Is this the most overrated movie ever?

Is this the most overrated movie ever?

Protip: It fucking is.

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Is this the worst thread on Sup Forums?

Protip: It fucking is

why tho

I think I like this movie.

Coarse language for the sake of coarse language

It's literally "Dude, Where's My Car?" with lots of coarse language

My friends had been hyping it for a long time, and I sat down and watched it with them.

They got offended when I say I didn't get the wide appeal of the movie and I thought it was meh.

>yfw donny is just a figment of walter's imagination

that might be the dumbest thing ive ever read on Sup Forums

That's how trash people talk. Did you expect some uppity high society language?

watch it 5 more times


In reality nobody would give a single fuck someone if pissed on their rug. They'd just clean it if they liked it so much, or if not they'd just throw it out. It wasn't even a nice rug, it looked like a piece of cut carpet.

shut the fuck up Donny

Well, congratulations for having been here for three whole months. How you finding it, kid?

Have you never talked to people outside?

except the story, dialogue, characters, music and cinematography are on a whole other level. what the hell are you blathering about?

lol 11 years summerfriend. Nice 2016 meme you got there

The rug really tied the room together.

The Chinaman isn't the issue. It's the principle of the thing.

You have to go back.

>yfw you're a retard because the dude and Donny have direct interaction

I use this as a litmus test to see whether people are retarded or not. It's seriously the fucking worst.

No. Citizen Kane is the most overrated movie ever. The Big Lebowski is merely overrated (still pretty good, though).

What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.

Is this how redditors defend their garbage? By incessantly quoting these readymade sentences from their insipid movies?



It's literally fucking reddit: The movie. John Goodman is the best thing about it.


>phone's ringing dude
>...thanks Donny

Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.

>Do they have to use so many cuss words?

What the fuck're you talking about?

the writing is good but not because it's super realistic. real people really don't talk like they do in the movie

>shut up donny everytime he talks
>donny literally asking a question every single time
>that old rich guy and phil s haufman talking strange

Nah youre just a retard. The post he was replying to said the character shouldnt have cared so much about the rug. And that quote was explaining the characters were motivated by more than just the rug. Youre illiterate

>Came out to weak box office and middling critic reviews

It's called a "cult classic" for a reason. I guess if you don't like Old Hollywood noir or the Busby Berkeley stuff it wouldn't appeal to you.

>Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.

user, this isn't a guy who built the railroads here.

I like the director's commentary. Really lets you in on an indie filmmaker's mindset.

yes its also thematic youre right
it must suck to have your life literally dictated by memes

It was it was released today Sup Forums would say it was a reddit tier meme fest piece of shit.

Think about it.

I was just giving well-known lines from the movie that point out why he would give a shit about the rug. It's like you can't pay enough attention to see connections between obvious shit, go back to reduht, am i right?

The characters are exaggerated stereotypes, and the Cohen's taking the piss out of them.

>A highly regarded actor in a lead role is the best thing about it.

How damning.

Cult classic is a code word for "so bad, why was it even made".

now this is accurate

When every fucking normie knows what it is and quotes it to end, it isn't a "cult classic ", it's mainstream as fuck.

No? Have you seen the Zach Snyder defense force? Poor critical reception= misunderstood genius kino on Sup Forums

it wouldn't make any fucking sense for that movie to be released today

Sup Forums isn't one person, and calling something reddit isn't a real critique. Don't put so much stock in this place.


>He thinks saying something is reddit has anything to to do with the website reddit

Christ you're thick.

It actually was underrated at the time of the release.
Most Big Lebowski's fans are annoying but the movie is great.

because you fucks would complain about how it's just about a rug, apparently

I always thought it was supposed to be, like it was a self aware retardation.

Who are you quoting?

Have you been here for a literal fucking day?

Not an argument. Who were you quoting?

Lurk more

I haven't seen it, but there's no way it's as overrated as A Space Odyssey or Blade Runner.

Who were you quoting?

Have you ever seen the writer director? He thinks he is the hottest shit and the movie is a work of art.

>Blade runner

It's rated just right, actually.

Nobody? You may refer to my previous comment.

Cassidy would agree. I don't

That's like your opinion man

Big Lebowski is overrated because what it is is the perfect sort of semi-weird comedy you want to watch with your mellower friends or by yourself when you wanna have a laugh at some great dialogue and a peculiar plot. People see it like that and they confuse it for the best thing in the world, so profound it will change your entire way of thinking.

It's still a great fucking movie.

To be honest I completely understand why this movie received such harsh criticism when it came out, the story is a poorly written mess, there are so many useless elements that could've been cut out, and even the main plot eventually amounts to nothing.

But I think this is one of the instances were something's weakness ends up being it's strength. The low-stakes convoluted plot is an essential part of the movie's humour. Plus Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are both great actors and made a great dou.

