You have 10 seconds to prove why homosexuality isn't a mental disorder

You have 10 seconds to prove why homosexuality isn't a mental disorder.

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It occurs often in nature.

seen. better. looking. traps.

So does insanity.


So does heterosexuality. What's your point?

Find me an insane animal faggot.

Will those 10 seconds change how you view homosexuals? If not then what's the fucking point? So you can shitpost, eat that shitpost, and shit it out again?

since everyone is in fact bisexual, homosexual behavior is not unusual and therefore no disorder qed.

Even if it was a mental disorder why would it matter, It's not a violent one, All people can do is learn to live with it and if that is finding other people that share the same mental disorder then who cares. It doesn't affect you unless you're over sensitive and if you are that's probably a mental disorder too so you might want to get that checked.

Nude pic now


Because Trump sucks dick

All vertebrates reproduce sexually. The whole purpose of life, strictly speaking, is to pass down your genes to the next generation. It thus makes no sense from an evolutionary stand point for any creature to be sexually attracted to an individual of the same sex. This is simple biology and basic logic user.

>You have 10 seconds

Do what you will with this.

That is a lie. Homosexuals are just as violent as heterosexuals.

It's not in the DSM 5

mental disorders can be highly subjective, for instance conciousness could be considered a mental disorder

Sticking your dick in a hole that feels good is as much a mental illness as liking soda or pizza.

animals doing it too

Medical Definition of mental disorder.

1. A personality trait or set of traits that deviates from whats common or expected

2. Must be consistent in multiple life settings (home, school, work).

3. Must be causing a measurable drop in quality of life.

Homosexuality meets the first and second criteria. Not the third because a homosexual can lead a fine life if other people minded their own business. You have literally no reason to care about people you dont know.

And it simply does not qualify as a disorder by dsm-v definition.

Did you even watch your own video, dipshit?


Of course

Proof? I'm pretty sure I'm only attracted to women

>(((dsm 5)))

What were you trying to prove with your video?

How should I prove a negative?
It is on you to prove it is a mental disorder as it occurs naturally and has no harming side effects.

It is a mental disorder/perversion; Sexual attraction in nature was cultivated in such a way that reproduction requires one male and one female. 2 males involved in reproduction merits zero results.

That being said who gives a fuck who someone wants to cum inside

Penguins can exibit insane behavior, moron

So you lied, you didn't watch the video. I reiterate, you are in fact a dipshit.

okay rip you win

Why does everything anybody does have to make sense "from an evolutionary stand point"?

From an evolutionary stand point, it also makes no sense to judge individuals of a species that don't reproduce. There are many possible upsides of homosexuality. Even if there weren't, it just. doesn't. matter.

The penguin is running to his death you dense faggot. Even if the researchers were to bring him back, exhausted and starving, he would immediately run back towards his impending doom. How is this not insanity?


Plus we're animals with a cultural veneer. All humans are weird and fucked up in some way, all humans have faults and problems. If youre going to quote evolution, you must also understand evolution isnt perfect at all and kind of duct tapes together qualities that works and constantly tries new things through mutation.

Which is why the dsm-v definition of a disorder (posted here: ) is so specific. If it wasnt within those very precise perameters, everyone and their mum would have a mental disorder.

>Penguin leaves colony.

Whatever you say retard.

It is.

You have 10 seconds to prove that even if it is a mental disorder that automatically means they should be scrutinized?

>From an evolutionary stand point, it also makes no sense to judge individuals of a species that don't reproduce
I wouldn't start making such claims until you habe carefully thought through the implications. Consider a clan of socially-oriented carnivorous animals (humans or wolves, for example). Would it make much sense for the pack to devote resources to rearing a younger individual that will not reproduce and hence not contribute to the aggregation of food for the next generation of pups?

It is going towards certain death you trog. Read this Now tell me how the fuck that behavior will lead it to passing on its genes you collosal fucking faggot.

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The whole purpose YOU ascribe to life is passing down genes. There is no purpose in evolution. Evolution just mutates whatever the fuck it mutates and what sticks, sticks. Fuck off with your "simple biology and basic logic", learn some fucking first grade biology.

The claim in the op was not that we should demean or mistreat these people. It wa that the behavior is a mental disorder, which it is.

>NEETdom is a mental disorder
>MGTOW is a mental disorder.
>Abstinence is a mental disorder.

Should I keep going?

>which it is
Not according to the criteria of the DSM. Excuse me while I take the word of thousands of psychologists over a random armchair psychogolist user.

Idk man, homosexuality isn't the problem. The real mental illness is transsexualism. A fag who wants to change their gender is straight up autism.

It's easy to say that when you're not trans user.

Agreed, gays are basically eradicating themselves from genepool, and gay mutations aren't really preferable except if you are gay. Humanity is fine as long as gays fuck gays only and don't have any children to spoil.

