on Sup Forums, though? Milo is the antithesis of what Sup Forums once stood for yet if you ever speak of him badly now at least 3 separate shills will try to convince you that he is "based"
Jesus these people are cancerous. Controlled opposition is real.
>anyone who says things against tumblrtards and sjw's is "alt-right"
I hate this society.
Gavin and Crowder are the only two people on that list I know. I know Crowder through Gavin and I only know Gavin because of Anthony Cumia
Ask the onion left, they created alt right.
The anti-SJW zeitgeist is pumping out godawful youtubers like Sargon and Crowder and hordes of other no-names trying to cash in on Jewtube-bucks.
Milo (and formerly Benji) are good rhetoricians, and great for spreading at normies since they have left-wing plot-armor.
Milo is, however, a degenerate kike and a tool, which we must never forget.
This network provides cover for white-nationalist meme-magic to grow in strength, while a general sense of nationalism spreads
>Whites are becoming a minority in their own homelands
>You're just sexually frustrated White teens LMAO
Milo is alright because he doesn't speak out against core values of the alt-right.
Sargon is a literal cuckold (in the sense that he can use the phrase "my wife's child"), he also argues against the concept of "white genocide," and seems completely blind to the displacement of whites.
Reddit is cancer, a pro Trump board doesn't change that.
I'm personally split on Gavin, so I won't say much either way.
I can't speak about Ghost, I'm firmly in the center on economics, so I don't tune in. If I wanted to hear about the joys of unrestrained capitalism, I'd listen to Friedman
Conservative millenials. Not that hard to understand. You people smart enough to not fall for the liberal progressive agenda
Its a pressure valve created by the kikes in an attempt to shut down nationalist revolution.
>wow goyim! Look how ridiculous these sjws are! These people are your enemy, not your banker overlords. Being moderate is the only way to create change.
There's more to it than that. The alt-right consists, mostly, of younger Right-Wingers, but it's not specifically "conservative."
Let me put it this way, libertarians who use the term "regressive left" probably aren't on the alt-right. People who ignore race, but like free markets and freedoms aren't on the "alt-right."
Literally none of these people are alt-right.
>alt right intellectuals
>Explain alt right
Sargon isn't even right wing faggot
>ITT: Sup Forumstards who will never be happy
You're all a bunch of autist, you'll never have someone saying all the things you want to agree with like a fucking sperg because no one will take them seriously.
If someone just runs and starts screaming "ITS DA KIKES, HANG ALL NIGGERS" he'll get shit down immediately and buried. This is why the kikes always beat you faggots, while you want to goosestep like the loser Reich you glorify so much the kikes will subvert your efforts like they always do.
Quit acting like a bunch of autist when someone doesn't say something exactly how you want to hear, yea they're a bunch of millenial conservatives but its start .
Beat the kikes at their own game
Enjoy your poofter, wog, nigger fucking leader then, senpai.
t. milo
I completely agree with you, but let's not pretend that this applies to Sarcuck.
fuck off RamZ
I'm stunned he's resurfacing at all
People keep saying that Sargon is a cuck. Isn't his son his own son?
Crowder isn't a nonamer, he was on Fox and hosts an actual radio show. And to top it off he isn't alt-Right, he is a deadset conservative through and through.
Neoreaction for dumb people.
I know that, read more clearly.
Crowder is, however, cringeworthy as fuck.
crowder's anti trump. he's neocon, not alt right
>Can someone explain the Alt Right meme to me?
The left made it up to lump all disagreement to the SJW takeover in the "crazy nazis" category.
Stupid cucks bought into the label and now self-identify so they can readily be dismissed. Good job, tards.
>louder with crowder is alt right
I think he has a child by his wife, but he also has a step child. So make of that what you will.
Oh, please, RamZ is far more valuable than shills like Anglin or weev.
I'd say Ghost is the only one who's genuinely for Trump.
Crowder is a fucking hack comedian cùckservative who unironically likes Cruz and dislikes Trump.
Sargon is a liberal Europoor.
Gavin is alright, though I think he's more into Trump for culture reasons. Same goes for Milo.
r/The_Donald is alright because it's a nice organization of Trump news.
right wing version of pic related
What is your fucking problem Mohammed
A poor attempt at dividing a party.
>fiscally left Sargon of Akkad
>conservative Cruz supporter Steven Crowder
>"alt right"
It's the reaction to the recent embrace of intersectional leftism.
Literally nazi tumblr lel
I'd tell you to enjoy always being some outcast because you canmt get your points across without being a sperg but its fucker like you who ruin the efforts of people who try to red pill the masses by sperging out and giving the libs and kikes ammo to descredit us.
baby steps, guys
the alt-right is a baby step in the right direction. Do you seriously think the neocons or democrats could get you any closer to the America of your dreams?
Will someone please explain what is wrong with alt right? Nationalism and anti immigration sounds pretty good to me.
sargon the pootin cuck
fucking nigger
it's not what we wish for in general, but It's all what we need during these times right now
People who shill against the alt-right are just assblasted libertarians.
The concept of nationalism is alien to them.
The alt right mocks Sargon, Crowder, and Milo.
The alt right is full of fashy goys, monarchists and anti-Enlightenment reactionaries, not bourgeois conservatives.
dark enlightenment for faggots
They're just bullies who are tired of being bullied.
These poser faggots are not the alt right, #frogtwitter and gay racist bodybuilders are the actual alt right.
Shouldn't you be spamming "le ghost generals", my man?
Baneposting NEETs and fascist bodybuilders are the core, true.
Getting real tired of Sup Forums being full of low test normies that think living in houses is a good idea
Those are all liberals.
Sargon Of Akkad isn't alt right though, he's a self confirmed liberal...
Sargon pls leave
The Jews are scapegoating the SjW's and Feminists (mostly 16 year old girls who don't know better), and """"alt-right"""" autists will fall for it everytime.
>Steven Crowder
That's a fat no.
So basically the conservatives that are influential with the new generation are a gay man sleeping with black men, the founder of Vice who shows his asshole on the Internet, random guys with weird nicknames posting Youtube videos...