Why should I pay taxes for public services that I don't use?
Why should I pay taxes for public services that I don't use?
You already pay taxes for farm equipment you don't use
because you're guilty of being white. should have been born a different race dipshit
So that when you do require them you don't receive a big bill in the mail.
straight into my japan folder, nice
It always happens.
lol slavery
Because they are public services.
If they were only services you used, they would be private services.
Fucking Japan.
why is it so hard for u to get
u pay for things u dont use but others do
others pay for things they dont use but you do
society comtinues to function imstead of becoming detroit
its a communal situation, like a society
How can you say that?
Detroit is the American dream in action.
A big city out of the way of all the white folk where darkies can depopulate themselves in peace?
hello my paki friend
Because the consequences of not doing so are pretty bad. It sucks, OP, but we can't undo the damage just yet. Give it time. First comes national pride, then a cleaned-up education system and the destruction of PC culture (Trump). Once that's all cleared, we can move more and more towards limited government and get someone like Rand when he's been shaped more into a nationalist libertarian. States rights will return one day.
You shouldn't.
But liberalism is mob rule so The Tolerant Ones will fucking destroy your life if you don't submit so they can get gibsmedat. Best of it all: they don't even care. That's humanism for ya.
either pay for the services you dont use, or pay 1000x moreto the bean counters to track who uses what and charge accordingly
>logic is hard
Took me a sec. Fucking hell Japan.
In principle, there are no public services you don't use. Even if you don't use them directly, most of the rest of the country does. Unless you're completely independent and live off the land, you're getting something from those services somewhere down the line.
Good evening my Mulato chum.
Any idea what your nigger in chief's final executive order will be?
My money is on 40 acres and a mule.
Because we live in society. Go live by yourself and try not to depend on anyone else's help. Do it!
Because most likely many people do use them and you indirectly benefit from their use of them.
This is a slippery slope. It eventually gets you to libertarianism, where no one pays taxes and there are no roads and everyone has to grow their own food.
In a well run society, money is allocated properly so that there's not a huge amount of people paying for things that only a small number of people use.
I stopped paying taxes in 2008 when all this insanity the democrats demand happen started. I recommend until someone sane is running the nation everyone stop paying taxes.
Japan, how do you do it? Every fuck time.
Why do we pay markups on products we've never bought? Which private company created the Internet on which you are bitching?
taxes are the price of living in modern society...sure it sucks but can you imagine a world where we dont? or if it was voluntary?
would be hell
pure freedom is hell...would be like caveman times
You live in a community and everybody has to pay for communal goods