How smart are you, Sup Forums?

How smart are you, Sup Forums?


I don't know but Im drunk so I get a pass

28 cm2


xplain pls

Whats the relation



8.125.486.874,68 squared kilo yards; obviously

The sum of the diagonaly opposite shapes should be equal in order for the outside shape to be a square.. so if the sum of 32 and 16 is 48 and 20+? should equal 48 then ? is 28

Obviously 32, are you all retards?

Fuck you fucking jew zionist

that is the most retarded thing i've heard.

Much better to assign value of X to all sides that are the same - i.e. that have || on them.

This would make the area of the whole thing = 4x^2.

From then on, its just solving the quadratic.


The answer is always 6 millions goyim

got it, thanks

Impossible to answer as all given facts show that none of these are squares except for the outer edge.


>sum of the known areas = 68
>100 is the closest perfect square that will work

It's impossible I think.

A) Means that one of theose short edges must be greater than 4, otherwise that whole quadrant would have an area of 16cm^2 rather than the portion shown there.

B) Similarly this quadrant means the short edge has to be less than 6. Otherwisethat whole quadrant would have an area of 36cm^2, a greater area could therefore not have 32cm^2.

C) Based on the above I think 5 looks about right looking at that last quadrant, but that makes the ? = 100 - (20 + 16 + 32) = 32 which isn't right since it is clearly different to the 32.

Maybe the width of a quadrant is 4.5 or something, but then it just becomes a question of how autismo you are for being able to mentally compare surface areas, I can't tell whether there is a solution or not.

>Assumes whole area sums to 100: mathematically hideous.
>Bottom left clearly not same area as bottom right.

Why is a=a?

the || marks indicate sides are equal, you autistic cockwomble


Are you american?

It's a rilly hard question imo.

I'd like to believe you but you missed quints by 2 so i'm going to have to report you

same length
same height


length is Sqrt[24] btw

Yes I know that. Are you literally saying all perfect squares have to have an area of 100cm^2?

Pls explain I have no idea what you're getting at.

>all perfect squares have to have an area of 100cm^2?

learn to read, you fucknugget. i said the closest perfect square that would work

how can u draw random lines and divide parts into a and b


Literally try it. The whole thing then becomes:
Y = 4(x^2 - 17).

From then on, the first positive value of X that makes sense is 5, which makes Y = 32.

since the area of the ? is 32, that makes the whole area of the square = 100.

>implying side lengths must be integers

And the fucker calls me retarded..
What i just said here is a theorem and noone should question its functionality. If all of you believe in doing nothing then be my guest -go and try it with any point in a square.

>that makes the whole area of the square = 100.
Where'd that 17 come from?

shut up, you faggot

It must be smaller than 32, just by looking at it you can see that the area is smaller

Not the OP but look at triangles with area c. Both have the same base, both have the same height, therefore area must also be the same. Same applies to all triangles. From then its just a matter of algebra to find area of b+c.

it's called partition in mathematics, a,b,c,d are areas, different triangles may have same area thus we have 2 a's, 2 b's and so on.
so if you have two triangles with equal base and common height they will have equal areas.

Because the 2 edges are of equal length, the line touches the edge right in the middle. If you draw a straight line from the middle of an edge to the opposite corner, you cut the triangle exactly in half, so the area of one a is equal to the area of another a. I'm not the guy who made the picture but he solved it, idk why these cunts are still arguing about 100cm^2 or some shit.

source: just graduated with a masters in maths

who the fuck said its drawn to scale. You cant literally estimate with your eyes on shit like this.

total area of known squares is 68. since the full equation is Y = 4x^2 - 68, you can extract the 4 which gives you 17.

i am very smart man. AMA

Didn't check his arithmetic, but the geometry is right on this one.


Its my beautiful body i'll do what I want!

This probably can't be done because depending on side lenght there are several configurations that achieve the same areas


This is the best solution.

The triangles with the same letter have the same area because the area of ANY triangle is 1/2 x base x height. All the triangles have the same base length ll. So if you draw lines as shown you get 4 sets of 2 triangles with the same height and base length making them equal area. Then you just need to do some algebra to get the answer.

Why is d=d? They only have 2 sides equal but the angle inbetween is different so they are not congruent triangles

His arithmetic is correct.

A line from the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side, bisects the area of the triangle.

Yeah, just worked through it.

it can't work.

the perimeter is a perfect square as indicated by ||

this total area = 96. 96 is not a perfect square

Sounds right, wp

Its a square

why would i ever need to know how to do this

Why have you mirrored and rotated the figure?

Because 1/2(b*h) still applies.

The don't have to be congruent to have the same area. But if they have the same height at base they must have the same area because A = 1/2BH

But you don't have Y. Your algebra is correct leaving you with Y = 4(x^2 + 17) but you don't have x (the side length) or y the total area.

9.846826^2 = 96.96

this solution is a derivative theorem of this oneThe red lines are called a median.And this is the classical mechanic solving this type of problems.
The first solution was proven by an european student in the early 2000s . I know that as i am that student.

It is a perfect square. sqrt(96)^2 = 96. QED.

it's 13, you faggots.

the || marks indicate the perimeter is a perfect square.

81 is the closest square that will work.


remember, this entity is not drawn to scale


Why do you think it has to be a perfect square? The area of a square is x^2 (where x is the total length of a side) but x does not have to be an integer. The ll just means that each of those segments are equal to each other making them 1/2x


32 cm2

20 + 16 = 36.

36 + 32 - 68.

68 + 32 = 100.

therefore ? = 32 (cos it makes 100)

logic. solid logic.

The || indicate that the segments are equal. Doesn't imply anything else. Could be integer, rational or irrational.

give us a formula that works

It does not. It only means the segments are equal to one another.

Please read the rest of the thread

Let me guess, Mc Donalds education?

Why does everyone talk about perfect squares? It isn't mentioned to be a perfect square anywhere.

Squares are always perfect you fucking heretic

excuse me, but you are fucking RETARDED!


Of course it isn't fucking 32. I just wanted to see who'd biteā€¦

Smart enough not to care about someones opinion of my intelligence on an internet board.

I think he just realised 32 was wrong guys

maaaaaaaaan, just take the fact that you suck...

Explanation for why the Triangles have the same area


man dis guy is liek de master baiter, my manz

But the upper left quadrangle has area 20, not 28.

But why do you think that the sum of two diagonally opposing shapes must equal the sum of the other two?

Arithmetic is wrong cause in OPs pic, top left shape is 20 not 28.

The sum of A,B,C and D's areas is equal of the total area of the red square.This is because the hight of triangle B equals the side of the red triange minus the height of triangle C. so we take the areas - B+C=A+D ,then (X+B)+(X+C)=(X+A)+(X+D) .
That good enough for ya ?

Its 20 or 28

MY BAD. I goofed