ITT:Talentless hacks whose work is only loved by autists

ITT:Talentless hacks whose work is only loved by autists



this dorito faced meme haired whore


I don't know if he really qualifies as a hack, since I'm pretty sure he tries to be terrible. People who I've talked to who like Troma, that's the appeal.

There's probably more but that's all I can be bothered with right now.

Fucking idiot

Got banned from Sup Forums again asshole?

he's a jew so the title of "hack" is redundant

he does, because there's different levels of terrible and his later movies have been awful and not at all entertaining.
Terror Firma was shit and basically just him bitching about Speilberg being famous, but with a murderous tranny thrown in to make it seem like there's a plot
Toxie 4 was pretty great though

>he didn't like Poultrygeist
Top pleb


no need for that kinda language

agreed, grimes is better

Terror Firmer, Citizen Toxie (Part 4), Cannibal! The Musical and Bloodsucking Freaks were true kino. The rest is too juvenile

Kevin Smith
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Savage Steve Holland
Alex Cox

They never outgrew their adolescence

Toxic Avenger 1 too.

fuck all of you, you dont even know him and if you did he would love you more just for hating him. xDDD

Coen Brothers
Peter Jackson
Paul Thomas Anderson
Michael Haneke
Christopher Nolan
Wes Anderson
Alfonso Cuaron
Steven Spielberg
Martin Scorsese
Hayao Miyazaki
Quentin Tarantino
Lars Von Trier
Guillermo Del Toro
Spike Jonez
Alejandro Inaritu

Hi Sam

>no one mentioned Refn