Does she have the perfect feminine physique?

Does she have the perfect feminine physique?

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She's a poor substitute for Eugenia Cooney

Poor Mrs. Skellington. I want to feed her eggs

Man, I thought she was pretty on the show but in still images she's unattractive

Did normal people even have eating disorders in the 80's?


I liked her until I watched I Believe in Unicorns which is basically a sob story of Chad humping and dumping her.


Amerifats will claim she's too skinny

this is what nonfat people look like user

same t b h

Not so much. All the girls I knew in the 1980s in school were like her. There was only 1 fat girl and she just looked like "normal" looks today. Everyone is so fucking fat now. It is an eyesore to humanity.

She has the perfect ghoulish physique

I like my girls with a little meet on their bones... and a bone in their panties.

She's legitimately dangerously underweight. Watching this pained me because I was once dangerously underweight and she has all the same horrible features that come with that condition. She's not "just skinny."

She needs to start eating right and working out way before she ever tries to play a badass gurl in a show again.

Because she is, she's a fucking skeleton with no ass or tits
Plus her skinny frames makes her head and chin look fucking giant

It's like a skeleton with lipstick and a wig.

Jonathan Byers was lucky he dodged this eating disorder bullet.

This tbtbh

Shes ugly. Steve was wayy out of her league.

This. She's really damn cute in motion and her manners are attractive.

But she's super skinny.

God this is disgusting...

>when she approaches the camera

>that skeleton dance
Are you trying to spook me, user?

>hambeasts detected

She's skinny but not dangerously so.

THICC adorable

>virgin out of shape piece of shit beta cuck detected

No joke, I could kill you with one hand.

Okay bud, enjoy your no tits and two pointy bones for an ass


She very clearly has an eating disorder if you look at some before and after pics which actually is dangerous. So fuck yourself

thx mr skeletal

>being this mad because they can't tell the difference between malnourished and skinny

Time for another corn syrup infusion, kiddo. Yeah, I know. It's just your genes.

Her ankles jesus, i can't imagine what her legs look like. I hope she gets help, she seems sweet.

>look up for cute pics of her
>first results are from pro ana websites

If she moves her head too fast it looks it'll snap off
Like an orange on a toothpick

I normally don't diss what other people like but oh my god is she gross. No way anyone actually finds that attractive.

i don't say this alot

but she looks like a tranny


>tfw male skeleton
>she's exactly my type

She reminds me of my highschool gf

That's why I hated her

she'd be a lot cuter if she'd gain a bit of weight(even tho I like skinny girls)
but she's still perfect to make alpha sons with

Pukesville USA

Nah, this is what people who are in danger of starving to death look like, senpai.

I dont know how to put this, but she looks old and young at the same time. Does that makes sense to someome else? Shes like a teen grandma

Her head looks too big for her torso. But Diane Kruger has the same and she's not underweight. Im confused

>they compare pics from 2009 (12 years old) to 2016

She could use some weight, I think, but anorexic? This fucking world, man.


she's got that Julia Louise Drefyus chin going on

that broad needs to lose weight

As someone who was 5'11 and 120lbs

thats too skinny even for me

She was looking a lil better recently.

wonder how much she could deadlift

Damn! Why's that raccoon has long hair and it's too skinny too!

she's pretty, but her chin gives me tranny vibes


Yeah her face looks old, I love skinny girls but she can't pull off the look without looking like a sick person.

>that webm when she shows pussy

looks way better here,

>tfw 5'8", 105 pounds and have cancer so I'm expected to lose weight

Am I going to become an skeleton

doubt its much more than the clothes shes wearing

Would need to examine her holes to give an honest assessment.

They all look cute here desu!

I'm sorry to hear that user

Post it god damn it!

>El actually shaved her hair

Rightmost one is a girl right?

Are you retarded?


leave natalia alone she'll be okay

Thats because her weight. Even if she would gain a couple of pounds she would look a lot better.


It's curable. Chemo sucks but so did the cough that the largest mass caused. It's okay user, I won't die
not from cancer. At this rate I'll starve and as an amerifat that is the worst way to go

I really liked her in the show itself, but not in any of footage outside of it.

Her toenails are fucking gross wtf.

Holy shit, she looks like that Irish slag that's a meme on sp, but an anorexic version of her.

White girls and their eating disorders, lol.

at some point when you start wearing your watch near your elbow you'd have to start wondering whether something's wrong, right?

>Flat with a decent face was the best we could hope for back then.

how the fuck is she even alive and able to walk?

Look how much she hates standing next to Finn lmao

Humans are wonderfully resilient. I wonder how much she'd weigh if she cut off her arms and legs and got rid of redundant organs.

>she can't pull off the look without looking like a sick person.

This, aside from the fact that she's clearly underweight, she also clearly stores and loses fat on her face quickly. She looks horrible being this skinny.

My gf is very skinny but has a beautiful and full-looking face. If I personally go even a little below my minimum weight, however, my cheeks disappear and I look like I'm dying.


Why does Eleven look sad having to touch froggo?

This. I stick to black women with their beautiful curves.

So much better.

>I wonder how much she'd weigh if she cut off her arms and legs and got rid of redundant organs.

Ah,what a perfectly normal thing to ponder

now I'm curious too

>Eva Green
>Alexandra Daddario
>Dakota Fanning

You guys can't blame me for lusting after your woman.

She actually looks healthy here

"Eugenia Cooney(emo anorexic youtuber) fat pussy lips fallout during vlog"

There's just no way that's healthy

> walk into mall
> see a stalker in Macy's

get the fuck back to the citadel you combine bitch

>knowing what healthy looks like

>Dakota Fanning and you are the same age
>you're rock
>she's a Pearl

Worse imo

I'm not american though

It actually exists...

Sure thing.

Skellyfucker please go

Why is Will's head so small?

This, and why is this the case?

How is this creature even alive. Where do the organs reside?