who would win 1v1? who is the most powerful wizard in cinema? personally I think dombledor would ez Gandalf considering Gandalf basically just gets loud and makes his stick glow.
Who would win 1v1? who is the most powerful wizard in cinema...
that lewd witch from that spanish film "witching and bitching"
picture related
Holy shit, I can hear the Tolkienfags' REEEEEEEEE outside of my house
PS Gandalf wins
Dumbledore is a magically adept man.
Gandalf is a divine being who has taken the form of a man.
Gandalf, dude. He's faced down armies, demons and can also cut your head off.
if natural 20 is any indication, a random normie would rise up and defeat them both.
Gandalf if he could actually use his powers. Dumbledore if he can't.
Was getting killed part of your plan?
Gandalf got wrecked by sauromon and got his stick busted by the wraith. meanwhile dumbledor held his own against the dark wizard Voldemort who is insanely powerful, so...
Getting wrecked by another literal angel in mortal form and an ancient evil warlock is nothing to be ashamed of.
Gandalf was basically told by God not to interfere too much so that he didn't fuck shit up, he was Saurons equal
HOWEVER man is just a literal fag who knows how to do a few pretty spells
>literal angel in mortal form
Sauromon is a cuck. A bunch of tired trees fucked up his home while he just watched from a tower, or is sauromon not allowed to use his true power either? seems like the Wizards in lotr aren't nearly as powerful as the Harry Potter ones.
Just give both of them a cursed ring; Gandalf will gather a group of travellers to begin a quest to destroy it, Dumbledore will put it on and die.
> ez
ib4 someone uses solo as a verb
>Sauromon is a cuck.
I'm glad we live in an age where characters in the works of tolkien or being called cucks
Yep, his task was guide and unite the free peoples who wished to stand up against Sauron, but he wasn't to use force in doing so
However, I don't see how Gandalf could overpower a killing curse cast by Dumbledore unless you make the case that the curse only works on men and Gandalf being a maia / istari would be unaffected
Yes yes, well done Gandalf well done HOWEVER
thought the whole trilogy Gandalf demonstrates magic on the level of a hogwarts first year, barely. He's a weasely fireworks wizard and any of the professors at hogwarts could probably solo him.
I think something else on gandalf will grow not glow. When they fall into a mud pit because you know damn well it's gonna be raining when these two fight.
Gandalf ride on giant eagles, Dumbledore only is a former wizard and professor WTF
Gandalf dies, enters the void, talks to god, and comes back in a new corporeal form. Dumbledore gets killed by a greasy emo beta orbiter.
Dumbledore has a school with a load of 12 year old girl so
Dumbledore is gay
>the battle of the wizards has begun
>Gandalf donning his white robe purified through the resurrection is perched atop Shadowfax the descendant of the greatest horses of middle earth
>Dumbledore is wearing his full school master kit smelling of pre pubescent little boys and last night's feast is barely erect atop Buckbeak the stinking Hippogriff whom was orphaned by his savage disgusting bird parents
Do i even have to go on?
Instead of theorizing like fags, lets look to the actual sources
>Dumbledore is kill by random attack from lesser wizards because he allows himself to get cursed. Dies. Stays dead.
>Gandalf dies fighting a beast from hell, the battle spanning unimaginable distance and time. Wins. Comes back. Stronger than before now.
Gandalf wins lads.
Gandalf is an angel who has beaten an arch-demon in close combat and got STRONGER since then.
Dumbledore is an old man in a universe where kids can defeat master wizards simply because they have better reflexes and the author stated that a dude with a shotgun would literally kill anyone.
You tell me.
contrived as fuck backstory of gandalf
>le angel xdxd istari
FUcking nerd-core sh/lit/
character is static flat and dry
>It's a Dumbledore denies that the Deathly Hallows were made by death while standing dead in the afterlife episode
Wrong Dumbledore.