Friendly reminder that this is kino, quality, a masterpiece... and if you dislike it you are a pitiful pleb

Friendly reminder that this is kino, quality, a masterpiece... and if you dislike it you are a pitiful pleb.


Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism.

This is predominantly an art board (the "entertainment" shit that is constantly being discussed here is a result of crossposters from pleb boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums)

True cinema = art which is the opposite to autism and in turn the opposite to video games.

The sensibilities resulting in video game appreciation are diametrically opposed to the appreciation of cinema as "art". Videogames/autism/"entertainment" are the reason for capeshit.

If you support capeshit you are Sup Forums and anti Sup Forums, Sup Forums, film and art.

This is a fact brought down through the ages of tastemakers.

Mos is my 2nd favorite movie, BVS is fucking great.
But stop with the "kino" bullshit or calling it a masterpiece like its flawless, you making all of its fans look bad.
Fuck the hell off.

Not enough quips, tips-of-the-hat to the audience and pop culture references.

4/10, made me reply.

>Hourly DCuck assravage thread

>Is she with you?
>I thought she was with you.

Name a better piece of screenplay in motion picture history.

Fuck off, Marvel is good, yes, Iron Man, Raimi's Spiderman and Deadpool and the X-men films are great.

But so was BvS and Man of Steel, so stop trying to bait the fanboys of either side to argue.

They're both great universes.

ya know you can use golden age batman to justify killing people but don't use Miller's batman

Fuck off with this kino you dumbass, are you not intelligent to actually discuss movies. Also all superhero films are mediocre and none of them are masterpieces

My only problem was that Affleck was playing the Punisher in a batsuit.

Oh, and Meth addict Lex, of course.

I'm a pleb and I loved it.

>Sup Forums is an art board
What the fuck are you talking about
This place is 95% shitposting
No personal interpretation or discussion of films, just a bunch of idiots calling each other plebs, Reddit, and faggots

Snyder is illiterate. Please don't make fun of him. He doesn't have to be able to read a comic book to be a visionary director.

scene on the right is batman imaging things - actually killed the joker.

scene on the left clearly shows batman killing the guy

>The Punisher in a batsuit

That was literally the point of his arc in the movie - when you first see him at Batman, he's crossed the line, he's long gone. When he realizes that Superman uses what could be his last breath to beg Batman to save Martha, he realizes that there are still good people in the world. It brings Bruce brack from the edge. That's why he didn't brand Lex at the end.

he shoots the window on the thug to the left which makes her drop the baby and joker clearly says YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE NERVE

did you even look at the image I posted

I get all that, and it works, but dude.

Batman doesn't kill, it just bugs me seeing it.

there is clearly blood surrounding the bullet hole on the wall you fucking retard.

I figured that was supposed to be the point. Batman killing wasn't supposed to be awesome - and it's the main reason that Superman was so pissed at him. Superman killed too, but the difference is that he only did it once, and they showed that it really messed him up. He was forced to kill the only other surviving member of his race, against his will.

The movie opens with Superman slaughtering terrorists that just blew Jimmy Olsen's brains out.

There's delusional and then there's DCucks.

>knocking one guy through a wall = slaughtering terrorists

Sure thing pal. Never mind that KGBeast was a goon in Luthor's payroll.

I thought he only knocked them out?

Jimmy Olsen is the ultimate meme character.

>PFFFF, Sup Forums here faggot! Jimmy Olsen has always been Superman's moral compass!

Does that include the 1950's through the 1970's when Jimmy Olsen did stupid shit like hypnotizing Lois into being his girlfriend, or stealing Superman's birthday cake?

good scene

what are you talking about? If anything he shoots her hand which further proves my point

How much longer will the kino meme last?

As long as DC kino exists.


That wasn't very friendly or a good reminder.

Masterpiece is a bridge too far, but it's a damn good movie, one of my favorites.

While I don't totally disagree with you, your image would carry a lot more weight were it not also employing dishonesty of its own. That "rubber bullets, I swear," quote comes from about 4 chapters earlier in that story, when Bruce is talking about him firing on a crowd of gang members from the Bat-Tank.