Yeah, you're right. But if it isn't a mental illness, why do most trans people kill themselves? They know they ain't right in the head. It's one thing to be gay. But to be gay and think you're a woman is just plain fuckin retarded. You're goddamn right it's easy for me to say, lol. I'm not mentally ill. And just like the mentally ill, the worst ones are those who think everyone else is and they're perfectly normal.

As if it's as simple as "eradicating the gay" gene from the genepool lol. You clearly don't know how mutations work. It's not something you can breed out. It'll keep happening with every generation because of random mutations.

And why the fuck does it matter whether they fuck women or not and have children to "spoil" or not. Let people live the life they want. It's none of your business, you fuckhead.

Humans are not carnivorous, but w/e, besides the point.

>Would it make much sense for the pack to devote resources to rearing a younger individual that will not reproduce
Do all animals reproduce? There are many animals where males fight over who gets to mate with all females of the group. I don't exactly know this, but I don't think an animal not mating is that special. Animals without children can still help with rearing other's and literally anything else that needs to be done.

Because people are bastards and getting picked on/ostracized by a large part of society tends to leave people depressed and suicidal? That's not a trans specific thing, that's a societal thing.

Most trans people suffer from Gender Dysphoria. Gender Dyspohria is a mental disorder, Transsexualism isn't.

You're a fucking moron.
>The whole purpose YOU ascribe to life is passing down genes.
No, that is the general scientific consensus.
>Evolution just mutates whatever the fuck it mutates and what sticks, sticks.
Wrong again. Natural selection ACTS on mutations whose phenotype produces a more fit trait you fucking moron. This individual will reproduce more and hence contribute more to the gene pool in future generations (i.e. this trait will occur more often). Populations evolve, individuals do not. Based on your inability to grasp sich simple concepts please do us all a favor and do not propogate your genetic material to future generations.

They also all have an occurence of homosexuality at 10%.

Its extremely consistent.

When you have such consistency it means
A) it helps somehow. Maybe not by passing on genes, but contributes in some way to population control or resource pools

B) its an extremely easy mutation to achieve. Sexuality could be an extremely fragile construct and set of systems that can be thrown off very easily.

Evolution is also incredibly random and i sense a shred of nihilism in you, if Thats the case you should understand that its all just carbon based chemistry that turned into biology and there *is* no right or wrong way to do anything, so the only reason to oppose anyone elses lifestyle is pure hate and self appointed authority on your part.

3) animals are just perverse as fuck and do what feels good and it doesnt take much to hardwire them environmentally to just use any hole.

There could be even more reasons. But experts who study this shit for a living and are well educated still havent figured out the specific right answer.

So debate is as useless, and all it comes down to is mind your own life. Why debate here on your opinion on how wrong others are when i know for a fact (simply because youre human) youre filled to the brim with your own bullshit and fuckiness that probably needs urgent attention.

This post demonstrates you lack even th e most rudimentary understanding of evolution. Please remedy this and then we will debate.

People throughout history have always classified things behaviors/metalities that are against their value systems as a mental disorder. For instance, the Soviets would say a capitalist has a mental disorder and they'd send the to the gulags for rehabilitation.

Just because your bronze age fairy tales of the skywizard say dude's kissing is wrong, doesn't mean that it is. You're just a narrow minded halfwit trying to impose force your worldview on others.

See here's the thing, you claim homosexuals are trying to convert people, they aren't they just have different values that they're (key point) *not trying to impose on people*.

Different values/beliefs are fine insofar as they don't harm anyone and aren't forced on others.

And I know I was just trolled but I felt like commenting just in case there are genuine halfwits around like OP.

Gene ratio can be fixed with multigenerational persistence. Plud I intend to leave them to fuck themselves if they wish, no pressure.

The problem is the pressure gay parents do on their children. Just as gays are stigmatized by their parents, normal, non gay children are too by gay parents. Look it up on interwebz, children are trying to explain that they aren't gay and that they are more interested in opposite sex.

Semantics. By your own logic, you acknowledge that transsexuals are in fact, mentally ill. The thing that makes them mentally is what also makes them transsexual.

Op doesn't believe in reencarnation in different bodies

You have 10 seconds to prove that you are worthy of life.

You'll probably live a happier life if you just admit you're gay. Just saying.

>They also all have an occurence of homosexuality at 10%.
>When you have such consistency it means
A) it helps somehow. Maybe not by passing on genes, but contributes in some way to population control or resource pools
Now we're getting somewhere (IF what you said prior is true AND you can prove such behavior is somehow encoded in your genes).
>B) its an extremely easy mutation to achieve.
I highly doubt this. I'm skeptical of your claim all vertebrates have a steady 10% of individuals within a given species that exhibits this behavior. Perhaps the more pack / socially oriented.
>Evolution is also incredibly random and i sense a shred of nihilism in you
Wrong. Mutations are random, yes, evolution is certainly not.

