ITT: Your hometown and the movie it's most famous for.
ITT: Your hometown and the movie it's most famous for
Either Under The Skin or Unleashed/Danny The Dog.
The theatre there was in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's been closed, abandoned and negelected for twenty years or more though, and is basically a giant pigeon roost now. The whole town's a run down shithole full of assorted immigrants though. I'd happily nuke the place.
> Woburn, MA
i love that movie. i have no idea why it's been widely disliked
One of the dozens of Loch Ness monster films I guess. Probably the Ted Danson one.
1973 version of the Wickerman
fuck off tcheuter scum
A million movies have been filmed in my hometown but none have ever actually been set here because it's boring.
Where do I live?
Victorville, CA?
hope you die from a bad swedger you weegie fuck
pretty much the only movie
I have no idea what that sentence means
>Milwaukee, Wisconsin
take your pick:
>American Movie
>Wayne's World
>Space Cop
Pretty sure the only big one we've got is Rain Man. Yeah well Cincinnati is pretty retarded so I guess it makes sense.
It's either the Drew Carey Show or A Christmas Story
> tfw no notable movies filmed primarily in San Antonio
I'll be the first
St. Petersburg, Florida
I'm not from E-town but there's fuck-all in regards to movies set in Ky so I guess this is the best I get.
Haven't seen it though.
My favorite podcast is from Vancouver. Can you guess it?
I don't listen to any podcasts.
Where in Kentucky are you?
Moved to Bowling Green about a month ago. Was in Richmond/Lexington for the past 6 years.
I'm in Lexington right now. Place sucks.
>Bowling Green
Yeah, those are tough ones. I can think of songs related to those places but no movies.
>Not supporting your fellow Canadians
For shame, user! For shame.
for those of you who dont know any movies from your town, use this and search by Filming Locations
Lexington does indeed suck a fat one. It's fun to visit but would not be fun to live in. Infrastructure is all kinds of fucked.
Richmond is nice and chill, although not much to do. Bowling Green is like Lexington if the roads weren't retarded and it was more spread out in general. I like it.
>songs related to Richmond, Ky
Really? Link please.
Staines represent!
summer catch
cape cod
Well, it's not about Richmond. It's by a band from Richmond.
Grumpy Old Men and one of the Mighty Ducks movies were partially filmed in my hometown
I also discovered last night that it was namedropped in The Nice Guys.
Shame about the population growth
–La Dolce Vita
–Roman Holidays
probably the most famous ones
Grand Budapest Hotel
i just watch david freese highlights from game 6 of the 2011 world series, it was the only world series game i've ever been to (thanks mark) and i really like freese because his walk up songs were always tool. the game was total hype dog primo
apollo 13
Wew. That's pretty awful. Figures.
Surprised I haven't heard of any hardcore bands from Richmond though considering how significant that hardcore scene was in the late 80s in Ky.
Tomorrow Never Dies
Budapest here. Likewise.
Although the martian was filmed here I suppose, but no one knows or cares about that.
>Umeå, Sweden
haven't even watched it
I fucking hate Zach Braff
I only know this song because it was in a video I downloaded off BearShare years ago. I thought I was downloading your regular, run-of-the-mill porn. Instead, I got a video of a grown man fucking a kid in the ass while this song played in the background. It has haunted me ever since.
This gym doesn't exist by the way.
The Outsiders.
I remember reading it in middle school, pretty neat how it took place really close to where i live.
Closest actual city to me, could pick anything set in Atlanta but fuck that Run Ronnie Run is a fuckin gem.
You think Elizabethtown is more famous than Goldfinger?
I love all my Greggheads.
Grosse Pointe Blank, The Virgin Suicides and It Follows I guess.
Shite film
Nothing to be ashamed of there. Those are all good movies.
They sure are, not ashamed in the least just don't think much if any of It Follows was filmed here. Grosse Pointe is tiny as shit
don't have one for my town but my county does
Total dog shit but it's basically the only film shot in my hometown/village apart from in the background of certain Top Gear episodes.
Fight Club's setting is in my home of Delaware, primarily set in Wilmington I think.
Well, most of Elizabethtown was shot in Louisville and Tennessee. The movie was critically panned and, according to some people, is responsible for the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. :-\
>Pride and Prejudice
>Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
>Some James Bond film
Gravesend. It gets mentioned in the Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe.
for shame, at least Kirsten Dunst looks gorgeous as always in it. Look on the bright side, despite being an awful trope Manic Pixie Dream Girl has given some real qts qt roles
I live in a small Mexican border town. In the 80's a family of martial artists (Judoka) decided to make an independent martial art-revenge flick. The four borthers worte, starred, directed, produced and did their own stunts. The result was a torrent of unintentional comedy mixed with true heart. Watching this live with the "stars" of the movie has been one of the greatest things of my life.
I present to you:
El Reto Final
Closet movie is 'The Good Shepard'.
Never seen it.
Not pic related exactly, but William H. Macy is arrested "Outside Bismarck"
I live in Fargo now though, and the theater has a life-sized Marge Gunderson statue made out of wood chippings
As much as I've grown to hate that trope, how could you not fall head over heels for her in this movie?
>live in tiny pointless Arizona town
>other than a 30 second scene in Forrest Gump I don't think anything else was filmed here
>check imdb
>turns out parts of Easy Rider, Midnight Run, Bill and Ted's, and fucking Casablanca were shot here
wew lad
Not "Raising Arizona"?
I can practically see this shit hole from my house
Ironically enough not filmed here (at least according to imdb)
I live in a small town, the only movie that's ever been filmed here was parts of The Man Without a Face (Mel Gibson), which was shot at the college here.
Great fucking movie, shame that Rian is a hack now. Laura is a fucking CUTIE.
Clerks senpai.
I'm okay with this.
'71, I suppose. Not many films are set here.
Are you a savage?
Tallahassee, FL
pretty accurate.
Wanna be friends?
Kek it's actually a bunch of retired old people and fishermen in this town