Please for the love of God; stop making these fucking movies.
I just saw Civil War and its the worst dogshit I have ever seen.
Please for the love of God; stop making these fucking movies.
I just saw Civil War and its the worst dogshit I have ever seen.
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you'll watch the next one, too, and complain
The oversaturation is getting to be too much, even though I like some capeshit
Don't worry, like all trends, the ship will crash.
No- I didnt watch all of these trash movies. My girlfriend wanted to watch it and we had to turn it off after Spiderman came on screen
>dr. strange
how can they afford to keep making this trash?
dont most of us pirate this shit?
Well then don't watch the next one then instead of complaining on a mongolian basket weaving forum
No most people actually go out and pay to see them on the big screen
So you like capeshit, do you? Well, HAVE ALL THE CAPESHIT IN THE WORLD
>70% water
>Stop making this highly profitable movies enjoyed by many because I personally don't like them
You went full autismo.
Jesus christ
Enjoyed by millenial shitheads and fake gamer girls
But Civil War was pretty fun.
Sure shit plot and Iron Man is the biggest retard of the Marvel universe but the movie was enjoyable.
Cucks too.
>not thinking triple kicks are awesome
do you people enjoy ANYTHING
agreed, i really don't get how plebs aren't getting sick of them
then again they just casually watch movies so don't realize how shit they are.
>watches it anyway
How about just not watching them in future and leaving them to people who enjoy them? Holy autism batman
How old are you?
>complaining about anti art trash like videogames
probably under 20
All you have to do is stop watching them, it ain't that fucking hard. Are you a incapable of that you autistic faggot
>dude just stop watching lmao
>who cares about the noxious effect it's having on people's standards and cinema as a whole
What are your top 5 or 10 films of 2016 so far?
i'll tell you tomorrow
>decide to marathon a film
>check torrent site, hmm top 50 lets see
>literally all capeshit
Kill yourselves
>the worst dogshit I have ever seen
Civil War, Civil War, Civil War, Civil War, and CIVIL FUCKING WAR, BROOBRUH
>tfw I saw white dogshit once that I could smell from 100 feet away
still a better experience than Civil war
Please let him answer, coward
I thought white dogshit was super old and thus wouldn't stink anymore
I dunno, this definitely did smell though, one of the worst things I've ever smelled alongside month old rice
1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
2. Hardcore Henry
3. Zootopia
4. 10 Cloverfield Lane
5. Deadpoool
>1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
ultimate edition btw
Kill yourself you fucking pleb.
1. Civil War
2. Deadpool
3. Doctor Strange
4. Zootopia
5. Deadpool 2: dead harder
no white dogshit was when a dog ate food with a large amount of bonemeal in it
I dunno about other countries but that kind of dogfood got banned in the UK and we don't see white dogshit any more
I'm sure your GF's son will want to watch the rest of the movies that Marvel comes out with so get used to it.
>please stop making money
Are you fucking stupid?
Well I love it and want more.