Just marathoned this promotional photograph of Pennywise the dancing clown from the 'It' remake. What did I think of it?
Just marathoned this promotional photograph of Pennywise the dancing clown from the 'It' remake. What did I think of it?
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You'll die if you try
what do you guys think his final form will be?
>marathoning a photograph
Everyday I like this board more.
A dreidel
won't do you any good b-b-billy BOY!
It's gonna be spicekino
>Giant Spider
Still waiting to see the Pennywise's final form the Drider before I have an opinion.
Get outta the thread while yah still can
It's trying WAY too hard to be scary. Tim Curry's Pennywise was fucking creepy as hell because he looked like any other clown from that time.
Hey any word if they've show his drider form yet?
You mean dryder, right?
Pennywise wasn't creepy as hell until he showed his sharp teeth. Before that he's just a shitty clown. Tim Curry went full retard with the role.
>receiding hairline = bad guy
what did the Stephen King estate mean by this?
What did Mr. King try to convey about the Jews with "It"?
shitty cgi thing with tentacles
Dimensional creatures like a drider don't know how to properly style hair.
Stranger Things is already better than IT ever was.
I'm a little boy who likes berries and cream!
It's going to be great.
It' a drider, lower half is a spider while upper body is humanoid kinda like a centaur.
Looks like a faggot.
Say that to his face, bitch.
Looks like a spider monster to me champ.
Is the cosmic turtle really just Stephen King himself ?
That's like calling a centaur a horse. You're pretty mentally retard if you can't see the difference. Lemme guess you went to public education? That explains why you can't enjoy King's work.
there's nothing humanoid about that you faggot. it's clearly a giant spider.
But why turn into a drider in the first place
humanOID, almost human obviously not 100% guy
It's upper body is humanoid shaped. It has muscular arms and hands. It looks nothing like a spider on the upperhalf.
Because that's what the deadlights are and the Crimson King confirms this by turning into one in Dark Tower.
It's got human elements
it has a neck a chest and two eyes according to the picture. so do dogs. there's nothing humanoid about it, jerk
But why not something more practical
You're purposely ignoring the shoulder and arms to troll. It's getting old.
A drider is a spider monster, a centaur is a horse monster, except everybody knows what a centaur is, while a drider is some gay D&D bullshit that no normal person has ever heard of.
It's a space drider, that's just what King wanted them to be.
See this is from the Dark Tower series which is connected to It.
D&D was just the first use and where the term originated. A lot of people know what a Drider is. Just because you're an closet case doesn't mean the rest of us are.
What you're saying is people don't know what Vampires are because they came first in the Dracula book.
I understood that reference.
>because they came first in the Dracula book
Piedmon what are you doing here?
He's hunting down the Digidestined in their own world, where their Digimon can't protect them.
something something drider something froggo something gangbang
Your telling me that looks like the spider monster from IT
but the 80's didnt have any cute clowns like the 50's did
they had like poltergeist & killer klowns not bozo
No. That is the Crimson King shapeshifting. He's not a deadlight. It's species are known as Deadlights. They're space driders who use to rule the Dark Tower.
I'm convinced Stephen King has a repressed sexuality issue if he feels the need to have an orgy starring a bunch of 10 year olds smack dab in the middle of his book.
I don't know man, were all talking about IT
Lots of great writers have plenty of child sex right smack dab in the middle of their footlong whole wheat buns.
He wrote that 50 years ago when he WAS a 10 year old. Checkmate.
OR...it was all a dream
Stephen King's books are bloated, filled with irrelevant details, unrelated events, and a lot of convenient coincidence, just generally really stupid, farcical nonsense, and overall churlish in a very forced, unbelievable way.
"Yale University’s Harold Bloom, the legendary critic and author of The Western Canon. Bloom issued a stinging rebuke of King in 2003, when King was given the US National Book Foundation’s annual award for ‘distinguished contribution to American letters’. Bloom called the honour “another low in the shocking process of dumbing down our cultural life. I've described King in the past as a writer of penny dreadfuls, but perhaps even that is too kind. He shares nothing with Edgar Allan Poe. What he is is an immensely inadequate writer on a sentence-by-sentence, paragraph-by-paragraph, book-by-book basis.”'
