Conan filmed a segment in front of a gay nightclub and everyone is offended
Conan filmed a segment in front of a gay nightclub and everyone is offended
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The absolute...
Wait, people are offended that he filmed a segment OUTSIDE of Berghain?
Ps. Berghain is not gay
If it had been private, he would have had to be a member to get access, wouldn't he? And of course, the queen who thinks you can parcel off slices of public space as no-go areas for your tribe would have to be black.
>“I'm not humorless about any subject. But turning a space like this into a comedy spectacle for a largely straight American audience with no context other than the club being private and gay is a problem. It's private for a reason. Taking your selfie out front is one thing. Conan is a comedian that millions of people watch nightly in a country on the verge of having Donald Trump for a president. That context matters.”
> "I don't want the general public to like us, I want to make it easier for us to be Nuremberged by Trump so my martyr complex will eat hearty"
Dim bulb queen.
>Donald Trump for a president. That context matters.”
>throwing in an insult at Donald trump just because.
Nigga said nothing about gays. Hell he'd be better for them since he doesn't want a lot of Syrian immigrants.
Donald Trump as, essentially, the first libertarian Republican candidate for POTUS, is the best choice for gay people. Sometimes gay guys are like those old hippies who think they're still rebels for liking the Rolling Stones.
Donald Trump literally has said nothing about gays.
>I'm not humorless about any subject
>ragging on the only good late night host left
>Trump has never once said anything remotely homophobic
>gay people currently have equal rights in the USA and Trump has never shown any interest in changing that
>bring up Trump anyway
Fuck that stupid faggot.
>muh edm
What the hell is a Berghain and why should anyone care?
The only thing Trump said about the gays was that marriage and bathroom laws should be decided at a state level and not a federal level. These faggots are so entitled that they think any oone not pandring to them is against them. The homocaust can't come soon enough.
Are people mad that he didnt shoot up the clube?
He gave himself away with that; this is about his hatred of breeders, not any coherent principle.
>OP will happily screencap the article's topic but won't post the link to it or even copypaste some of it
And that isn't about gays, but about the mentally ill trannies they're shackled to, to the dismay of many of them. There were gay people finally respected, then along comes Buffalo Bill.
Berghain isn't gay.
and hasn't been the club for ages, literally nearly everyone can get in.
t. visited it few years back
False. He's said he's against gay marriage. He said he would appoint RW judges to overturn gay marriage. He supports the "First Amendment Defense Act" which would legalize discrimination against gays in workplace and government (i.e. Kim Davis denying marriage licences). He's also waffled on these issues, like everything else.
>we're just like everyone else
>we need private clubs for our unsafe debaucherous lust fueled sex
Pick one faggots
Oh great, now it's a 'faggots discuss Trump' thread. I'll just report this...
>that marriage and bathroom laws should be decided at a state level
The problem with this is that once the states have laws that change your legal status as you cross state lines, the federal gov't really should step in. With legal weed, for instance, it's different, because you can jsut leave your weed in Colorado or whatever when you cross the border. But what happens when you cross the border into a state without gay marriage, are you all of a sudden not married anymore? Doesn't make sense desu.
Yeah but but bleeding heart faggots like this clown are too fucking dense to comprehend that. Their FB feed says he's a bigot and that's all the info they need to form their ill-informed opinion
Wrong but here's your (you)
We *all* need private clubs for our unsafe debaucherous lust-fueled sex, user.
How can you have non-lust-fueled sex, anyway?
Right now the right for gays to marry was decided by the supreme Court, so saying it should be a state thing would be a regression. Also it's moronic to have the states decide when states are supposed to honor other states marriage licenses
Oh fuck I definitely shouldn't have googled that. Germans really need to get their shit together. Fourth Reich now.
Nothing, because nobody is going to pull you over and demand you see your marriage certificate that you don't keep in the fucking glove compartment.
>Conan is a comedian that millions of people watch nightly
Is this a puff piece or a hatchet job?
Trump clearly isn't bothered by gay people in the slightest, sorry shill.
>a country on the verge of having Donald Trump for a president.
I'm glad they're finally accepting it.
