Why don't Muslims have respect for our culture?
Why didn't she stand for the anthem?
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Because its not their culture.
Someone is going to have translate that for me.
I can read it, I understand the individual words but the context of the completed sentence eludes me.
He is sitting next to the muslim woman who would go crazy if she stood up too quickly? This seems to be the message but doesn't actually make any sense unless he's a doctor and has diagnosed her with a dangerous case of low blood pressure.
Someone please enlighten me.
based quakers don't stand either faggot
Fucking mudslimes. If an American did that in Bombistan they'd be beheaded
I was in India recently and went to the cinema a few times. In India they play the national anthem before the film and everyone stands.
I stood too because it's respectful.
No need to be a cunt.
I don't understand it either and I usually understand ebonics.
I think the point is that she's not standing during the national anthem, though.
The original picture was him sitting next to a rather deranged looking man in a movie theater, it was taken shortly after we had an actual spree shooting take place in a movie theater in the US.
He's saying that he suspects he's sitting next to another spree shooter.
Obviously this edit is because she's Muslim and possibly a suicide bomber.
I think it is ebonics for:
"I believe this Muslim woman is a terrorist and if she gets up to quickly it will be a threatening action and I will need to exercise my right as an American to double tap her in order to save the stadium"
if she goes all fucking allah akbar hes gonna put her to sleep aka knock her out
>he didn't major in classical negrology
He's saying he would deck that bitch before she could say aloha snackbar because shes basically a terrorist for not standing for the anthem
Muslims are scum, they come into your country and call everyone racist for not respecting their culture while actively doing anything they can do demean and destroy the native culture.
if this was a white guy it would be national news and hed be charged with hate crime and lose his job/everything
NOT wearing a hijab (or whatever the fuck that particular thing is. There's like 9 different variations) is not part of our culture, however freedom of religion is. Also, wearing it is part of her religion.
That being said, take it the fuck off and nuke all of the middle east.
Accually yea your right, its their home. Same reason i stand during the candian anthem during hockey games when they come to play us.
>Why don't Muslims have respect for our culture?
because they are here to overtake, not integrate
>Taking pics during national anthem
Because they hate us and our culture. They want nothing to do with us, except when we hand them free cash so they can leech off our welfare that is build on our own hard work because in that way they all have their mini-jihad. We really need to get rid of them
Muslims don't obey your rules, because they can get away with it.
Niggers know to never relax because they are always around other niggers and cops.
>from 5% on
>Switzerland 4,3%
>Why don't Muslims have respect for our culture?
Because they have an average IQ of 82 (for reference, white Europeans average 100), and their culture doesn't teach respect, it teaches dominance.
>I'm at the game sitting next to someone who is potentially crazy and may be a threat. If she gets up too quickly then I'm going to knock this bitch out cold.
>That being said, take it the fuck off and nuke all of the middle east.
The idea is, she's a terrorist. If she's abruptly standing, she's attacking.
she has the right to sit
It's America, you wouldn't understand, bong
She's training her kid to hate America too.
>rusia 15%
is really that bad?
Because Muslism are loyal to Islam, Allh and his prophet, not to countries.
And that's the bloody fucking problem right there. She's an American, or, if she's on vacation, she's at least inside the American cultural sphere. Therefore, it should be her culture, or (in the second case) adapt in order to be polite. It's 'little' things like this, things that leftists try to strip of their meaning, that show someone's true nature. This gesture basically says: "I don't want to be a part of you and I despise you people"
and you would Peter Pan?
Exactly right. She is publicly signalling to everyone that is not part of the tribe.
DO they still have intervals?
So I assume when you go to a muslim country you will start praying too? after all you are in their "cultural sphere"
Tartar muslims are not that bad, they been living in Russia since the start so they consider themselves Russian before muslims.
More importantly, why are there black panther fist emoticons, but no swastika ones? Actually even more baffling, why doesn't Sup Forums have a nazi flag?
>they dont fucking assimilate
Its cool they want to come here, but these shit heads need to understand some shit is not negotiable, and their undivided allegiance is one of those things.
Ebonics can be tricky because it is constantly evolving- new retarded words and phrases which do not always translate over to the common tongue quickly.
I think his problem is the dune coon is not standing up and he is somewhat worried that she may be dangerous, expressing his intent to beat her ass at the first sign of danger.
I spent years living among ghetto nigs and have found that they are a very xenophobic people, who tend to fear what they do not know. Further more they view all outsiders to what they consider mainstream culture as potential threats.
That´s specifically part of the religious sphere. Standing up for the anthem is not a religious act, it is a patriotic or at least nationality related act. When you make a trip to, say, Egypt, you take a trip to Egypt, not to islam. Sure, there is some overlap, but I´d say purely religious acts are excluded, especially when they go against your own religion (praying to Allah would violate the biblical Commandment not to pray to false gods).
>they consider themselves Russian before muslims.
they're just lying
we used to have nazi flags when you could choose your own
So she's a terrorist for not standing but if she did stand he would knock her out?
This nigger logic hurts my brain
That's not a "Black panther fist", it's just the negro version of the fist emoticon.
It's advanced ebonics, even learned scholars would have difficulty with this passage
everyone here is wary of moslems and it's actually one thing that brought black and white together after 911
he's just saying he'd knock the shit out of her if she tried anything
>they're just lying
he's just lying
>we used to have nazi flags when you could choose your own
Yeah I thought so. I'm Sup Forums, /fit/, and Sup Forums; but started coming on here when Trump announced.
