Tired of winning yet?

Tired of winning yet?

soy on my peppercorn Trump's a loser baby so why don't you kill him

That's one sad turtle.

waiting for the tweets

The Republican agenda is in complete disarray. What are they going to do now? Move on to something else? Looks like the WH is in free-fall right now too.


Many thanks to John "not a hero" McCain for getting out of his sick bed and slapping the wig off Trump's head. It doesn't get any better than that.

No! We need more winning! The winning won't stop until the US economy catches Russia! More winning! More! MORE!

>Holy shit all this samefagging.

CTR, you failed Im sorry but the least you could do is not annoy everyone with your hourly threads

Save goes here


They think everyone who posts anything negative about Trump or the GOP is paid by Hillary Clinton

11 unique posters
typical trumptard mong

Are they going to vote on that every day now?

>11 unique posters
>typical trumptard mong

Trumpanzess are running out of arguments and le memes. They have to resort to stereotypical defense mechanisms.



Doesn't answer my question, how is CTR = "clinton"?



>Are they going to vote on that every day now?
not anymore, it's dead


>le master race

why republican politicians are really against universal healthcare

Crash Team Racing, newfag.


I saw that on Colbert's show. The face of that guy and the other ranger were really priceless.

These stupid bafoons... 7 years to work on a repeal, and this is what happens? And then you have one of the most retarded adminstrations in history... This republikkkan party is clearly representating the dumbest of americans and it shows.

I love seeing these daily/ hourly crybaby threads you little girls post.
Alternating between pounding your non existent chest hairs over fake news, rumor and internet hype.
I live for this shit, it gets me through the day.
Keep posting.

holy shit... reading anti trump threads is what you do to get through the day? What kind of fucken loser are you? go outside... talk about priorities. sad.

*don't win*

>Colbert's show
>A real prime example of where people should get their news.

Correct the record.
Share blue.

Colbert show doesn't lie. They mix satire with truth. whats the problem? No one is saying he makes mistakes on air

I know its hard to understand, but you can havbe more than one source for news, comedy and satire. Try and take a look outside of the fox tardwork



>>Colbert's show
>>A real prime example of where people should get their news.

he didn't say that's where he gets his news from

In fact, you are making the same mistake. What do you think will happen if you label other people with a different mindset as retards? Maybe its funny, but is not helping anyone.

NO NO! ONLY YOU ARE LABELING ME AS RETARD just because I listen to Trump becuse he speaks only TRUTH!

>What do you think will happen if you label other people with a different mindset as retards
>Implying not labeling them as retards will somehow cease to make them retarded.

Are you Donald Trump?
Because you sound like Donald Trump.

7 years. they had 7 years of bitching and moaning, voting more than 50 times to repeal Obamacare.

What did we get? An 8 page shell of a bill that basically fucked over millions of people and only helped pay for tax cuts for the rich.

You can obviously see who these people are representing... the dumbest of the dumb. It shows in their leaders. Republikkkans are a complete mess and I love watching this adminstration fall apart day by day

Try again

Actually yes, but not treating others like shit you stand to have a better chance of convincing them that your point of view has merit. But feel free to keep mocking people, fat lot of good that did at keeping Trump out of office.



Trips for trump truths.



it worked with getting Obama in after the disasters of the Bush years. We'll keep mocking since that is what hypocrisy and grandiose failures deserve.

Besides, no amount of kind words are going to convince a bunch of trailer park trash in southern Idaho to vote Democrat.

they're not.


Not against cancer.





K, and stupid memes will?

Are the tweets here yet



He's still alive! Winning against cancer so far!


it's not like there's anything good or worthwhile on Sup Forums anyway...

Soon..... He's getting himself worked up


His life expectancy is 6 months, I heard

no, that's the point. nothing is going to convince a bunch of racist white trash to vote for a Democrat. Even as Republicans try to strip them of healthcare and increase their relative tax burden, they will always vote for Republicans because they hate the darkies.

So we should feel free to may-may away and have fun with it. They're lost causes.

Election is long over faggot. Learn some new memes or something.



thinks you can't have healthcare without government.
nigger detected

they've turned DC into a literal circus, you've got trump the retard, scaramucci, bannon, jabba sanders, mcconell

the world's crying, they're laughing so hard

he'll be dead inside a year

Average is 18 months with conventional chemo therapy.
But there are new immunotherapy drugs and he is John McCain.


So will Trump's legislative agenda.

Sorry, but thats just short minded. Not every Trump voter is a right wing hyperracist, but they will be also offended by this kind of shitposting. Results? The will dig deeper into media sources which backup their point of view.



But you're not trying to convince the far right. You're trying to convince moderates. A LOT of Trump voters were actually flip-flopping between him and Sanders before Hillary got on the ballot. These kids of people are capable of rationalizing, and if they see people on the left constantly flinging shit or acting like retarded SJWs they're going to start steering right.


>not treating others like shit you stand to have a better chance of convincing them that your point of view has merit.

That doesn't sound like Donald Trump to me. Not from what he's been saying for literally DECADES.

Also, living in some daydream reality where coddling and treating the kind of verminous pieces of excrement who support Trump and his narrow minded idiocies, as if they were actually thinking human beings sounds a lot like that fairy tale about the guy who preaches love and kindness only to be nailed to a cross. I think in that story the message is s clear as it is in this one and that is that people are pieces of shit and should be treated accordingly.

You want to know the one thing the right tends to be right about? People are coddled too much and that includes the retarded.

Retarded people want to be treated just like everyone else and certainly not any better than they treat people.

You propagate some interesting ideas, but I think they are better suited for children's books.

trump doesn't have a legislative agenda, he just repeats whatever the last person he thought was smart said to him

oh child, try harder. Southern Idaho is very, very white and many of those people are on Medicaid and SSDI because they were all high school fuckups who never amounted to anything. The only "niggers" are at the Mtn Home AFB and you're already paying for their insurance because they're soldiers.


yes they really are... maybe not EVERY but most are definitely racist cunts. that is just reality



you don't know these people, I do. They will never, ever vote for someone who isn't squawking "build a wall" because they hate darkies more than anything else. They would vote for someone promising to kill their firstborns if they felt that the candidate was going to repress minorities.

I mean think about it....the president is a man who made his popularity by being a "used car salesman" and being a reality tv star... and until recently he was still bragging about his amazing ratings in the campaign... Trump has turned the presidency into a reality tv show...he turned the highest office into a fucking joke


I'll take "false narratives" for $500 Alex.






I was talking to a woman tonight, a trump supporter, she might earn 25k annually. very poor. somewhat intelligent though, she was lashing out, calling everyone "jews".

rabid dogs I'm afraid.


that's just bullshit. Trump's approval rating amongst Trump voters is still sky-high. People on the edge of voting for Sanders would not still support him at this point.