>since everyone is in fact bisexual, homosexual behavior is not unusual and therefore no disorder qed.
I think this is entirely true, but granted you can't truly know how other people are inside their minds. Before Abrahamic religion virtually every culture on earth was openly bisexual. ALL ape species that we evolved from practice bisexuality. They get off with whatever/whoever they can. They just like cumming and have no hangups about how they get there.

Christianity made it a sin and burned people for it so it became much more repressed.

But it's funny that even among things that are consider bastions of hypermasculinity like football there's a shit ton of ass grabbing and towel slapping. And shit, the whole notion of men piling up on each other is a bit gay by itself. It's just socially acceptable sublimation of gay behavior.

I DO think the percentage varies in everyone. Like I'm predominantly attracted to women but there's something hot about big dick (you know how even heteros like big dicks in porn, that's more sublimated gay behavior) and traps. I'd never date or be romantically inclined with a man, but if I had a chance to experiment and no one would find out about it, I totally would....

See, you'll notice virtually every girl under 30 openly identifies as bi or at least has had some degree of same sex experimentation. And even though it isn't widely talked about most guys have jerked off with a buddy in their formitive years. But there's still a big stigma to male homosexuality though lesbianism is somewhat glorified by our culture. This explains why males are still reluctant to profess such inclinations. Most males who have been known to been involved with other guys are stigmatized as week and ostrasized socially and in business, so with men it stays repressed.

Everyone is bi. Deal with it.

You make a good point user.

It does not prevent someone from being a fully functional, productive member of society. It does not correlate with diminished intelligence.

>There is no purpose in evolution.

lol read a book.
I suppose lobsters just decided to have giant claws for no reason one day?

There's a decent amount of correlation here but I can't find any studies about it. Therefore, I'll keep it in mind but won't give it much weight.

Ok, since you're so arrogantly trying to prove me wrong (and failing to do so), I'll elaborate on my comment.

>No, that is the general scientific consensus.
Evolution is a process, not a thinking breathing organism with a sense of purpose. Evolution has no purpose. It just happens.

>Wrong again. Natural selection ACTS on mutations whose phenotype produces a more fit trait you fucking moron.
Let's break down my sentence there
>Evolution just mutates whatever the fuck it mutates
A.k.a. random mutation.
>and what sticks, sticks.
A.k.a. natural selection.

Survival of the fittest doesn't necessarily mean the strongest survive, it means those who are most fit to their environment survive. Obviously not having offspring will kill that path, but that's just that. There's no real objective purpose to pass on your genes, and any reputable evolutionary biologist would tell you that.

Natural selection does not "act" on anything. Natural selection is simply a process observed in nature. The environment enforces natural selection. Those who thrive in the environment, survive.

Again, this is not a conscious process. There is no purpose in this. We ascribe purpose. Without us being there to witness it, the process would still continue as it always has for millions of years without any label of purpose.


All crows might be black but not all things black are crows.


Look up "the raven paradox"

it's kinda related

You're an idiot.

>Natural selection does not "act" on anything. Natural selection is simply a process observed in nature.
You're an idiot, please kys or at the very least do not propogate your genetic material to future generations.

Whatever you do, do not readHe is a fucking moron

>quoting quora

Oh and I may not be a practicing scientist but I do have degrees in biology and mathematics. What the fuck do you have you pompous little faggot?

Listen all of you. Evolution has no end goal or purpose. That is what makes it work. If you can't even grasp that single basic concept of evolution, you have a screwed up view of evolution.


Study some more?

>quoting an actual biologist

For the record i do not like quora and think as a whole the community is toxic, but that has no bearing on my point or the authority of the scientist i linked to.

>tucks tail and scampers away in defeat, the post

Love is not a mental disorder, just a chemical reaction.

Mental disorders are often chemical imbalances, retard.

Because I'm pretty sure you don't want us to call you a retard

>Teen XXX sites collection

believe what you want, evolution doesn't have the capacity to care lol

Never claimed it did

Yeah ok so what about those gay geese that don't have pet cats

neither does it have a sense of purpose.

Suggesting it's a mental disorder because it doesn't lead to a baby is naturalistic fallacy.

Suggesting it's a mental disorder because it was previously socially unacceptable is appeal to tradition, and so is also a fallacy.

Suggesting it's a mental disorder because it's harmful is going against leading medical opinion.

Suggesting it's a mental disorder because you find it icky is just dumb


Never claimed it did either. You simply refuse to understand the mechanics of it.

Since it had an evolutionary advantage and it does not effect the persons life in any negative way thus it's not a disorder.

Wykop odkryƂ 4chana...

>Suggesting it's a mental disorder because it doesn't lead to a baby is naturalistic fallacy.
Nice strawman faggot

You're maybe gay a little bit

No straw-man there friendo, it was an argument used in this thread. Thanks for throwing the autists favorite deflection out though. If you can tell me a reason you think it's a mental disorder that I haven't listed I'll happily tell you why it's retarded as well.