You've waited to find out who the father of Eric Cartman is. Now the shocking truth... WILL NOT BE SEEN TONIGHT!

>You've waited to find out who the father of Eric Cartman is. Now the shocking truth... WILL NOT BE SEEN TONIGHT!

How pissed off were you?

That's right, I forgot that none of you were even born yet when this happened.

What show is this?
Looks like a baby's show.

To be honest, I missed this. I sporadically did not have cable TV at the time, and I wasn't 1005 certain when South Park was on, anyway. The first episode I saw was Chicken Lover and I saw that on VHS from a friend.

Also, as far as I know, they never rebroadcast this. You expect me to get a DVD?

this guy doesn't get Sup Forums's 'vibe'

I was in complete and utter disbelief.

Not at all.
You really expected South Park of all shows not to fuck with you if it meant a good joke? Come on.

It's on Hulu and this thing called the internet where you can watch it for free anytime you want.

I remember Comedy Central playing some angry mom bitching about it on an answering machine. Me personally probably 3/10

I miss what south park started out as

>Implying anyone reasonable actually gave a fuck

My dad was laughing his ass off practically the whole time. It's absurd to get so invested in the paternal identity of a character when the episodes involved are called "Cartman's mom is a dirty slut"

They just rebroadcasted it the other week on comedy central

I wish they do something like this for the season 20 premiere.

once upon a time south park was funny

Now we have shitty politically garbage or pushing liberal agendas, or hamfisted preaching

>tfw we will never get good SP episodes again where the characters act like real children and scott ternorman must die was the edgiest plan any of them ever had and even that was a pretty realistic is not insane plan

I thought it was really funny. I was just a dumb teen and even then I got what they were going for.

I didn't realize there was a controversy about this moment until about a year ago.

>pushing liberal agendas

wew lad

yes they are liberals

south park was a show about cartoon kids swearing and farting, which was SUPER EDGY back in the last 90s but those episodes aged horribly now. So glad they actually decided to change things up.

They have aged better than any of the more recent shows about sick shit like trannies or faggotry

i was only like 8 and didn't get into SP until 2000

Wasn't it revealed later in the show that his dad was also Scott Tenorman's father ?

I laughed. It ended up being one of my favourite episodes.
I remember I taped it and watched it like six more times that week

First 5 seasons are the best and have objectively aged the best because they arent dated by having every premise ripped straight from that days headline. Thats not to say sp hasnt always been culture commentary heavy

I was very very confused, but thought the episode was funny. We all imitated Terrance and Philip at school the next day.

My older brother was pissed but I really loved T&P. We both laughed at the phone messages Comedy Central got.

I only watched season four onward live. Season 1 was seen only through the home video tapes and season 2-3 was watched out of sequence through reruns

I actually missed this when it aired and remember my friends all raging about it. This was pre widespread Internet, so I had no idea wtf they were talking about (and couldn't see it myself) until a few years later when on of my buddies burned it to a CD with a DivX copy. Those were the days...

We used to play all sorts of pirated shit in class on his old lenovo laptop. We could fit like... two Family Guy episodes on one disc and thought we were gods. This was when Family Guy was still "cult" and unheard of too.

I'm old, Sup Forums.

Oh, your poor sensibilities.