Is he losing it?

Is he losing it?

Other urls found in this thread:

doesn't he now have a legit job as an editor?

>Sup Forums was objectively more fun when >we had regular/ish latza threads

>lamentably latza caught wind of his relative-celebrity/infamy and SHUT IT DOWN on the social media fronts

>channel awesome as a whole has continued sliding into irrelevance so we don't even get semi-regular douge threads

>instead we get a bunch of marvel vs DC crap / capekino/capeshit / "tell me what did [they] do wrong?" / "[this chick] is the perfection of the female form" / generals / and of course [mods are asleep let's post porn and ask if it's kino]

>TLDR = i miss the glorious days of latzaposting, even if Sup Forums was still better 2yrs b4 the peak of latzaposting

>tfw it's like the world has gone on without you [pic related]

why can't i find my little webm snippet of latza fistpumping a WOO!!!! on lat's make a deal? oi vey!

>dislikes are disabled

yeah at disney

>Latza actually made it
>He's more successful than everyone on Channel Awesome

don't worry senpai, there's still plenty of comfy RLM threads

Sup Forums BTFO

I miss that too, well the board was already orge it still had it's moments.

Don't even get me started on how much I miss the Drive-era

Literally /ourguy/


hey reddit

This. I miss Latzaposting

But we still have Eggkara, it's the comfy as hell stream on Sup Forums, also we have this to look forward to:
>Jo suicide from becoming a tyranny
>The final nail in the coffee of CA
>Latza Let's Play coming out at the end of this month/early October
>Spoony is Missing, his last Tweet was Aug 28th about Trump using nukes

It's going to be ok senpai, just join us in Eggkara for some Latza Posting good times! We are doing a Latza Marathon RIGHT NOW!


We helped him achieve greatness, we did it Sup Forums

Spotted the Redditor

What do you call that kind of tie knot

Stop fucking shilling this shit


What's wrong with talking about one of the many Sup Forums based stream rooms on cytube, hell all the rooms are Sup Forums based. Where are you when they promote the RLM stream room?

Don't forget Joe is going Blind

Who is this semen demon?

desu Latza posting was always going to have a limited run since he never had the production ability to shit out and endless stream of cringy pathetic videos like CA
It was good while it lasted, and it's a shame Sup Forums hasn't found anyone else as good since though Ja/ck/ threads were a nice moment

I think you missed the part where literally nobody Youtubers aren't fucking television or film

You faggot one of the many cancers festering in this board

Neither is Netflix but they still win Emmys.

I mean, if working a low position at a major company where your name will never be noticed in the credits of random shit is considered more successful than starting your own relatively popular online media producer, then yes

>an editor working for Disney isn't Sup Forums related

On the payroll at a huge, multi-billion dollar studio or begging for money on crowdfunding sites? I know which I'd choose.

Nothing is certain but I think I know who will be in a better position career wise 20 years from now.

Someone post the version where they aren't moving but he is


There's not really a joke here if the video is that short. That seems perfectly reasonable for the name of a main character.

>Latza edits for Disney
>Made 4 movies, 5 if you count James
>James movie was in Theaters
>All film reviewers
>The french guy has a tv show in France

But I am the problem, not the threads


dude, you're a flat tire on the highway of fun. you're already IN a latzathread, and if you know anything about latzathreads going back over the last 1-2yrs then you'd know that eggkara goes with CA/douge/latza threads like chocolate goes with milk, or like mal-adjusted overweight middleaged "cunny enthuiasts" (for lack of a proper pedo*.* term) go with chloe moretz.... not to mention if you don't like a post you can always skip right past it and "live and let live"

instead, i'm thinking that you're quite possibly new to Sup Forums. maybe you started coming here over the summer (for some odd reason? =) and therefore when you got used to Sup Forums there weren't any CA/douge/latza threads around to let you know that they're part of the fabric of Sup Forums, therefore you see one pop up now and decided that you wanna prove your commitment to the group by veritably "policing" the content, ergo reporting an eggkara mention for "spamming"

yeah >TLDR aka WGAF? and i'm obviously some kind of turboautist, but at least i'm not trying to ruin other people's fun by having the stick up my ass compel me to report an eggkara mention IN A LATZA THREAD.... that's just uncouth man. seriously uncouth. and if you weren't some kind of summerfag you'd go far enough back to know that latzaposting is a beloved part of Sup Forums


anyone who has been around Sup Forums for awhile is obviously a proud necrophile, duh.


Are they photoshopped in?


How will it ever top the "Hi Mike!" ??

>>You faggot one of the many cancers festering in this board

oh lol i swear to god i didnt' read this b4 i made my stupid TLDR post a minute ago where i called out >(You) likely calling CA/douge/latza and their posters "cancer"

like i said at the end of that TLDR post, at this point you're only STILL on Sup Forums if you're a fucking necrophile. if you wanna talk about "the cancer that's killing Sup Forums" you can go back and pronounce Sup Forums dead around the time that we stopped having daily oval threads every morning


>yes, disregard me and my post/s: i suck cocks

You clearly came here in the last year or two for capeshit and memes. No you are the cancer user

ITT: summerfags who haven't even watched season 1. this guy is a bonafide "it-getter"

btw does anyone have that little webm clip of latza in the audience for "let's make a deal" in full games atlas costume/regalia giving the arsenio-style fist-pump/WOO-WOO-WOO? i know i saved it when i first saw it, but i can't find it in my images/webm folders =/

I don't remember seeing any clip of him going full Arsenio.