>the story is a poorly written mess
how so?

Not him. Greentext isn't just for quotes. He was summizing your intent. Lurk more.

>there are so many useless elements that could've been cut out
Like what? Just because something isn't story-essential doesn't mean you can toss it away.
>even the main plot eventually amounts to nothing
Appropriate in a film about nihilsm.

It's true though, Big Lebowski is a movie you watch for the characters, not for the plot. I'm amazed that John Goodman didn't even get a nomination.

Wait, wait, wait... Boondock Saints was a serious effort and not a piece of shit saved by actors who knew it was a piece of shit and just had fun with it? If Defoe didn't save this piece of shit would anyone have ever given it a second watch?

It's not a mess. It's just very convoluted, like every Cohen script.

Except he didn't summarize my point, he made up a completely different one, and it wasn't even a good one at that. I cut him some slack, though, as I know English isn't many people's first language on here.

Haha totes dude, poop nigger cummies fart butts LOL

>the dude's landlord and his performance
>that guy who was following the dude in his car
>Donny's death
>the bowling tournament that was hyped throughout the movie

These are just a few off the top of my head I'm sure there is more. I'm not even criticizing it though, like I mentioned earlier they all serve the movie's comedy and atmosphere.

lol what a triggered little autist you are

You sure these are off the top of your head? Because I'm pretty sure the movie went completely over it.

I think it's pretty much what says. They go after hippies, nihilists, jingoistic vets, pedos, feminists, sluts, you name it. All in a movie about fucking bowling. Honestly I don't see how anyone can dislike this movie.


it's always nice to meet an uncultured plebian who thinks that poop jokes are funny, oh look at the time, shouldn't you be at the ghostbusters reboot right now?

I used to think so, but it's genuinely good and hilarious. I now understand it's legendary cult status. Now Fight Club on the other hand is easily the most overrated garbage ever in film history

Fight Club is pretty shit but it was ok when it was released

seriously why respond to this clickbait thread, its not as if OP wanted to start a constructive discussion.

You're entering a world of pain, OP.

You probably think THE GAME is super edgy. Ass.

>Not Whiplash

Come on, user...

end thread

Fun fact about The Big Lebowski:

Steve Buscemi Ethay Igbay Ebowskilay isway away 1998 Americanway imecray
omedycay ilmfay ittenwray, oducedpray, andway irectedday ybay
Oeljay andway Ethanway Oencay. Itway arsstay Effjay Idgesbray
asway Effreyjay "Ethay Udeday" Ebowskilay, away Oslay Angelesway
ackerslay andway avidway owlerbay. Ehay isway assaultedway
asway away esultray ofway istakenmay identityway, afterway
ichwhay Ethay Udeday earnslay atthay away illionairemay alsoway
amednay Effreyjay Ebowskilay asway ethay intendedway ictimvay.
Ethay illionairemay Ebowski'slay ophytray ifeway isway
idnappedkay, andway ehay ommissionscay Ethay Udeday otay
eliverday ethay ansomray otay ecuresay erhay eleaseray; utbay
ethay anplay oesgay awryway enwhay ethay Ude'sday iendfray
Alterway Obchaksay (Ohnjay Oodmangay) emesschay otay eepkay
ethay ansomray oneymay. Uliannejay Ooremay andway Evestay
Uscemibay alsoway arstay, ithway Avidday Uddlestonhay, Ohnjay
Urturrotay, Ilipphay Eymoursay Offmanhay, Amsay Elliottway,
Aratay Eidray, Avidday Ewlisthay andway Eaflay appearingway
inway upportingsay olesray.

Ethay ilmfay isway ooselylay inspiredway ybay ethay orkway ofway
Aymondray Andlerchay. Oeljay Oencay atedstay: "Eway antedway
otay oday away Andlerchay indkay ofway orystay – owhay itway
ovesmay episodicallyway, andway ealsday ithway ethay
aracterschay yingtray otay unravelway away ysterymay, asway
ellway asway avinghay away opelesslyhay omplexcay otplay
at'sthay ultimatelyway unimportantway."[3] Ethay originalway
orescay asway omposedcay ybay Artercay Urwellbay, away
ongtimelay ollaboratorcay ofway ethay Oencay othersbray.

Ethay Igbay Ebowskilay asway away isappointmentday atway ethay
Uway.SAY. oxbay officeway andway eceivedray ixedmay eviewsray
atway ethay imetay ofway itsway eleaseray. Overway imetay.

kill yourself

the movie is a genuine bona fide materpiece

were you listening to the dude's story?

The appeal of this movie is that every white kid in the 90s had an uncle sort of like the dude.

Also, the Dude is who you want to be when you're 40, a bachelor and living on disability.

Shut the fuck up Donny

What did he mean by this?

I am the walrus.

Sounds like something a cuck would say

what a bitch