Somebody please redpill me on pic related

Somebody please redpill me on pic related.

I just finished marathoning it and I have no idea what it was about.

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Best film of the 21st century.

how do you marathon a single movie?

you need a high degree of focus, like that time I binged the first 10 minutes of Stranger Things to assess its quality

it was all a dream

the last part is real though and explains what actually happened

That's the epitome of our era for you: marathon = more than 30 minutes. This is the average time for audiovisual media consumption nowadays. The majority of it are YouTube videos, averaging 2 to 10 minutes, which people consume like crazy, so they have more weight to the official time of a marathon; secondly, TV shows, from 20 to 50 minutes, which are watched by a lot of people and makes for a better understanding of the term (watching lots of episodes makes a marathon); lastly, a movie, with its average time of 90 to 120 minutes, is a marathon in itself, given the examples before.

By going back to le reddit

Most of the movie is a dream with the blonde character projecting herself onto the black haired girl. She got fucked out of a movie role by her and ultimately and literally cucked and basically the entire movie is a dream of her trying to justify her murdering her former lover.

I wouldn't say she was unconsciously "trying to justify" her murder. Camilla/Rita was not a bad character (well, at least not that we and Betty knew of) in Diane's/Betty's dream. I'd say her dream is a fantasy of "what could have been" if everything was perfect. It is a cry from a desperate soul searching for a less chaotic world.

it was all a dream

read the explaination and watch it again
it's not that fuckjing hard

Normally, the "it was all a dream" trope is lazy as fuck but in this movie is a work of genius

The ending explains it all.
The only thing I dont understand what people like about this movie. The lesbian scene?

Because, why not?



The lesbian scene made my dick harder than industrial diamond

Well, everything.

It has technical high points: directing, photography, production, writing, production design, editing, sound design, music, acting... everything is absolutely perfect or at least near perfect.

It has intellectual high points: the way it shows the unconscious mind trying to make sense of a depressive life and the way it shows the darkness in places that are usually seen as paradises (from Winkie's to the whole Los Angeles), especially inside the Hollywood game.

It has emotional high points: it has genius in the way everything (technical and intellectual) works together to make you feel uncomfortable, frightened, amused (it has funny scenes as well), sad, horny, confused, in a dense atmosphere that Lynch is a master in creating.

I just never heared an argument, what is interesting or fun about it.
I mean you can like what you want, but I normally I can at least see what other people find in movies I dont like.

>Blonde gril is a bad actress that dreams big on becoming a star, but ends up with minor roles. Also, she was a pageant kid, meaning she has a lot of trouble with being the best and achieving success
>Brunette gril is hella talented actress that has a bright future ahead of her, and she's fucking both Blonde Girl and Director Guy
>Brunette gril is about to leave with the director
>Blonde gril lost the only thing that made her happy and in a fit of rage orders a hit on both of them
>Sleeps and dreams about a world where she's the best new talent in town, the director is getting cucked, and the brunette girl is suffering from amnesia and needs her to get around, and they fall in love
>Wakes up back to her shitty life, gets a confirmation that they're dead
>Kills herself out of guilt, with the ghosts of her past back to haunt her

There. It's prolly the only film where "IT WAS ALL DREAM" works really well, considering it's a twist.

For a movie to be a masterpiece, I think it has to succeed well in these three categories. A movie can be really good in the technical sense but not make me feel or think anything, the same way a movie can make me think but not feel anything, or feel something but not really be smart enough to cause me a mental orgasm.

I think Mulholland Drive succeeds a lot in those three categories.

Lol no.

I love this Movie so much I really wish I had seen more of David Lynch's movies like Blue Velvet and Eraserhead. I'll see them eventually

Lol yes.

>it's ok when Lynch does it
hi plebbit!

Ok I accept that. But what was with the guy in the diner talking about his dream?

I didn't even mention Lynch and I didn't say there aren't other few movies who do this trope well. Stop smoking manure.

That was the guy Betty hired to kill her lover. He was in one of Betty's dream sequences and possibly it was Betty projecting herself as the hit man.

You have on average 2-3 dreams every night, but you only really remember bits and pieces of the last one you had moments before waking.

He was someone she saw in the diner when she was ordering the hit. The relation between him and the darkest act she ever did made her dream about this guy having a nightmare and confronting his own darkness.

Also, the scene with the guy is in relation to a theme in the movie (and the whole David Lynch filmography): darkness behind something apparently innocent/positive (Hollywood in this case).

No, that wasn't the guy she hired to kill her lover. That guy was in her dream getting the black book, trying to find Rita, but he's having a bad time trying to do that (unlike in real life) while Betty/Diane is taking good care of Rita/Camilla.

Yea that came out of nowhere, what a pleasant surprise it was.

>darkness behind something apparently innocent/positive (Hollywood in this case).
I meant to say Winkie's in this case, but Hollywood as a whole in this movie.

>couch ridden due to weakness caused by my chemo
Is it a binge if I can't do anything else

The sad masturbation scene is the only time I've ever been able to empathize with a female in any movie or in real life.

>implying there's other movie that can take the throne

>note the window in the background with the one open/sideways blind

The foreshadowing in this film is sublime.

It's easy mode compared to Inland Empire

>this movie is more confusing therefore it's better


what about this one?

That's probably the best summary of it I have ever read.


How does this foreshadow anything?

Watch the scene with the little mobster guy spitting out his cappucino and the people behind blonde & brunette in the theatre.

Shit remake of Lost Highway

>tfw didn't get it while watching it the first time, only abstract ideas what it was really about
I wish I wasn't retarded.

Couldn't agree more.
Mulholland Drive is an extremy straight forward movie that spells out everything to know out.
Lost Highway on the other hand cannot be explained with simple narrative terms learned from film school, it's on another level.

It's just the watered down, Oscar bait version of Lynch's masterpiece, Lost Highway.

and Patricia Arquette was a certified goddess

Stop being american for 2 hours its really that hard?

Best scene of the movie

Can one of you explain Lost Highway to me? Tried marathoning it a while back and was confused as fuck.


Haha holy shit this movie keeps giving, its on a different level
Its weird to me how lynch originally intended for it to be tv show

Except that Mulholland Drive is way superior in every conceivable way.

Scenes Sup Forums will never understand?

literally 0/10 bait. nothing happens either of those scenes

People like you shouldn't be allowed to watch big boy films when their basic levels of visual comprehension are this poor