Probably the best movie I've seen this year.
>Top-notch cinematography
>Good score
>Based Del Toro
>Based Brolin
Similar movie recommendations or a Sicario discusson thread.
Probably the best movie I've seen this year.
>Top-notch cinematography
>Good score
>Based Del Toro
>Based Brolin
Similar movie recommendations or a Sicario discusson thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
I was late to the party on this and just watched it the other night. Holy shit.
>Dat Deakins bringing his fucking A-game
>Dat score
>Based Del Taco
>Based Brolin
>Based female protagonist done right
>Dat drive into Juarez and border crossing scene
>Dat tunnel scene
>Dat dinner table scene
Liked this a lot more than Prisoners. Might watch Enemy next. Definitely hyped for Arrival now.
Have you seen incendies, it's from the same director(it's great btw)
>Based female protagonist done right
Also the tunnel scene reminded me how shitty a lot of contemporary night photography can be. Deakins has a way of making things look "natural" in a really effortless way without drawing too much attention to the look. The use of actual IR cameras to film the scene was pretty based too.
I'm also hyped for Blade Runner 2 now.
all returning... plus based Goose and Ford.
It has zero rewatch value though
>Top-notch cinematography
>Good score
>Based Del Toro
>Based Brolin
really pushing the boundaries of film discussion
>gets her shit stomped in by superiors
>physically vulnerable
>struggles to maintain her principles in the face of fighting a dirty war
She was based. Other female protags overcompensate so hard that they turn into Mary Sues. She was a real person.
No. Had only seen Prisoners by him and thought it was pretty good but nothing amazing. Wasn't motivated to check out his other stuff. Now I am though and will give his other flicks a peep.
The guy who Del Taco shot in front of his sons at the end... was that the same guy who he talked to before interrogating that guy with the water jug? I thought he mentioned having two sons. He was some Mexican official who I guess was profiting off of the drug war while pretending to fight it?
Why did they have to caravan into Juarez to get the drug lord? Couldn't they send a helicopter? Would've been much safer, senpai.
I'm not 100% sure but I feel like flying an American helicopter into another country's airspace on a CIA mission is a literal act of war. They went via ground to try and keep it under the radar - literally.
It's not the same guy.
She was useless and out of her depth, and whenever she let her morals get in the way of her job she fucked up
That's a female protagonist done right, friend
>using >Based [] to praise a flick
pure reddit right here. also one of the most reddit flicks of the past 2 years. Villenueve has become a master of attracting young male pseuds/posers.
Kill yourselves.
Getting a licence to fly a fucking army aircraft across borders isn't the same as passing with cars.
And even if they could a single helicopter in the air that is heard from the whole of Juarez is an easier target than a convoy of speeding black SUVs.
You can't be serious man.
>reddit likes it so it must be bad
How's 7th grade
Feel good that you've graduated to Nolan/Fincher 2.0 in your mid 20s? Such a patrician!
I bet you are one of those guys who now hate Fight Club/Shawshank Redemption/Pulp Fiction just because most entry level wannabe film buffs call those their favorite, which doesn't change the fact that they are well made movies.
If no one knew who Villenueve was and you saw this movie on a festival (which I'm sure you never went in your life) you would suck Villenueve's dick clean.
Gotcha. Just a random drug lord? Same guy who melted his daughter in acid, right?
Pseuds who use "dat" and "based" praise it, so it's obviously mediocre pseudo-art.
How's having the taste of a middle-aged house wife living in the suburbs?
more like Siboreio
You'd very much want to believe that, in order to feel better about your teenage movie taste. But you can't know for sure, can you little Timmy?
They're horrendous movies and everybody who graduated adolscence knows it. Of course that doesn't apply to most viewers here since the Jews have been trying their very best to keep the white western world completely infantilized. Shawshank, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction are all pornographic video game trash.
>If no one knew who Villenueve was and you saw this movie on a festival (which I'm sure you never went in your life) you would suck Villenueve's dick clean.
Yeah, The Villenueve meme was so well established when I was shuddering with rage watching Incendies for the first time in theaters. You can spot the video game enabling "film buff" sensibilities a mile off. The Villenueve name only became associated with adolescent viewers in the face place because of the content of the films he made.
Oh my god what a beautiful pile of pretentious bullshit
If I asked you why any of those movies are bad you are going to start rambling on the political views of the directors and "muh millenials" like "based" Armond White, not mentioning one filmmaking element in the process.
Sup Forums please leave
All art should be judged politically first and foremost. The survival of the white race and the media impact on that battle is far more important than how much "based" "fun" you had looking at "Based" Deakins' "comfy" cinematography.
And that viewpoint has nothing to do with Sup Forums you video game crossposter.
If liking this movie makes me "reddit" in the eyes of some autist, that's not really going to get me to change my opinion
Ooooooohhhhh looks like I hit the sweet spot boiiiisss
>"All art should be judged politically first and foremost."
