I'm only on episode 2

I'm only on episode 2

Mr. Robot is clearly a fight club knock-off, it's obvious from his first few scenes that only the protagonist acknowledges his existence, he never talks to anyone else and when he's in a room nobody looks at him.

I've only seen two episodes and it's clear that Mr. Robot is an illusion created by Elliot and that Elliot has been the leader the entire time.

You're a pretty smart cookie

okey dokey

>story about social loner outcast
>has sex in the first 20 minutes of the first episode

>tfw he got lucky
>tfw we will never
ree ree ree ree ree ree ree ree

Well aren't you smart.

Have you fucking seen how cute he is, of course he's getting laid

her lips on my dick please. also please cancel mr. reddit

can't tell if sarcasm or I'm legitimately correct. Not sure if I wanna know either way. Maybe they'll subvert the expected cliche

You're right. We're making fun of you because it's not hard to figure out. Even the show references this, because when the twist happens, Elliot even says something like "You knew all along, didn't you." Also, they play "Where Is My Mind" at the end of that episode.

It's in ep 10 they play it iirc

I think it was the end of episode nine. It's the same one where Elliot finds out Mr. Robot is an illusion. It plays when Tyrell is talking to Elliot in the amusement park building.

Seems you're right, thought that happened in ep 10

This is like saying you saw the twist in 6th sense coming

Everybody already knows about it, you know the "twist" when you start watching

You're only meant to watch the show because of him, faggot.

He is literally /ourguy/.

Holy shit op you're a fucken genius


Is he really gay?

Fucking disgusting.

>I'm only on episode 2
stop watching
not even joking, it literally peaks there

Almost everysingle episode has a montage.
What happend to sheila?
What happend to the dude that got out of jail?

Hackers Crash the econormie but have their HQ named after their hacker group and its displayed for everyone to see.

Protaganist looks and acts like hes from r9k but fucks like an alpha in the pilot.

Nah kiddo

>What happend to sheila?
>What happend to the dude that got out of jail?

You're dumb as fuck.

> The Most Boring Cinematography: The Series

Seriously, I just don't want to start watching season 2, because how blant and predictable cinematography was in S1. Every fucking dialogue scene looks the same with people standing and staring the the closer edge of the screen. So irritating.

>only the protagonist acknowledges his existence, he never talks to anyone else and when he's in a room nobody looks at him.

But all three of these things happen to Mr Slader.

I mean you are still right about the twist, but you are making shit up to pretend to have seen in a mile away.

the only time he's talked to anyone else so far is during a withdrawl hallucination that wasn't real, and during situations where it was obvious that Elliot was actually the one communicating.

>"No hospitals!"

both were obviously Elliot imagining Mr. Robot saying those things.

I legitimately did not get spoiled, I figured it out because it's obvious. From what I take from this thread, it's not exactly unheard of for someone to see it coming early.


Ya dun goofed user. This was deliberately shoved in everybody's face for the first few episodes. Mr Robot starts talking with other characters later on, which made everybody double-guess themselves, and by the time it became clear he really *was* an illusion it turned out this was only part of the overall twist. You don't get the full effect unless you're waiting a week between episodes and discussing them with friends (or shitposting on television-themed internet forums because you haven't got any friends in the real world).

It peaks at the trunk scene

Episode 2 was one of the worst episodes though, the fuck?

I have extreme social anxiety, no job and almost never leave my house for social occasions, but through the internet I have managed to bang multiple womminz.

The real unrealistic thing about Elliot is not that he has some social interactions with people but the fact that he works and can handle responsibilities that rely on a network of people. That would be way too much social pressure for me and most people who live like this in my experience at least.

the protagnists girlfriend dies in the first season and they never bring it up again in the second.

Bald drug dealer gets out of jail gives elliot the look. They never bring it up in the second season

Den wut?

You forgot the part where he's a 1337 nxtlvl haxx0r, so everybody at the company puts up with his bullshit.