Have you watched it yet?
Have you watched it yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
Watched what
When the fuck is the one after Rebellion supposed to come out?!?
God damn I'm tired of waiting.
Homura did NOTHING wrong. Fuck off QB-posters
its over, senpai.
Ended just fine.
am i supposed to watch the films? i watched a bit of the first one and it just looked like a retelling of the series.
gas all weebs.
Id guess 2018
The creator is currently working on a different project
The first 2 films are retellings. The 3rd is a sequel
New one being made, senpai
no puede ser
i really shouldnt enjoy watching little anime girls suffer
but i do
>tryhard edgy shit
Not even remotely well written.
Fuck, why are all these people that need to work on their own shit making Godzilla movies? Granted, Shin Godzilla looks pretty fucking neat-o.
Damn, I've never seen that trailer thing before. Looks legit, senpai. Will watch/10
I'm not a weeaboo, so I don't watch anime garbage.
>he doesn't like watching cute girls doing cute things
Haha, check out this faggot.
I miss when Sup Forums didn't discriminate a medium. They understood that a good film is a good film, even if it's animated
You wouldn't happen to be new, would you?
That would be you.
>weeaboo means watching anime
Fucking kill yourself
>didn't discriminate a medium.
This isn't 2003 where there's only one board, go back to Sup Forums if you want to discuss your anime garbage. We have boards for a reason, so that your anime shit is contained within its respective boards without spilling over.
I'm sorry I don't care for anime trash to be able to give half of a fuck about proper terms.
>We have boards for a reason
This is the one for movies and TV shows, is it not?
Just because /vr/ exists, doesn't mean retro video games can't be talked about on Sup Forums
>liking watching cute girls do cute things makes you a faggot
Not sure how, buddy.
>This is the one for movies and TV shows
Excluding cartoons of any kind.
Manchild faggot to be precise.
Phenomenal music and the art direction was great
reminder that you are on a site modeled after a japanese image board made to talk about anime owned by a jap
>Excluding cartoons of any kind.
why aren't you shitposting in these threads and telling them to go back to Sup Forums?
Not as critical, since it's a western cartoon.
So does that mean we can't talk about foreign shows on this board?
Hey you can call me a manchild for watching cartoons aimed directly at my age group and even older, but it doesn't make me a faggot.
Watching little girls be cute and also fuck shit up with magic and other shit doesn't make you gay. I'm just saying, my man.
That said, I might have to go watch cute little girls drive tanks and shoot each other in massive tank battles for sport now.
You can talk about any show as long as it's not a cartoon, jap or otherwise.
>spamming Sup Forumsedditor keeps remaking his off topic thread that keeps getting deleted
Fuck off back to Sup Forums manchild
But you just said that cartoons are fine. So only Jap shows? Or only Jap cartoons??
I said it's not as critical, not that it belongs here. Try to pay attention.
Think you can quickly draw me a chart? I would like to know how critical French cartoons are compared to Canadian ones
They're both western, do the math.
Equal criticality then?
Is there shagging in it?
Lots of forbidden love.
All love is forbidden, practiced by dirty sinners
Maybe not full blown but what about hand/mouth play?
>this whole thread
The bad part is the person against this thread doesn't realize that trying to send anime exclusively to Sup Forums is the personification of Reddit. It's the same thing as having a general that all posting of one show should be contained in.
Sup Forums was created for conversation. The users decide what content is promoted. Trying to get rid of something because it doesn't fit into the board, which it does, is doing nothing but destroying conversation.
This is a good post
Not bad desu
>miss when Sup Forums didn't discriminate a medium
>You wouldn't happen to be new, would you?
Are you? Because you've proven otherwise in your same post.
so hes spamming? time to link it to troid :^)
There are 2 different Sup Forumss I have seen since I started browsing.
Sup Forums was pretty much the Sup Forums of movies. Less memes and more nonstop trying to impress each other with how patrician they are. This Sup Forums would never have said a show was shit just because it was made in japan. In fact, a lot of old movies got extra Sup Forums points just for being japanese/foreign
2013 onward is just memes and reddit and cuckposting.
>someone is going to try to explain to me that baneposting started in 2012, so I'm wrong
As big of a meme event as that was, it was coupled alongside posters taking themselves way to seriously. It was never like it currently is
Do a better job at lying especially if you're going to admit you're here during the year of the paulson survey or game of thrones starting.
Give it another year or two maybe before you try to pull this shit off again.
How am I lying. Point me to where I am wrong
>The bad part is the person against this thread doesn't realize that trying to send anime exclusively to Sup Forums is the personification of Reddit
Fuck off, that's brony logic
>Hurr it's TELEVISION and film, My Little Pony is on Sup Forums, therefore I should be able to spam Sup Forums endlessly with threads about my favorite cartoon horse
>>Hurr it's TELEVISION and film, My Little Pony is on Sup Forums
Believe it or not, but even the MLP mongrels were here they were much better behaved than the Sup Forums cancer spamming these threads
We only had one MLP trip(as far as i remember[he stopped posting once it came out that he would indeed fuck a pony]) though so that might have had something to do with it.
>Well behaved
You really are new aren't you. They spammed their shit any chance they got. Including unrelated threads.
At least madoka threads (or anime threads in general for that matter) are contained to their own threads
>its animeretard using 3x3 in attempt to show everybody how laughably pretentious his garbage show is episode