What if you're with your gay spouse and they have an accident and get put in the ICU and only "family" is allowed visitation?
just jewgle the headline
Like I said, he waffles on the issue. Saying he's fine with them one minute, then claiming they should have basic rights removed the next.
I'm sorry, but I can't take Trump supporters seriously when it comes to claiming other people have a mental illness.
>He supports the "First Amendment Defense Act"
You mean faggots won't be able to sue Christian businesses into oblivion for a minor inconvience? How terrible.
States have no obligation to respect your feefees. If one state legalizes polygamy or cousin marrigage, why should another state respect it?
>gays want to be treated like normal people
>yet they keep acting like special snowflake fruitcakes
>it's a "sjw's are offended" episode
>Christians should be able to break the law if they want too
See? Not much difference between radical Christians and radical Muslims.
Marriage isn't a right, you entitled faggot. Children can't get married.
I dont get it
Why are they mad?
Because closetedfags not wanting to be outted?
Because the debauchery is so huge that if shown on tv would give reason to conservative to hate?
>A Christian bakery not catering a gay wedding is the same as a muslim shooting up a gay nightclub
This is what liberals actually believe.
1. Berghain is not a gay nightclub
2. It's fucking famous as shit, everybody knows about it.
3. Who the fuck cares.
Straight people are capable of love while homosexuals are not
>tfw you fail to Correct the Record
>not baking a fag cake is breaking the law
Then they should have been more careful. You are never going to make the red states like you, do you understand that? All you do with these gambits is put yourselves in harm's way to prove what you already know.
Racism is illegal. Look at the South. If you force people to obey laws they consider sick and wrong, they will not suddenly become your friend. You'll have the moral highground, but you'll be dead. Do you hold your own life so cheap?
>private for a good reason
Are they trying to say that being gay is an abnormal degeneracy?.
Well they most likely don't prope you about who your "family member" that is coming to visit unless you are already locked up for a crime in which case fuck you. If they do ask for a fucking marriage license then that is retarded and needs to be changed. If they disallow gays to visit their gay partners than that too would be against the Constitution itself. The act of gay MARRIAGE is what is being discussed. You'll have to find a better example than that to make a point.
And if the next attempt is "what if they wanna move to X state that doesn't allow gay marriage" then they have to either be happy not being married in that state or just not live there. Tough shit. There is nothing wrong with each state being able to determine it's own laws and such as long as it does not violate the constitution.
Are people still falling for the 'Trump is going to be president' meme?
Trump's actions demonstrate that he doesn't have a problem with gay people though. This is the dude who showed up to Elton John's wedding back when Hillary was still railing against gay marriage. Appealing to the hard right base to become the nominee doesn't change that.
In the least shocking news of the day
this is what the "person" who was offended looks like
This is incredibly weak bait, and I'm not even the fag in this thread. 0/10.
>You are never going to make the red states like you, do you understand that?
Settle down beavis, I know you guys get triggered so easily but I'm literally a married straight adult man with an infant child so don't get all butt blasted so fast. I jsut think it's an interesting legal predicament. But please continue to emote all over me like a weepy lady because you're rights to not be gay are being oppressed or whatever
Gays aren't monogamous anyway. For all the sob stories the media loves to paint, fucking queers are more likely to go to a circuit party than visit a partner in the hospital.
What does your wife's son have to do with anything?
Why the fuck are you crying to me about faggots, then? Stop wasting time and raise your fucking kid.
>Are people still falling" for the "Trump is running for president meme?
>Are people still falling for the "Trump is getting the nomination" meme?
>Are people still falling for the "Trump is becoming president" meme?
Sex isn't love. Gays aren't monogamous, but they are capable of loving one partner.
there's no pleasing libshits
>mad af
yeh but berghain is a shithole and the complete opposite of what techno should be about. music at berghain can be brilliant and DJs who have come out of there have some real talent but its a social status thing. not letting huge selection of people because of dumb reasons even though they are real fans of the music just to hype up the club is retarded
also black Madonna is a fucking retarded ugly cunt
>I can't take Trump supporters seriously when it comes to claiming other people have a mental illness.
t. triggered tranny
It's a popular meme, though. So popular that even reality itself is quoting it.
