What the fuck happened to this show. Last episode had 0.65m watchers, less than the half of regular viewers from last season.
What went so wrong?
What the fuck happened to this show. Last episode had 0.65m watchers, less than the half of regular viewers from last season.
What went so wrong?
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I thought season 1 wrapped nicely and thay further ones would just ruin a gpod thing so i stpped watching
I choose to blame Angela for this
Seriously, memes aside. They wasted too much time on that stupid prison twist.
Now the season is about to end a nothing really happened.
This show became pretentious and smell its own farts.
#1 reason why TV shows should be post-production of Season 2 before Season 1 releasing.
Also this. Her plot is boring, her character is boring and her acting is really boring. She is getting way too much screen time.
There's no plot other than stringing out twists and cliff hangers
One episode left and nothing has happened.
>One episode left
jesus christ really? lmao this is sad
This tbqh
Literally more than half the season was inconsequential bullshit that literally didn't matter, except they actually tried to trick you as if it did until le epic he's in prison twist XD .
Seriously let's summarize what has happened in season 2 that actually has an effect on the greater plot and how its moved the series forward.
Retards dropped the show because they had an episode with their aspie hero and they didn't know who to relate to anymore.
In the first place:
Terrible season opener. It confounds me that smart, talented people who work in the TV industry think that having a weird/alienating season premiere is a good idea.
After that, you pretty obviously have the slow-moving plot to blame. Not focusing on Elliot dealing with the overarching plot was a bad idea. Awkwardly trying to put secondary characters in the spotlight *clearly* didn't work. Joanna's plot is objectively pointless until Elliot started getting out of jail; Darlene was laughably bland and generic as "hacker leader"; and Angela's plot is one part convoluted for convoluted's sake, one part repetitive as fuck between "she's getting in over her head", "she's getting BTFO for being a traitor," and "omg you go girl!"
All of which is to say that, it's really not surprising people wouldn't catch on to this season, considering how strong the last season was.
Nah, there's at least 3 left.
It has been kind of stupdily slow, I don't mind it but can see why other people are waiting until the season is done
It's obviously to set pace for the end of the season and setup for season 3 why are you fuckheads so retarded? There always a mid season lull ..its called storytelling.
Email decided to direct and write the entire season by himself.
he did that with S1 too
Well no shit this season hasn't been interesting so far. This is purposeful. Until this episode, the Johanna plotline was pointless. However, all this slow stuff is just ramping up. Don't know how people don't realize this.
Sure the novelty is gone, the twists are out and the subjects aren't that much of interest (especially because they keep forgetting they "crashed the global economy" when it's convenient) when compared to S1, but I still found 2 eminently watchable. Rami is still magnetic, the sister is a loose canon and I'll be damned if I haven't enjoyed the E-Boss, Lakshmi and Hardy and especially the Gravepisser. Cop's annoying and Angela definitely needs to pull a Tyrrel doe. Also, not enough dane Mommy.
But yeah, worse but it's still watchable.
Why do TV shows insist on not giving the viewers what they want? It doesn't make it more artistic, it just infuriating.
Just tell us what happened and what's going on.
They could have done it more succinctly but I agree, I just hope the payoff is very good
I'm not sure which was more disappointing, Season 2 of this or Season 2 of True Detective.
Next episode put's the wife at the forefront from the previews .
this makes no sense whatsoever. networks would never bankroll two seasons for every single show before even knowing if anyone is going to watch it. imagine if there were 44 episodes of cop rock out there in the universe.
neither were disappointing
No, he didn't. Season One had 6 other directors, Email didn't even direct the pilot. And episodes 4-8 of Season One were written by different people.
Hopefully that means more Mr. T too. Forgot to mention but I liked him too.
People understand it, but it's boring as fuck.
there's 12 episodes this season, there are 3 episodes left.
It's going to be a pretty intense episode this Wednesday I feel. One reason why I don't understand the vitriol in this thread ...the big one is literally happening this week.
LOL this is one of the most FedoraCore things I have ever read!
>LOL this is one of the most FedoraCore things I have ever read!
Eh, tbf this board never admitted to liking this. But the drop in quality is still too evident to let slide. I mean, in the end I'm still enjoying it but damn it shoulda been much better. Let's see if the end redeems it sorta.
i like it but if it dies after season 3 i can understand
I wouldn't judge anything until the ultimate end episode really , but thats just me.
it's like what they say with musicians. you have your entire life to write your first album, and then a couple years to write the next one. in TV it's even worse. you've got deadlines to meet and actors aren't gonna sit around waiting for you to produce scripts. the fact that he decided to take on the herculean task of writing and directing a 12 episode season means the quality was bound to slip. i guarantee the network heads won't give him the same type of creative freedom to write and direct every episode in season 3.
i don't think this season has been all that bad though. sure it's not as strong as season 1, but not every TV show is meant to be a fast-paced thriller. you might as well at least wait until the last three episodes air before calling it an abject failure.
i do want to add though that if esmail starts focusing on coming up with new twists and stops focusing on storytelling he's going to become the next m. night shaymalan.
So I'll see you when Season 10 ends?
Everyone pirates this show. No one even knows what channel it's on.
Well you do know because it's watermarked on the HDTVrip.
stopped after a few episodes. literally not going anywhere.
Only set up for 5 . If there was a 10th season then so be it . I really appreciate what the show does in relation to the myriad of other shows on TV right now , especially dramas. At least I'm not going to come to some type of stymied conclusions whilst only watching an episode or two, my opinion would be pretty much moot.
Not enough exciting hacking. It's been much more subdued, and without the huge goal of bringing everything down there isn't enough of a hook for people to keep watching. It's just slowly dealing with fallout. If there was an important thing for the characters to do or there was a lot of danger that moved things along quickly, more people would watch.
This doesn't explain what happened to the 1.2 million people who watched the show as it aired last year but don't anymore.
Was downloading TV shows just invented in 2016?
Maybe it being the end of the summer?
If the case were that the whatever intends for itself to be judged as a whole, it should be presented as a whole. If it's going to break itself down into series and then episodes and treat every episode as it's own entity by writing, directing and labeling them as such, then it's inviting just what the people in this thread are doing.
9 episodes in and the best character has only been seen in flashbacks, phone calls, and fantasy sequences.
bring back wellick ASAP