Is shitposting a legit criticism now? What does that actually mean?

The only one still alive when he gets there is the warlord holding Lois hostage. He carried him through a mud brick wall.

Hell yes it was - you think there was any of Zod left in there?

Definately a good movie. Really enjoyed it. Suprisingly my brother,who is a big DC fan, didn't like it. I prefer marvel comics but really enjoyed BvS.

>You are now aware that Doomsday is the ISIS to Zod's Al Qaeda.

Zod: uncompromising, intolerant religious fanatic bent on resurrecting the glory of his culture's past, even if it means eradicating others

Doomsday: brought to life from Zod's corpse through the meddling of Lex(the military-industrial complex), even more wantonly destructive and unreasonable, likes to destroy monuments to "false gods."

Just rewatched the Ultimate Edition, really enjoyed it. Fucking apocalyptic doom and gloom, can't get enough.

>art which is the opposite to autism

No one buys your cherrypicked bullshit, yo.

As this is zack snyder we're talking about.

It ain't all that cherry-picked, yo, but to each their own. I guess you're going to tell me that the most blatantly obvious parts(Bruce's) weren't there, either.

Why don't they get it?
Snyder is doing everything he can to get the proles to appreciate art but they just. don't. get. it.


nah that guy's dead, you can read the dkr script.

it's meant to be a visual representation of
I was sentimental
When I was old

Because general audiences are spoon-fed babies who can't into subtext, even when getting it shoved into their faces.


Plebs' collective memories oversimplify that scene completely, even though it's the huge turnig point in Batman's arc for more than one reason.

>blaming Zack Snyder for something that David Goyer fucked up

Does BvS remind anyone else of korean films?

I image searched this and no shit, the answer was "darkness"

O lawd

>image searching a scene from the movie

You're retarded. I know it's just your way of saying MUH COLOR PALETTE so I'll give you some credit.

>I figured that was supposed to be the point. Batman killing wasn't supposed to be awesome

You're dead on. That's entirely the point. Even further:

Batman in BvS is pretty much a personification of post-911 America. When he justifies torture in his "war," when he turns a blind eye to the consequences of his acts(the welfare of the branded prisoners), when he decides that killing as a preventative measure is justifiable, he stops being a hero.

Now how heroic are we as a nation when we allow ourselves to do the same? Not all that heroic, but damned if we don't still look good doing it.

>Batman killing wasn't supposed to be awesome
Did people actually think that was supposed to be cool? Even with him mostly only doing it in self defense it was made out to be really over the line and kind of reprehensive.

No matter how much you repeat it, or shill about it, it just won't be true. Sorry.

Any x-philes around who can tell me wtf this might mean?

Exactly. That's why Alfred throws Bruce shade over his ruthlessness. Hell, that's why Alfred drops little suggestions for Bruce to quit Batmanning throughout the film. He has gotten tired of justifying his role in Bruce's being judge, jury, and now executioner.

>because he finally gets to save his mother.

I get that it's a hamfisted and inartful, but not much less than something like Rosebud. Plebs latch on to "lol coincidence" and the slightly smarter ones go "too obvious" while they eat up superheros with no convincing motivations motivations (marvel) and try to convince themselves that ALL storytelling conventions are fluff.

I didn't even think it was that big a problem being a coincidence, before I learned that both of their mothers' name is actually Martha canonically, I could have swore Bruce's mother was named something else before.

It's pretty crazy when you consider that Alfred saw the good in Superman without even meeting him, whereas Bruce had to have a dust up with Superman before he came to the same conclusion. That's just how far gone Bruce had become - he had spent a year and a half of his life obsessing over and trying to find a way to kill Superman.

I honestly can't wait to see what happened to him that made him that fearful. All that talk about "How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?" has got to be what's coming to us in Batfleck's films.

Do we yet have any sort of rough sketch of how the trilogy's going to be laid out? Personally, I'd like to see one set early in his career, one set near the end(whatever event makes him retire), and one set in the aftermath of the JL film where he passes the mantle off to a new Batman.


Yes. Much less. Much.

>board is about literally the most pleb form of media
>it's totally high art only guys

the entire 3rd act looks like a video game

Not really