His best work are his short-hand writings.
The spider in the novel has no resemblance to that.
That's not even the worst of it. In one of his short stories, there's a 4 page reprieve where a little 8 year old boy is raped by a cop and it details every thrust and feeling.
have you even WATCHED the novel kid? get the HECKF out of my thread
Meanwhile King replied: "Bitch i don't give a fuck"
>What did I think of it?
My son's wife's daughter's falcon failed the penis inspection because he was hiding crab legs under his wings
>lmao fuck the haters i be gettin rich and shit
literally a nigger-tier response
The guy is obsessed with sex, even Firestarter has a scene where the MC masturbates.
Sorry your sci-fi novel got rejected, faggot.
What are deadlights? Why did IT only attack kids? What is the dark tower?
Sorry your mixtape was not as fire as you expected, Rich MoneyGetta 3000
it was an alien you fucking idiots
You know that guy who sings the COCO song is really rich by now too, doesn't mean his "music" is worth listening to.
But It wasn't fucking retatded
Stop getting so butthurt about niggers, what they fucked your mother or something
quints confirm you need more king in your reading diet
I'm IT right now, read the first Darktower book too., wasn't sure about the gunslinger, should I finish the rest off?
Is the book for IT really that good? I heard a few anons hold it in very high regard.
its King's best. easily
>what did I think of it?
He played a more convincing joker than Leto did?
It's not an alien. It existed before the Universe.
The deadlights are shapeshifting driders who once ruled over all of reality. It fed on the kids because fear makes humans tastier to it. The dark tower is the nexus of reality, holding a portal to each world that King wrote about.
Is it difficult for someone who isn't a regular reader of novels?
it's a magical space drider
it's just a little long, but it doesnt feel long. the pacing is fine.
it's got great spooky parts, very creepy. it has good lovecraftian concepts
who doesnt read novels? are you still in high school and think you're too cool to read or just a foreigner?
It's fucking Stephen King
I'm lazy. It's not that I've never read a book. I just very rarely do.
I've started reading again recently and it's a pain but it's getting better. Like I would read plenty online before but the digital sphere has corrupted my mind
then you're a fucking retard, at least own up to it
I wish I had never contributed to the drider meme. I was drunk and a I couldn't resist responding to the drider shitposter. For two fucking threads we went back and forth. And now this is the future I have bought us.
I'm sorry.
the original thread wasnt me where drider started, but in the second thread right after I shilled for drider full force after noticing King worded the drider has having a "muscle builders thigh" or something like that, I was bored that night and it was very amusing to me and we probably argued all night.
He said the spider's arms were "as large as a muscle builder's thighs", which was only talking about the size of them.
God damn it I'm doing it again. I hate you.
but a spider doesn't have extensor muscles? Why would King not simply say body builder if he wanted to demonstrate size? Saying muscle is a direct hint that the drider has muscle, ergo has human properties.
No. We're done.
King obviously made it into a drider. Notice the picture? That's a traditional male drider. You're Welcome.
And just like that user was free
IT was female, just sayin
Technically no since it reproduced without intercouse.
It did have egg sacs laying around which one survived by going through the portal in the other books.
Incorrect and falsehoods.
it never made an appearance in any dark tower or extended tower universe books. just that Dandelo and It may be a similar type of todash monster
I really would have preferred IT to be the big bad of the King universe instead of Flagg. Then again I also would have preferred King to not kill Flagg of like a bitch because he didn't know what the fuck he was doing.
i agree. maybe not It being the ultimate big bad, but definitely having more influence in other worlds.
flagg shouldn't've gone the way he did though. that much is known
Let's just pretend that the car actually did kill King and the Dark Tower stopped at book 3.
then we wouldn't've had wizard and glass, which is the best in the series
Flagg is just a wizard from a another dimension right?
I was disappointed that the bad guy in the stand wasn't the devil, just a random space wizard instead.
Wizard and Glass is boring and pointless.
First post, best post