Waifu thread

Waifu thread



Saber's away, post lewds.


How've you been


You must be stopped.

Stocking-user is claimed~

Saber loves thick BBC

Oh no, Saber is back, don't lewd.

Stocking promised me their virginity

But there's only one Eu? Where is this other Eu~?

Eu will be back after they've slept one more night~

This is just creepy tbh~

go here if u want some lolicons

hello hello I love you all or some shit

Keep lewding



Also a very very short one.


alright faggots, Sabers back, we gotta knock it off.



Too many cutes

Im up for some black dicks

You can't prove that, now can you~?

Oh, I just claim Stocking because I can...
...And that she lets me, because she loves me~!

Fuck off Miho

I can.


Fuck off

What are you waiting for? Prove it.

You're both really creepy~

2d is best D

Oh snap, a cute.
Fuck off.

Dont be shy honey

stocking doesn't love you

H-how unwholesome!

Fuck did you just call me you triple nigger?

We all know that you're Miho.
How's the truck


>ITT: Telegram Unleashed

Pls go back to Telegram

I don't own a truck because I don't have a tiny penis.

Rem is mine~

Was it? I must've been thinking of the thread previous

How are you?

But I don't have telegram. I don't even know what that is.

How can 3D women even compete?Who even are you?

>Not Velvet (XX)

how are you sugar?


An old user that everyone has forgotten

Talking about the one a few days ago, I might be crazy, but I think it was you who made it.
Backwards text, binary, hex

I lost my Velvet folder and am In the process of Re-organizing them all.

It's fucking me, queer.

They can't

Anything new with you Hitagi

Okay sure

Oh, so a loser then?
I'll be waiting.

Sugar? Only one person is allowed to call me names...

I started that fad to evade autosages etc
But yeah, those were the nice comfy threads

; - ;

Oh sorry i didn't know you were taken

Hello everyone, hope you're all well
>juvia claimed



Lewdvia, Wassup?

Sorry man.

Influenced by what?

another one


; - ;


Gonna head off to bed now, see ya'll later

Im good. And you?

How much bullying does it take for Saver to switch again?

How many seconds does it take for you to post another avatar/persona?



What did he mean by this

; - ;

Are you a Rorycon

>Old memes
C'mon now

You're not me ._.


I'm not me?

Missed some there

Is this the Aussie Rory, or the wrong Rory?


I missed posting these pictures

Post a screenshot of that post

Theres only one Rory

They're the best ; - ;

Me no me


You're the best ; - ;

Voices get out of my head


Spiders get out of my bed

I'm out of pics ; - ;

Alice get in my shed

All rise, her grace has arrived.

Sup bitches?

Zombies get out of my dead

Queers get out of my thread

Niggers don't steal my bread

komine-san stay in my thread
I have a lot