I'm freaking out...

I'm freaking out. I took 1 pill(100mg pic related) for the first time on Monday and have felt dizzy and slightly blurry vision ever since. I had dirrhea as well but that's getting better. I can also eat again.

I was supposed to fly today but I rescheduled to Wednesday. How and when will this dizziness/hang over feeling go away. I'm starting school by the end of August and this has to go away. Others I know of have taken the exact same pills with 0 after-effects.

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Just stick to weed faggot

You're alive this wrong you're fine

Just stay away from dumb pills like that. If you really wanna push father than weed just do acid

youre going to be freaking out for the rest of your life kid

pills are unlikely the even if you bought them together u r propably going to die farewell.

this thread gets better every time i see it. i think this is the 4th or 5th one you've made.

go to a fucking doctor already.

If you're going to take MD stick to the crystal.
It's probably just your freaking out that's making it worse but there can be some nasty shit in pressed pills.

Yea like meth

just take 6 at once and all the bad shit will go away

I've called a few doctors and half of them were Googling "MDMA" while talking to them. One even wanted me to spell it out for her. The others kept shaming me for taking it. Another one asked me what MDMA does to your body. It's hopeless

rolls royce the best

Perhaps drug therapy might work, you dumb shit.

U mean 100 nano gramm little fucker

You don't know shit fucker, mg is the usual measurement for mdma. Micrograms are used for lsd and nanograms are used for fucking nothing.

Crystal MDMA

As usual every fucking post in this thread was written by a 14 year old retard that has an opinion with no knowledge to back it up.

Assuming OP is serious and not trolling I can guess you're not in the best of health to begin with. That mdma you took essentially squeezed a bunch of neurotransmitters out of your brain like a sponge. What you need to do first is go to a pharmacy and buy 5htp. It's $15 max don't be a broke faggot spend the money. You can also buy other nootropics but 5htp is the most important. Also eat a bunch of vegetables and drink a lot of water. If you don't do this you'll be fine eventually. You didn't get brain damage. But if you want to feel better now follow my advice. It's not fucking rocket science.

you've made this thread so many fucking times rofl

your condition is getting better already after a few days, you said you can eat now and feel better. give it a few more days and u'll feel fine, stop making these threads

That shit can be dangerous. I'd suggest taking L-Tryptophan, since it metabolizes to serotonin too, but without bypassing the body's own regulation. By bypassing that regulation, there's a possibility it could lead to serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal.

This thread again. Just kill yourself.

This is fake news. Those effects have been shown in rats with high doses. Don't eat the whole bottle at once OP. Telling someone like OP who is clearly retarded to not take something that is inarguably beneficial will do more harm than good.

hey OP check this out:

looks like you're just having a standard comedown from mdma

don't worry it goes away eventually

people have taken far more than 240mg and been fine. I've personally taken 450mg IV over the course of a night and like you had a horrible multi day comedown but it went away (spent a few days just lying in bed diahreah vomiting motion sickness really low mood borderline suicidal)

just try and eat healthy, drink lots of water and juice, have a bath or something

just avoid mdma in the future if you get this reaction (which is extremely common). imo mdma is not even worth the comedown

check out pillreport.com and look for orange telsas there's probably reports on there as well

it's only been 4 days and you're improving. no need to go nuts and see doctors and shit, you'll be fine.

I've had meth comedowns that have lasted 1.5 weeks, which is similar to mdma.

you'll be fine. doctors don't shit about this sort of thing don't bother

what are those?

In this post a meth user suggests taking a bath to recover from serotonin depletion.

Not OP but some people in the thread posted in the link say that their headache have lasted for over a year. Anyone who can tell me what that is about?


sorry you're feeling shitty, but that'll teach you for using drugs

got any better ideas?

shits only cured with time

Jesus b/ro have you ever heard blue lighter? That shit ain't normal.

On a side note, taken many tabs and the blue teslas by far the best tab. Same guys should be making these red ones in amsterdam.

tldr: you're probably a cunt

Make sure to eat well, stay hydrated and ofc get extra sleep during the night. You'll be right as rain by wednesday.
You'll kid yourself into thinking all sorts of things are wrong with yourself if you overthink OP. Usually MDMA comedowns can take up to a week to feel 'normal' again, and oftentimes it makes you feel really edgy/worried/low for quite a while after.
Ex MDMA taker here, still alive.

Haha is that still you?

OP here, I don't know if this has anything to do with my "MDMA" intake on Monday, but damn that picture is beautiful. Love the colors. Listening to this song while looking at the picture makes me euphoric. (Is this an after affect?) I've never replied to anyone's picture.


268 mg MDMA*HCI. (3,4-Methylendioxy-N-methylamphetamin)

I had a similar experience! You will be fine op. Trust me. Be careful not to snowball your thoughts into catastrophizing your situation.

Force yourself to do stuff, no matter how terrible it feels.

Source: experience and Neuroscientist master

Can you tell us more please? About your own experience and the snowball effect

Been to London with friends. Pills were blue. Alegedly mdma. Everyone took it. I was the only one freakin out. Couldn't eat for 2 days. Very edgy and superstimulated in a really negative way. Had a nice high for 2 hours one hour into the thing though.

The snowballing means that you worsen your situation by obsessively checking to how you might feel. It's common.

Your just a little pussy and shouldnt do any drugs anymore.

you'll be fine. eat some Indian food and do some cardio.

Not tru. I got cerotonin syndrome and now I'm ded.

Pussy faggot.

Your body produces serotonin by metabolizing it. This means that you can affect your serotonin levels with just diet alone.

But taking a bath sure as hell doesn't produce more serotonin or help the receptors to recover.

There's your problem

Just kys. It's just retarded to act all tough and edgy on the internet, because someone got a different kind of a comedown than you or can't handle the same substances as you can.

Maybe you're allergic to pepcid ac.

TAking a warm bath is always nice on vasodilating drugs. Also just generelly doing nice and calming thins are good for u when hungover, shit heps

OP needs to eat plenty and healthy, go for a walk, sleep, dont worry it'l get better.

Btw did u or someone u know test (or try) the pills?

This. Op do this.

OP here, yeah. Some even took twice my dose. Neither of them had any problems whatsoever

93% of everything sold as extacy, molly, MDMA since the year 2001 has contained no actual MDMA, it's mostly whatever the cheap, legal, Chinese synthetic at the time.
>inb4 buthurt ravekiddies try and defend their poor choices by saying "my dealer promises its pure MDMA" hurr durr.

You need to find DHMO in it's purist solid form. Crush it and then snort as much of it as you can muster. Do this repeatedly until the effects are gone.


it's this faggot again

OP learn this about MDMA:

it exaggerates everything

because you are paranoid, posting on Sup Forums every day about how bad you're feeling, you are supporting the negativity within yourself. just fucking grow up and get over it, yesterday i told you i had taken LSD before a flight, broke up with my girlfriend, got molested by airport security, and then travelled for 36 hours. i am alive, you are alive

do not take drugs if you do not have the kind of mentality that allows you to soldier through the difficult times, you have weak willpower, and therefore you should not take drugs. you are acting scared, paranoid and hypochondriacal, which is making you feel like this, the mdma just exaggerates it, if you ignore it, it will go away. if you had just got on that flight yesterday like a man, then this whole ordeal would be over.

it's only a drug, it all ends when you say it ends, but you haven't said it yet, you're posting on Sup Forums every day hoping somebody will give you the secret password to fix your problems, but nobody can except yourself