Any decent horror movies released recently?
Recommend me some
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That gif is 2009 as fuck
Fun times
If you're a faggot who enjoys jumpscares i don't know
If you like more atmospheric, unsetling and disturbing horror watch The Witch or The Wailing
Don't Breathe
more-so a thriller tho
The Gift was okay.
That gif fucked me up for a few days, fuck how do I not remember the name of this movie?
What's the one where the guy buries the girl alive in the oil drum with her friends corpse?
Poughkeepsie Tapes
The Grifter.
megan is missing
>buried alive
this and claustrophobia are my biggest fears
and fucking roaches
>the gift
movie was shit but pic related was pretty unsettling
I just watched it last night on netflix.
The MC is deaf and a killer is outside her house to kill her.
It was great I thought
don't even mention that.. too extreme even for Sup Forums
August Underground trilogy.
thanks jashmid
hush was comfy
if you want something actually scary that's similar, watch The Strangers
Shit was so retarded and cliche I turned it off after 20 mins.
>the strangers
the invitation was neat
hahahahah Hush fucking sucked.
It was like a short story written by a high schooler made on a Netflix budget, literally a 5/10 movie that would be entirely forgettable but for the whole "she's deaf" gimmick shoehorned into the plot
Limitations/quirks on characters are fine to give you something to work with. But Hush sucked yeah, something about knowing who the villain is and his motivation 10 minutes in was terrible
this was good, cute main boy
I watched a tale of two sisters which was unironically scary, mostly thanks to well-timed jumpscares.
not really a horror though
I bet you think rosemary's baby isn't horror either
Is Strangers the one where a family has a get together and one of the sisters' husbands has guys outside to try to hold the family hostage for ransom money but one of the girls ends up being a badass and taking them all down? Can't remember if I've seen the Strangers, but I feel like I have.
Megan is missing isn't scary, it's just gross and perverted
I feel like the director should be investigated. No normal person comes up with putting a girl in a barrel with her rotting friend's corpse and burying her alive. That's just too disturbing.
No that's You're next. The strangers is a couple in their house are being stalked by 3 strangers
This was actually pretty good.
Thanks, gonna check out The Strangers then.
I really liked that movie. Had me checking over my back during the day for a couple of weeks after.
Both of these were horrible.
nice try faggot
What would you consider good? Like 95% of the horror movies I've seen are cheesy or boring dogshit.
skeleton key 2005
Drag me to hell
The Witch was okay.
Are you implying Poughkeepsie Tapes is decent? Because I'm getting pretty sick of that meme.
>if a thing weren't what it is, it would totally be another thing
The intelligence expected of the kind of people who say
>hahahahah ***** fucking sucked
>fucking skeleton key, random forgettable vehicle for a hip actress in mid-2000's
>better than Hush or the Invitation
>vhs skipping effect on a hard drive based camcorder in a found footage movie
biggest autismo attack in years
I really liked it follows.
Creeped me out.
>skeleton key 2005
That movie was so bad I literally dumped a girl I had been dating for almost a year over it.
Eww get outta here kid. You like 18?
Now THIS is a story i wanna hear!
Thanks user but a deaf main character doesn't really interest me
watch The Nest(1988)
I liked it. Mostly because it shows how fucked up the killer is and he justs looks like a normal guy. Like the scenes where the killer is just lurking inside the house waiting to kill/trap the victims
Is there an actual witch with magic and shit or is it just paranoia like The Crucible?
This was like one of those 80's stranger danger PSAs that tried to shock kids straight, except it was 90 minutes long & featured pretty graphic torture and rape - useless movie
This was completely unoriginal but it was well made and the protagonist actually made rational, well thought-out decisions, which is always nice in a slasher flick.
Literal trash
Was nice to see a film pull off a slow burn tension build, even if it was a little hokey in its dinner party mystery vibe
The only film I've seen recently even close to being horror that I absolutely loved is Under The Skin. Came for naked ScarJo, stayed for one of the most genuinely alienating exercises in tone I've ever seen, amazing cinematography & an incredible score.
>he justs looks like a normal guy
That's one thing I didn't get, the victims mom saw him standing there "the way he was standing I knew he was the killer", but then after seeing his face and news cameras all around, no one had a picture or even enough to get a sketch of his face
I think it's shit and I still like it.
You're trolling, nobody is that overtly proud of a taste that shit
I love Drag Me To Hell, but as the slapstick comedy it clearly is
The Skeleton Key is the epitome of bland. The only thing I remember about it is that it made the classic horror movie mistake of having a plot so convoluted it completely killed any sense of threat.