Bullshit. It's all in the thumb placement.
How great would it be to snatch her phone and throw it?
You guys think we would be able to go intergalactic in under a century if all blacks were replaced by whites?
This, based black guy
What if she's a tourist? Are tourists expected to stand up for another country's anthem?
How is it any more respectful to be taking a selfie during the national anthem?
Only because we allow it. That mudslime should have had her shit kicked in
I hear that but still that tweet was confusing for us who is not familiar with ebonomics
Oh god kek
Why are you complacent with mudslimes? They've raped at least a million girls in your country within the past 20 years. Fucking britcucks
It shows you have no respect. If you don't have respect for where you are then why tf would they be there in the first place?
I never said anything about being complacent with mudshits? I was just confused what the nigger was saying
What is this?
You were questioning her status as a terrorist. You should know by now that all muslims are terrorist.
>I'm at the game right now sitting next to someone who looks insane. If this person makes any sudden movements I'm going to knock them out.
t. negro
Didn't know Black Beast was such a great American to publicly shame this disrespect to the Anthem. I'm a fan now.
No because we need a cheap, easily manipulated labor force for dem asteroid mining facilities
Why would she stand for some stupid song?
That is just as bad as losing your mind every time someone burns a piece of cloth.
Inshallah, don't stand for annyones call but the muezzin.
>she's not standing during the national anthem
>highly offended
>invade other people country
>it was necessary because muh freedom
Fucking double standars
>2.7% muslim
that's pretty outdated
Why do they lose their mind when someone criticizes pisslam, poohamad, or the poo'ran?
Because they are here to conquer us
because they are retarted famalam , for them to not being able to wear burkas although its not depicted in the quran is the end of the world , its the same as fags they need to let you know although it changes nothing. Fuck all that moral girl , virgin shit they are bitchy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, they dont let you lay with them but they flirt and talk with you(so Ive been told , im not good with muslim women because they tend to hate me) godspeed europe fuck muslims
At least a lot of mudshits died, one good thing that came from the invasion. But yes, the Rothschild were behind the whole thing.
Are those black nazis?
I can only imagine how it must feel having that sand nigger shit on your flag
This is pretty fucked up.
I grew up a Jehovah's Witness against my will. Witnesses do not believe in governments or politics. They stay out of it completely. They don't put their hands on their hearts, they don't sing the anthem, they don't vote. But even the youngest child is told that if you're in a public place like at school or a stadium, you at least stand to show respect.
This is fucking rude and anti-american.
Stay away from religion, kids.
Age of Empires fampai. One of the cheat codes.
age of empires cheat.
also, newfag.
How do I turn this on
Big daddy?
What do Jehovah's believe? Are you like agnostic?
its not sandnigger shit , whats worse they copied from us and we copied it from rome(well there are this is one of the stories) Goddamn they slowly immigrate into your country than relate everything with themselves , muslims are shit but arab muslims are the fucking worst
I had a Jehovah as a classmate in grade school and he always left the room for the Anthem.
Nahh... look a little closer.. Most of them are fairly unattractive.
With the way their government is oriented, praying is both political and religious, that's where most of this trouble is coming from
>leave shit hole war zone
>enter new better country
>don't like it
>change everything into a new shit hole war zone
Muslim logic
>What do Jehovah's believe?
A lot of stuff. They have their own translation of the bible. They're theocrats, through and through. Study of the bible and following every word to the dot is what they're all about. They view themselves as stewards of God's word and the one true religion. They separate themselves from all other forms of Christianity, dubbing them Christendom, a broad group of christians in the hands of Satan.
>Are you like agnostic?
Myself personally? I'm pretty athiest. The bible does not preach good morals, in my opinion, for humans to follow. I think Jesus said a lot of things that are very, very good. But there's a huge focus in this religion on Pauline christianity. And that guy was a dumb asshole and I don't believe what he had to say was inspired by God. Jesus says to love everyone and live in harmony. Paul says to kill gays.
>it's a free country
>how dare you not stand for the national anthem!! DEPORT HER!!
>invade other peoples country
>its necessary because my countries a corrupt shithole run by druglords.
Yeah, I remember the first few times going to a new school I would just stand outside the room, but I really didn't to be set apart from my classmates or draw attention to it, so I would just stand after awhile.
muslim here, because our culture our superior
True. I'm defending the wrong point here and I'm doing relativism, which I shouldn't do. We should be able to discern that our cultures are superior and look at the facts: Westerners emigrating to muslim countries are basically non-existent. The question whether I should pray when in a muslim country is irrelevant, because I'm not planning on moving to a muslim country and for good reason. People should stop moving to countries they dislike but those neetbux are just too enticing for the sand people.
It's people like you I'm going to put down in a few years.
>Niggers afraid that someone might hurt them
There's a lot of irony here
lots of black nationalist men where annoyed by this because half the girls in the pic had white bfs
Superior at inbreeding and child raping
because the anthem is cancer and this country is cancer
Muslims do not belong in western democracies.
t. Achmed
fuck this takes me back
I'd stand up for another nations anthem but I wouldn't sing one that isn't my own nations. It's just common respect for the people of that land.
Fucking Muslims.