How has his crazy alt-right borderline white supremacist shit been so successful on TV? Why haven't the censors stopped him? Is it really true that white people are getting tired of playing the knockout game?
How has his crazy alt-right borderline white supremacist shit been so successful on TV...
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>so successful
>tired of playing the knockout game
white men specifically have had enough, we follow the law and do the right thing and we are seen as the enemies.
>tfw poor and white
everybody hates me
>le alt-right boogieman
Go back to bed, D-FENS.
>Knockout game
What did he mean by this?
>Another Sam Hyde/MDE shill thread
Adult Swim cares about:
>fucking with audiences
As long as MDE gets those ad $$$ then we're good to go. Adult Swim isn't some fucking "prestige" channel that panders to SJWs in order to get critical acclaim and awards, they can air cool shit like World Peace.
because nobody cares
the audience from this show is Sam Hyde and adult swim fans
the show is lol so random and epic,, enough for the adult swim fans to eat it up
>so successful on TV
why dont you suck their cartoon cock harder you fucking faggot
They're too scared. Just like you.
ICP does not. Have you investigated juggaloism? In all honesty we want you
Let's not kid ourselves if the progressives cease just complaining about this show and start going after sponsors, AS will drop this show like a hot potato. Unfortunately, World Peace is on borrowed time.
stfu where do you think you are lool
My guess is that they wanted a web comedy group with an established fan base for a show.
And of their choices:
*Doug Walker is too fucking problematic (failed miserably when he tried to branch out into sketch comedy, the only sidekicks casuals know of are Linkara and Spoony, the former would not want to be second bannana and the later isn't even associated with Walker any more)
*Red Letter Media would be too risky and would go over budget and not meet a full time schedule to get the show on air on time
*James Rolfe would not want to do the Angry Video Game Nerd as a show and instead would try and counter pitch a horror anthology in line with Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories
MDE does original stuff, can get his shit done on time, and has a fan base that would be willing to watch the group
>>James Rolfe
Actually I would love to see Rolfe get his own AS show to do his horror movie stuff. Can't be as bad as that werewolf hunter show that was put out starring the lead from Delocated....
Sam Hyde seems like the kind of guy who wants to be a tranny but knows he'll never pass so he's acting out about it.
>Why haven't the censors stopped him?
Because almost nobody important watches Cartoon Network, and even fewer watch Adult Swim.
Your Little Hitler is mostly ignored.
Monster vision hosted by James Rolfe
>everybody else must be a sicko like me
Typical liberal freak. Sad!
Nah he just dates them.
because nothing on the show is political or offensive
Even Sup Forums admits he tried to bang a tranny webcammer.
i like sam hyde and co's comedy/messages, but i'm tired of seeing these threads, unless sam is in them. anyway, these threads just end up in monkey shit flinging.
Straight men are the only ones that can be question on their sexual preference these days.
A man with his balls strapped up can be attracted to whoever they want.
But if a straight male is not attracted to a land whale, then they habe some spalin' to do.
RedLetterMedia will eventually get an AS show tho. Mark my words
it doesn't matter, Sup Forums is just identity politics these days. Capeshit movie or pointless remake comes out? Time to talk about race mixing and feminism. Mel Gibson movie comes out? Time to talk about da joos. Generic lolsorandum comedy comes out? Time to talk about the alt-right.
No one wants to discuss anything or have fun anymore, they just want to get (You)'s with shitty clickbait
>w-w-why do you guys have to make everything about race :((((
cry more faggot, sticking your head in the sand isn't going to work anymore
This gorilla nigger dick gets dyke pussy wet
>tfw middle class white and you are the villain of modern society
Reminder that this is your savior of the white race
AS will put just about any shit on its graveyard slot blocs. Have you seen the fish tank show?
itt: white teenage boy hugbox
I've fucked a tranny too and I'd consider myself a savior of the white race as well. She was a hispanic one too.
How is it even possible for the middle class to be the villainous part of society it makes 0 sense.
No matter how you spin, no matter what possible world view you take oppression either has to come from the top or the bottom of the social hierarchy. The people in the middle lack either the finances to impose their values or the numbers to cause societal distabilisation. Its fucking dumb.
Don't talk shit about Fishcenter
she/he looks better than anything you will ever fuck in your life.
A James Rolf show would be the most chill fucking show imaginable. It'd be a nice balance to AS' usual LOL SO RANDOM!!!
It would be interesting. It would have to just be best of the worst though, and it would probably be difficult with licensing and such. I also feel like it would lose a bit on broadcast if they had to cut out the rape and 'pregnant Dom delouise armpit' stuff. The answer would be just to air it later, but it also doesn't seem like a 'watch at two in the morning' thing, and I wouldn't want it competing with the Infomarcials block because Alan Resnick is the best thing to happen to television in a decade.
>persecution complex
wew. who do you sound like?
get out.
The (((Media))) don't understand his jokes, so they don't even think he's saying anything "offensive".
Just listen to them and Hillary try to explain the "alt right" and pepe and all the other Sup Forums shit, they don't understand it at all.
kek. maybe you're just ugly/fat/anti-social, and that's why people don't like you. ever think of that?
>tfw I'm next
t. Hispanic
Seriously, this shit isn't going to stop until every country is Brazil or London.
Check out this triggered cuck
>immediately proving his point
this thread is a hugbox for you aspies being triggered.
>sky is falling meme-righters just proving his point
hillary said alt right were a bunch of sexist racist basement dwellers. How is that wrong? She even mentioned the race realism and global jewish conspiracy stuff. Sounds pretty spot on desu
>they don't understand his comedy
you know you retards are the new fedora tippers, right?
>It's too deep for the normies.
is there a problem?
Pretty ironic that you are the only aspie who got triggered then
>all these threads
>still have no idea who Sam Hyde is
>still don't care
why do these keep popping up again? this board is for waifus and memes.
this thread was made by a triggered altcuck. one even admitted to fucking a tranny, and is somehow proud of it. how pathetic are you guys?
If he had sex with Milo, who would be on top?
>no u
>hillary said alt right were a bunch of sexist racist basement dwellers
That also describes the regressive left
kek hes absolutely spot on. its literally just a bunch of angry neckbeards replacing their fedora with a german visor cap
My mom said that legal immigration has hurt the US and Europe more than illegal immigration.
where do you think YOU are? this is clown ground
Just a meme of the month.
But the regressive left is voting for Jill Stein, not Hillary.
Imma start SCREAMIN
Imma start screamin on dat ass
your subculture is a joke.
its true if youre an american trying to get into a good school or get a good job. Legal immigrants are overqualified as fuck
A triggered leftycuck made this thread, not surprising since leftycucks are always triggered
>gets triggered
>tries to deny it afterwards while posting pics of his grandma
I don't care about politics or alt-right/regressive left shit, I'm just here for waifus, memes and casual film talk.
what the fuck are you talking about
>alt-right borderline white supremacist
Epin Sup Forums you literlly got me worshpign hitler
>so successful
>The "knockout game" is one of the names given in the United States by news media and others to assaults in which one person (with others acting as accomplices or lookouts) attempt to "knock out", with a single sucker punch, an unsuspecting victim. Often the aggressors are blacks and the victims are usually whites or Asians
I know who you sound like
>nobody voting for hillary
breddy good
>everyone who disagrees with me is triggered
>anyone who criticizes me is triggered
>I think so much of the weight of my opinions that I think everyone is mad at the startling revelations I put out on the internet
>Adultswim is still a thing
fuck me really? who watches this shit? I used to watch it back in like 2002/2004 when I was in high school but god damn it's still around???