This film was utterly ruined by the pool scene. It was so aggressively stupid and nonsensical.
Holy fuck , is this worth watching in full
Horror has to be bizarre and surreal for me personally. What are some essentials & lesser known gems Sup Forums?
There's an actual witch.
It's not much of a story.
>She brings it to my house
>We're laying in bed watching it
>The whole time I thinking how awful it is and how bad I want to just turn it off
>It ends and I am amazed by how bad it was
>She turns to me and says "That was AWESOME!"
>I tell her I thought it was absolute shit
>She says I don't ever like the things she likes
>I say that's because the things you like are terrible
>Fight ensues
>At one point it's just her yelling at me for like twenty minutes while I sit and think do I really want to stay with a person that doesn't enjoy any of the things I like and loves shit like Skeleton Key
>Decide it isn't and tell her she needs to leave
>She's like wat
>Tell her she needs to leave and that it's over
>She cries and calls me a piece of shit and says she hopes I die etc.
>Like an hour later she messages me on AIM and asks if we're really over
>Block her screen name and throw out everything she ever got me except for the Calvin and Hobbes collection and two nude photos
>See her twice in the years since, once have a quickie in the back seat of my car and then she cries again so I make her get out and walk the rest of the way home and the next time she's fat so I don't even talk to her
Nothing of value etc.
Opinion seems to be split down the middle on whether or not this film is good - I think it's not particularly consistent but the scenes which are strong are REALLY strong imo. I've been watching horror films since I was very small so I'm annoyingly jaded and hardened to them now but I got a couple of legitimate chills out of it.
this one was pretty good, seen it last night at my local cinema.
>that scene with the kidnapped girl he mindraped for years
>that part where she gives an interview about how she now has stockholm syndrome and suddenly reaches out to stratch her hair thus showing her amputated arm
Every fucking time
>that scene with the killer and the girl scouts selling cookies
>She says I don't ever like the things she likes
>I say that's because the things you like are terrible
I can't believe how underrated this movie is
It made me feel like I was losing my mind
Plus you've got Michael Shannon playing a nutjob, what more do you want?
user you shouldn't lie on the internet
so i heard there was never any "bug" and that it was more about a wacko.
You heard right friend
I got my slut to stop liking Blizzard shit and love star trek. You could have tried, user.
at least check his trips and elegant post number you heartless bastard.
I had a very different story
My girlfriend of the time wanted to see it.
It was so terrible she got bored and started giving me a handjob in the theater.
Terrible movie, great memory.
It's not a lie, if it was a lie I would have made it a much better story.
it's about time you started checkin your own trips, my friend.
Wew lad it's a tripchain.
You're right
But also,
What movie is it?
It was a huge let down, pretty boring.
why are women so pathetic? their opinions on men never change, literally no matter what you do
Poughkeepsie tapes
first person fantasy wish fulfillment
how so? too violent?
It's an /x/ meme, it doesn't actually exist.
There I ruined your fun you bunch of queers.
It's not so much the violence that's too much to handle - it's totality is deeply disturbing
Interesting. Still worth a watch?
Read the post above his you mong.
where is this from?
Also any good horror films similar to Noroi, Lake Mungo?
dont go grifting's a bad scene
>Can't find The Wailing anywhere for download
>It never got screened in my country
Where can I download it?
Idc if it's disturbing (I wanna see if I can handle it) I just want to know if its worth seeing
Define "recently."
now read the post more carefully.
as in, read every word.
Which scene you talking about? A few come to mind lol
Recently? The Conjuring 2 was pretty good and you can find that online in good quality.
Supposedly Blair Witch is fucking awesome, that gets to theaters on the 16th. I'd hold out for that, but if you need something now, Don't Breath is alright.
>he fell for the "grifter is just a meme" meme
>hasn't DLed it off tor
top 2 for me are rabbit scene and trumpet scene (the "chocolate horn" haha)
>he fell for the " "grifter is just a meme" meme" meme
>hasn't realized the file he DLed of tor is just Cars 2 with Coldplay audio dubbed over
ITT: some Jew replies to himself thinking a meme that was never funny is funny.
This has been a decent year for horror flicks. There are still some good looking ones due to come out before the end of the year like Blair Witch, Rings, Ouija: Origin of Evil, and Incarnate. There are even a few indie ones thrown in too like Under the Shadow, which looks somewhat intriguing...