>crying to me
YOU responded to ME fucking dipshit. If you don't like it don't read it. Should I have put a trigger warning in front of my post to warn your delicate sensibilities? Don't take your frustration out on me just because even disease ridden homos get laid more than you.
This thread exposed me to too many unwanted things at once.
Crazy. I remember hearing a Ted Cruz ad on the radio that was saying Trump loved gays and hated traditional marriage with a clip of Trump saying he basically didn't have a problem with trans fags because he never runs into them.
also, berghain is not a gay club in the least lol black madonna is inserting this because shes some gender queer retard
>a comedian that millions of people watch nightly
kek more like hundreds
wasted quads
wait, he didn't even release the segment he filmed yet?
people are angry about what they think the segment is going to be about?
I can think of two things wrong with that title.
>tfw you will never get into the Berghain
Its not fair lads I just want to see Ben Klock
read the article.
People are not offended. literally one person was offended and posted about it on instagram. Literally one.
Didn't he go on fox news to talk about that football athlete that kissed his bf during the draft?
Wasn't it the same for his Korea special?
He literally has no chance to win in a country with a liberal majority. Running for president as a republican is already a disadvantage, but being retarded on top of it has made it impossible for Trump to get elected.
its weird because a nightclub should be about fun and have a sense of humor. yet people are offended because a liberal comedian is doing a 2 minute piece making a couple jokes about a nightclub
gahh, it's IRONIC you moron, don't you GET it?
Trump is more liberal than Hillary Clinton.
>He's said he's against gay marriage.
[citation needed]
>He said he would appoint RW judges to overturn gay marriage.
[citation needed]
>He supports the "First Amendment Defense Act" which would legalize discrimination against gays in workplace and government (i.e. Kim Davis denying marriage licences).
Who gives a fuck? That's a minor inconvenience that doesn't really hurt equal rights.
You Correct The Record shills aren't even trying. Reminder Hillary used to be staunchly against gay marriage and didn't jump onto the gay rights bandwagon until it had become widely accepted by the rest of the democrat party.
I'm not even sure I'm going to vote for Trump, but he has literally said nothing about gay people positive or negative, even in evangelical cornfucker states where "muh adam and eve not adam and steve" rhetoric would score him serious points.
Every time I start to drift away from supporting Trump because of his lack of clear foreign policy ideas and thin skin, I always find myself going back again because some utter fucking retard opens their mouth and spews a bunch of verbal diarrhea all over the room answering some question that has absolutely nothing to do with him. I literally just want to annoy these people.
>liberal majority
Citation needed.
>ever trying to get into berghain when someone like that is on
enjoy lining up for 2 hours to get turned away
getting drunk, lining up for 2 hours, sobering up, getting in, then spending 300 euros getting fucked again on booze.
>cuing up to a club for more than 30 minutes
>cuing up to a club knowing you may be turned away
just find ben klock at any other venue in the world
It's just that the fags don't want the public to see how degenerate and disgusting they truly are in their establishments.
Watersports bathrooms and guys sucking their own cocks on the dance floor. They don't wanna be exposed
Thanks for Correcting the Record
No, again, sex is not love. Gay men regularly form long-term relationships, and they are almost never monogamous. Try to understand this.
Technically yes, but Liberals hate Republicans. The only way for them to get elected is to change, and I guarantee that the next couple of elections are going to have a Republican candidate with more Liberal views.
The US does not have a "liberal majority".The Dems get into power via the moderate and center-left vote and then push through far-left bills by calling their opposition racists. Actual self-proclaimed "liberals" are like 20% of the US.
>I'm not humorless about any subject
Fucking moron
>all these people who actually think berghain is a private gay club
jesus christ
So gays have a lower standard of "monogamy" to compensate for their deviant lifestyle? Got it.
>Donald Trump is about to be president
>Mel Gibson is about to release the greatest movie ever
>Conan is BTFO faggots
what a beautiful day
> votes to immobilise Obama in Congress for six of eight years
> liberal majority
Why do all you faggots care about some faggy night club?