So we all agree he was in the wrong, right?

So we all agree he was in the wrong, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. Blowing up a town because some cop offered you a ride free of charge is the wrong decision to make.

For what? Minding his own business and wanting something to eat?

Was it autism?

>tfw you're not rambo

For wanting to get something to eat? What are you, a communist or something?

>We don't want your kind around here, this is a nice, quiet town
>I dunno wut u mean offiser
>Proceeds to murder police officers, destroy the town and have the army called in

God, what could the officer possibly have meant?

Rambo didn't kill anyone

was this really how america treated its war heroes?
what was the sheriffs problem? what rambo forgot to clap when he entered his fucking town or something?

>yeah I set fire to your town, but i didn't kill anyone so it's fine lmao

What about that Galt guy

for the vietnam war, yes

before the hippy movement they were revered

they should remake rambo but with black people

>korean war vets


Fuck off, fascist.

>war hero
Nothing heroic about killing a bunch of gooks. Especially when they have inferior technology.

He's just like me.

Oh, you're right, I was thinking about the helicopter stuff, but I guess that was an accident. Though I'm pretty sure you can be held somewhat responsible for police officers put in danger because they're required to respond to what you're doing. Like if a cop dies in a car accident during a chase, even if the suspect isn't directly involved in the death.

the sheriff wasn't a hippy though


>tfw he made it back home at the end of the saga.

do you think his father was still alive?
that last scene was very eefective and i was genuinely moved.

I've only seen First Blood, are the others even worth watching?

>>war hero
the words of the film, not mine, lad
>Nothing heroic about killing a bunch of gooks. Especially when they have inferior technology.
its okay user, relax, the gooks won the war


oh yes.
it becomes a lot more action packed in ep2, ep3 and rambo 4 is pretty gruesome too, but all over some good entertainment.

IV is pretty good for a modern action movie and is worth watching even though it's thematically nothing special.

That last shot in the movie was brilliant. It really tied the whole saga back to the original narrative quest for John in First Blood.

I'd love to think his father was still alive. I guess John was finally home and that's the most important thing to take from the scene.

why not. what else have you got to do?

In the movie the sheriff was just a prick to Rambo. John was just trying to get away and wanted to be alone

Book Teasle instead is a war hero from korea trying to stop a vet with huge PTSD problems and sociopathic behavior.

2 and 3 are fun 80s action. 4 is gory action but also kinda well-acted and a perfect ending.

nicely put user.

You are half right. It is true the korean war veterans were forgotten by the public because the Vietnam conflict overshadowed their fight and war but before that they were received like heroes, to later being ignored.

Vets like him were viewed more as drifters and vagabonds who fought and lost a relatively pointless war. First Blood, An Officer and a Gentleman, and Top Gun did a lot to reverse that sort of culture in the eighties.
>thank you for your service.

Last one any good?

The daily reminder that the gooks won the war

but you still couldn't beat them lmao

Those gooks. They were a bunch of stubborn bastards. It's amazing how far they went to protect their country from USA, is like what Marlon Brando said in Apocalypse Now, you have this farmers who love their kids and their land but they can strip away their humanity to fight with everything.

The sheriff was a veteran (Korean war). You can see the medals in his office.

anyone have a webm of that final shot in rambo 4?

yeh, its pretty good with a great ending.

no but im sure some cool user will have it/make one


Can someone shop Matt Leblanc's face on Rambo?

Why? Because he wanted to fucking eat?


He is Reaganism personified



tip top fucking kek @ americas fickle foreign policies

The town obviously has a problem with drifters causing problem. Cop politely gives him a lift out of town and warms him man to man they do not want him around and to please leave.

Think of it this way, some bum strolls onto your property, you escort him off, treat him with dignity but ask him to stay off your land from now on. Does he have the right to blow up your house? Vets are entitled scum, so the movie was at least accurate.

Foreing policy fixd

Rambo and Ravenous, two movies that perfectly sum up rural life in Washington state.


poorest b8 in the thread lad sorry but hey at least you got your (You)


This is complete bullshit. Civil War veterans didn't get jack shit, WW1 veterans didn't get jack shit. Up until WW2 vets weren't idolized and given handouts. The gibme dat mentality of American soldiers started to take off with "the greatest generation" and has gotten worse and worse with each successive generation.

They are terrible, but if you like bad B movie action then you might enjoy them. First Blood is the only legitimate story.

why not just post the yt link

cos I want to save it as a webm lad. no biggie m8

good shit

Vet lives matter

mujahideen =/= taliban

but they feared reactions of dumbasses such as yourself

he forgot to shart in the mart

What did they mean by this?

his instincts kicked in when they started torturing him

If by "he" you mean the US government for sending him to a war we shouldn't have fought then yes.