Source on Latza working for Disney?

no, no, NO! Gravity Falls is legit kino cartoon, fucking latza has to touch it, NO!

google his name its on his linkedin

Wide n messy

Anyone have his new reel with the horrible Disney XD pitch and all his PA jobs?

HOLY SHIT FUCK YES!!!!! to borrow from chris harddick you just won the internet user.

yeah i had rosy colored glasses where i aggrandized my memory of the little clip that you provided --- he just kinda raises his first and does a WOO!!! --- but indeed this is the very clip i was looking for.

>autism time!

indeed, i was the user who originally requested that this little WOO! get cut out of the bigger/longer clip where he was simply sitting in the audience during the closing credits (and IIRC the guy next to him was dressed up as a bunch of grapes with purple balloons for the grapes, so wayne brady had him try to pop all of them in under 30 seconds to get $100 or something...

so while the camera/man was focused on that grape guy popping his balloons latza was just chilling right next to him; of course he was totally late on picking up on the "it's time to cheer!" cue so that reaction you see there is 100% forced and hyperactive-compensation for falling behind the normal pace of socialization.

cuz yeah technically hyperactive ppl "spazzing out" = their neurotransmitters/synapses actually fire slower than a "normal person" therefore they process real-time (social) situations slower than normies, ergo they will then try to over/compensate for falling behind and you get "spazzing out" --- this is why hyperactive/ADD/ADHD people are often given some kind of stimulant/upper/speed to "speed up" their synaptical relays so they're able to keep up with processing real-time events like the normies.

>the preceding post was brought to you by IRONY(TM) -- projecting one's autism/ADHD on [anyone else] since 1983

i know he submitted some kind of roughly-animated "pitch" for DisneyXD, but then later on i seem to remember him taking a picture of his Disney/XD ID/badge/whatever and posting it online. i didn't save that picture tho

which one of you faggots made this

Just 20? 100% here

I seriously want to know how Paul Latza got a job as an editor for Disney. For all of his autism he is at least a competent editor from what I've seen.

lel sorry posted that in the wrong thread

>Space Chimps

There is nothing wrong with this.

>9 months ago
Does he have any hair left?
Anyone following his twitter?

Probably you yourself, but I subscribed to you anyway.

I also really miss the old days of Latzaposting/TGWTG threads. It seems like everything has dried up. Spoony has fully given up and now his only consistent content is tweets about Donald Trump, Doug hasn't done anything controversial since "Where's The Fair Use?" and Linkara hasn't done anything controversial since he released the Atop the Fourth Wall movie.

Latza really needs to get a patreon started. He could probably get a reasonable amount from people wanting a new season.

he barely tweets anymore

I'll never understand why faggots like you get so deeply triggered over TGWTG threads. Usually there's only one TGWTG thread in the catalog at a time so you can't argue they're clogging up the board, and for years this board has been flooded with capeshit threads, meme threads, BLACKED threads and other stupid shit so you can't argue that TGWTG threads are damaging the quality of this terrible board. There's no valid reason to get so upset over these threads.
His editing is top tier desu

>Tommy Leet dancing clip
Rare as fuck.

They just think the threads are actually fan threads praising them. They will never understand the joys of Spoony beating April, nasty cocksluts, ridiculous gender transition award winning music videos or deep plots.

A year and a half ago I was doing shitty nightshifts, and it would brighten my day to come back from work, find the Linkara/Latza thread and make edits like the following. I made the Latza tweet collage as well, and i'm happy to see that still regularly posted.

Paul is a TBFP fan, Latza confirmed for being EVEN MORE BASED

Could you make some new Latza edits? I've been starving for new Latza content.

During a hard day of work a TGWTG thread would put a smile on my face and give me a good laugh. And Eggkara streams are max comfy as fuck.


ok how did he get a job, HOW.

Latza doesn't have much new stuff I can mine, I'll see what I can do. I'll dump some edits I may have never gotten around to posting.

I love it.




I made that one :3

whats wrong with this guy? he seems a little off.


Oh wait no I made the original version without the wreck.






He's a gentle soul


And thats about it for the Latza pics. I have some animated gifs and webms but they didn't turn out well. The rest of my edits are Linkara being a nasty cockslut, or Spoony ones that now seem horribly outdated as they have a female jesu otaku chained up in his basement.


I'm still waiting, Paul

Could someone explain how the latza thing started?

Holly shit
How deep does the Rabbit hole go?

A small group of autists saw themselves in another autist and decided to troll him for years. Going so far as to catfish him. it's pathetic really

I think Sup Forums found him when he paid Doug to shill a series he made called gameception.

This is pretty much where it all started...

Jo is now a man, god damn did I not see that one coming, thanks Obama

thanks I finally get it

you aint seen nothing yet


what's wrong with having fun?

fuck man I've seen this before. Was it supposed to be serious? did he really think he'd get an rlm show?

I miss comfy Latza threads

what is the "i'm the type of gamer every gamer should know" meme

spoonfeed me, i need the laugh

If I remember correctly he got someone else to sing this

>Sup Forums
>glorious days

does anyone remember that girls name?