What a genius statement really, congrats.
Please tell me how do you judge politically for example Bach's Prelude in C major.
Or if I just took a guitar now, played 4 chords repeatadly and whistled over it, how do you politicaly judge that?
Or let's say any David Lynch movie, how do you judge politically Inland Empire for example? Do you think first thing directors do is "how should I materialise my political standpoint in this movie now" or what?
You got so deep in your online Sup Forums discussions that you are practically lost my dear friend wow
I drew a picture of you getting raped by a jewish black Hitler. How do you feel about that?
How shit was this though
Where can stream?
>what do you think about movie x and y
>well the pseudo intellectual fucklords who consider themselves "fans" of those movies are all insufferable buzzword spouting high schoolers who most likely browse re-
alright I believe that's enough, go kill yourself now
>all art should be judged politically first and foremost
>judges a movie based on the age and popular websites visited by said movie's fanbase
>non stop projecting from the moment he came ITT
yeah, definitely kill yourself
wasn't shit. just extremely mediocre
This too
literally nothing fucking happened: the movie
from the build up you expect a big finale, but its really anti climatic
Sicario thread?
T-thanks yify
Just that border crossing scene alone makes this movie worth watching, holy shit. It was so suspenseful and well done.
It was mediocre, then it seemed like it was going somewhere, then it got absolutely shit
That guy was better off withJhnny English desu
i bet you like marvel movies, cucks
first we have 45 minute tension build up till the boarder crossing payoff
then tension builds up again until the tunnel and dinner scene payoffs
Not every movie should have a viewer satisfying closure of all loops and a grand spectacle finale.
You probably don't like a single Coen bros movie do you.
obvious ending right from the first 15 minutes
>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
You did a good job highlighting the strengths but failed to bring up the poor writing and the flaws that come with having an audience-surrogate protagonist.
I'd give it a 7 or 7.5/10
>tfw will never fuck prime yoga emily blunt
You wot
If it engages viewers then it is anti-white. That's as simple as it needs to be. If it alienates viewers then it is not contributing to the downfall of the white race.
Ok flick, but still Villeneuve's worst.
TFW I watch Narcos and call the hitmen Sicarios
i was expecting something exciting at the border, but they sprayed the spics up and that was it. the tunnel scene was another really boring part, the dinner was the only memorable scene pretty much
coen bros? i never heard of them, cant be that good
how does now become as smug as brolin?
those spooks are always cool as self-assured as fuck even that balding guy from narcos 2 was nice
>never heard of the coen brothers
what are you trolling, pretending to be a retard or literally just born yesterday?
>ctrl+f boner
>0 results
>All art should be judged politically first and foremost
it's spelled Cohen, he's pointing out how stupid you are
>ctrl+f red impala two lanes left
> 0 results
Wtf, I love Reddit now
>I'm getting a boner
what did he mean by this?
>Memey and Plepnors being better than Scaikno
Wish there were more operator TV shows
The Unit was garbage
If you watched the show you quickly realized there were 10 shit scenes for every 1 interesting one
>cartel guy in Mexican state police clothes almost gets the jump on them
>delta ultra tier operators had no one watching over them and went all in to engage some spics
>the homo has shitty taste in films
really makes you think
Sicario was stupid
>Emily Blunt is led around the entire movie, no explanations given
>a couple of action scenes which were average at best, but the plebs love it "l'operator as fuck"
shitty kino tbqh
The Shield has some good street operating but it's not enough.
I want an entire show about operating that's not retarded american propganda.
>it's spelled Cohen, he's pointing out how stupid you are
>it's spelled Cohen
oh, okay then
>Shit script
>Shit story
>Mary sue one man army straight out of an action flick
>Build up to a shitty reveal (the government does shady things, how shocking and original)
>Unrealistically dumb and naive character
>Well shot
A polished turd.
Excellent critique of the movie, yes it needed some more exposition spewing and cooler action scenes you nailed it my man.
upvoted and subscribed keep it up
all of you > one word arguments can be set in just your first point
>shit script
And I give you that. But everything else is great.
>>calling things based is fine though
kys my man
>literally bitching about not there not being enough action scenes or exposition dump scenes
>bitches when movies have too many action scenes or exposition dumps
don't ever let me down Sup Forums
>implying Sup Forums is one person
>implying i have ever bitched about too much exposition
>implying i suggested sicario had too few action scenes
i wrote the actions scenes were average, not that there were too few
again, you seem to forget that there are more people on the internet than just you and I
>it burns when I pee
>implying Sup Forums isn't a hive mind
>when Sup Forums wants to be a hive mind it is
>when it doesn't it isn't
And I was making a sweeping generalization, not directly implying that Sup Forums is literally one person, you fuckhead
I don't even think you watched the movie when Emily Blunt's character was anything but a Mary Sue. Jesus christ shitpost more, Sup Forums.