Why does The Phantom Menace get so much hate? It's a good, comfy and fun movie just like the original Star Wars.
Why do people put the original trilogy on a pedestal?
Why does The Phantom Menace get so much hate? It's a good, comfy and fun movie just like the original Star Wars.
Why do people put the original trilogy on a pedestal?
Can't speak of anyone else, but the problems I have with TPM:
>Jar Jar Binks as comic relief. In the OT, the comic relief were the droids and Chewbacca, despite being useful characters that the crew has to rely on. Binks is nothing like that, his only usefulness is him introducing the Jedi to the gungans, but every other gungan could have done this aswell
>killing Darth Maul. They introduced a mysterious enemy, and nobody know what a Sith was. Killing him off was a waste
>the CGI experience: too much of big fish under water, too much of pod racing, Jedi temple looked shit due to its greenscreen nature even in '99
>the connecitivty of it all: Anakin built 3PO. Palpatine is from Naboo, R2D2 is from Naboo
>Midichloreans: unneccesary explanation of the force
>Anakin skywalker blows up the droid ship. At this point: what were they thinking? It's not even like the force guided him in some mysterious way, he just fucked up and saved the day.
it's fucking dogshit, fancuts can't even save it.
star wars was never that good to begin with, the prequels are fucking AWFUL
I agree. I used to be a hardcore SW fan, playing a lot of games, reading comics, having a book collection and all. But now, even the old films lost their influence over me.
The prequels destroyed everything. When I saw JewJew Abrahams movie, I actually felt like watching a Star Wars film - that never happened during the prequels. Unfortunatly, that feeling was only due to his copy&paste of A New Hope into his bullshit project.
>no hayden christensen
The Phantom Menace is the best of the prequels.
pretty much this
jake lloyd is worse though
I'll say that Midi-chlorian are a bit over hated. I mean I still think the idea was a mistake but at least given the context of film at the time and people wanting to give mythical/religious ideas a scientific basis it's a mistake I can understand and see good intentions with.
Jar Jar is just awful, nothing makes sense about the story, they killed off Darth Maul too soon, Anakin and Padme were shit. Introducing the droids so early when they played no real part in the story was a mistake.
It's better than Attack of the Clones, but what on earth isn't?
>too much of big fish
>implying there was a better way to convey that there's always a bigger fish, foreshadowing the revelation that Maul had a master pulling his strings from behind the curtain
2 D E E P 4 U
The only problem TPM really has is that there are no characters to identify with.
You have Qui-Gon who is too stoic, Kenobi who is given next to no screentime and Anakin who is a little annoying kid.
I don't count Padme beause she's both a girl and Natalie literally does nothing with the role they might as well have cgi'd her in.
Compare this to ANH where you immediately have Luke as a naive but capable generic hero character starting his hero's journey and Han as the charming scoundrel. It's an ideal model since you can basically identify with one or the other. It also helps that Leia is a cute tomboy princess that's snarky enough to banter with the boys.
TPM has none of that shit, everyone is either given no room to develop or they're annoying or bland, too old or too young.
imho Lucas should've made Kenobi the lead of Episode 1, Anakin of Episode 2 and then both of them sharing the leading role in Ep3.
it wasn't any worse than the old movies, i really don't see the problem people have with it
>The only problem TPM really has
Yes, the ONLY problem
>>killing Darth Maul. They introduced a mysterious enemy, and nobody know what a Sith was. Killing him off was a waste
said this many times myself. also why does qui gon need too die? it literaly serves no purpose either. another face off with maul and him in ep 2 could have had some kind of revelatory narrative. what a waste.
>no characters to identify with
>he didn't get into death races up and down the streets with aliens for fun and profit
What kind of sheltered childhood did you have?
It has the worst shit, but also the best. Clones has nothing and Revenge woefully misuses General Grievous.
Best thing the prequels did was give us the Clone Wars cartoon.
>Revenge woefully misuses General Grievous
I read that and thought "than he should not watch Clone Wars"
then I read further
>Best thing the prequels did was give us the Clone Wars cartoon.
CW destroyed Grievous. He was so bad that even the characters in CW made fun of him always running away. It is always a bad decision to make a filler show between to already set timepoints.
You can't kill off Dooku, you can't kill off Grievous, so every encounter has no purpose or depth. On the other hand, introducing a new villain that serves as the main antagonist would always raise the question where Grievous is. Hence, filler is shit.
Rebels does this better. Introducing inquisitors each season, then killing them off at the end of it. Callus got to go too now.
Clone Wars was at least entertaining, stylish and fun to watch. It was filler, but it was better than the fucking movies. That one vein monster mercenary was great.
Personally, I think Grievous is far better and actually intimidating in the show than the movie.
Well, then I'm talking to a retard, obviously.
It's late here anyway, so I'm out
Way to show you actually have no argument.
>also why does qui gon need too die
pointless character and the movie had zero emotional pathos. Would have been nice if Maul killed Qui Gon and built up to a rematch with Obi in the next movie. Create a parallel where Obi defeats him but spares his life, compared to Anakin losing to but eventually executing Doodu.
Why was Watto angry after he lost the bet? He still got the price money. A slave can't be more worth than the price money since he saw a slave as an equivalent to the pod which's sales revenue wasn't enough to buy Shmi free.
>too much of pod racing
Not a thing
>Jedi temple looked shit due to its greenscreen nature even in '99
A lot of it looked terrible then and looks so bad now that I wonder how some of the shit flew by.
>Unfortunately, I got exactly what my spoiled ass wanted
Aww boo hoo
>Nothing anyone says or does makes any sense at all
>Plot is a convoluted mess, especially with the politics and pod race bet
>Acting is terrible
>Writing and dialogue is terrible. People talk like autistic robots
>Too much CGI, it looks like shit
>No characters to identify with, and no character development
It's missing everything that a good movie has. Anyone who likes it either doesn't know anything about movies or is a child.
>no character to identify with
Argument instantly discarded, there's no way you can truly say you appreciate all aspects of a film if you need a self-insert to keep you enthralled.
I think he means Tartakovsky's Clone Wars, not the other one.
>also why does qui gon need too die
Because Obi Wan dies in episode 4.
Poetry. Rhymes. Etc.
Qui Gon should have died earlier then Obi Wan would attack Maul later in a rage. He'd lose and realize the dark side is no good.
Vows to not act out in rage again, growing as a character and a jedi and teaches Anakin the same lesson.
An audience needs to empathize with at least some of the characters in a story or else they won't care about what happens to them
Empathy just means being able to understand other people and where they're coming from. What you're asking for is someone specifically tailored to you. If it was really a matter of empathy, like you said, you'd be able to relate at some baser level to at least one of the characters.
Doesn't need to be a self insert but you need someone to care about. You think it would either be Obi Wan or Anakin but Obi Wan doesn't really do anything and Anakin is introduced like 40 minutes into the movie.