Why are manufactured "artists" still a big thing? Is there no escape from the industry plants?

Why are manufactured "artists" still a big thing? Is there no escape from the industry plants?

the music industry is first and foremost about making money, it's always been that way, and it will always be that way. Whatever teenage girls will buy is what they'll sell.

because people don't care. music isn't a big deal to them. they like having it in the background and maybe gossiping about what the artists are up to. the industry takes advantage of that by making sure that their products are everywhere, so they become the go-to option for the average person

it's not a big deal, media is more democratic now. if you are more interested in music, stuff like beyonce really doesn't get shoved down your throat. it's easy to ignore. if people don't care, let them continue to fund their bubble, no skin off my nose

Pic unrelated? Beyonce is one of the most genuine artists out there. Bow down in front of your queen.

I think the better question is when did liking top 40 and bubblegum pop become edgy and hip?

Was it just a counterjerk against the "le wrong generation xDDD" crowd?
Was it white guilt, since like 90% of popular artists are black?
Is it because pitchfork sold out?

I'm just curious because these days being "really into music" means posting sassy Beyonce gifs while sharing pitchfork thinkpieces about how Lana del Rey is the American Morrissey

eh you make a good point I mean come on is top40 really that good..I'd rather listen to dad rock all day. pop has no substance no .

the reason could probably be oversaturation of albums from so many genres which then get overlooked by hyped up albums and #twitter.

weren't there a few Carly ray Jefferson threads a few days ago.

capitalism ruins everything

i think it has something to do with the general indie backlash started around 2010-2012

how capitalism?

people do have access to a wide range of music collections...new artists upload their own songs on so many websites...

lazy people not that interested in music just like to bob their head to jingles on the radio

Theres no escape from Industry. The bourgeois control us all

Lemonade (Parkwood Entertainment, 2016) was another attempt to promote her to auteur. An industry artifact with no personality, Beyonce swings between the playful reggae of Hold Up and the gospel hymn Freedom via the piano elegy Sandcastles. Best is probably Don't Hurt Yourself, which is quintessential Aretha Franklin. The collaboration with James Blake yields two of the most boring ballads of his career. All the media hype does little to make this album more than a marketing project. In fact, it's even less musical than Beyonce. She's a mediocre singer and an awful songwriter, and no amount of production work can fully hide that.

For starters, they use most of their money for image advertising while their brainwashed fans just do the rest. Just look at artists like Jewyonce or Taylor Swift, they "x" thing and if you disagree with them you'll their rabid fanbase behind you.
Well, in america political correctness seems to be the "in" thing, so is only logical that you have artists pandering towards it, whether they believe it or not.

because music labels can pay in order to have their jingles played for lazy people as opposed to anything unique or interesting just for profit. Just look at how car companies and radio companies has worked together to make bland top 40 in every car in america.

uhhh that's not a new thing..today it's over hyped music. You might have read the old controversies over MTV and many other radio stations being racist during the 1980s. White kids complained when black musicians with remarkable videos were played.

capitalism existed in the 80s too lad

so what's the alternative to that?

internet right? where you can listen to whatever you want/

Why doesn't /mu ever have big Beyonce threads with hot pics of Beyonce? I mean shit, I kinda like Grimes music but I have no interest in the 500 pics of her that get posted here daily.

Start posting 500 pics of Beyonce, that bitch fine as fuck.

Also, why even bring up her music? No one on this board actually talks about music anyways.

not trying to defend the autism here but sometimes the chart and recs thread are good. pics of ladies is available on /s/ isn't it?

My twitter feed tells me Beyonce is going to lead the revolution.

I'm sure with her merch sweatshops in some third world shithole, she'll do just that.

You know what's interesting to me, as a NEET totally out of touch with mainstream popularity, is that there's this certain B league of youtube successful manufactured artists that I've never heard of. Like there's something there as the production values and views imply organized serious assistance and moderate success, but it hasn't quite clicked yet into the new Gaga or MIA.

Sevdaliza (I actually like this one)
Viktoria Modesta
Doja Cat (what's up with this person? One MV and a million good mixtapes)

they are made to be liked

the internets not the perfect alternative its obviously still affected by corporations but its a step in the right direction for now.
the ideal is definitely communism tho

She helped lead the R&B revolution of the 90s and carried the genre through the 2000s and has since had the most successful solo transition to pop in music history all while championing female empowerment and black social mobility, on top of reinforcing traditional marriage and family values within the black community.

Who in the fuck expects an anime board of angsty white tweens to understand?

go to Sup Forums

Fuck off nigger

I really don't go anywhere else on Sup Forums. I actually like music and I pass through here every couple of days to see what the bottom of the barrel of music discussion is up to.

There's unfortunately no one good place to talk about music on the internet, you have to bounce around a bunch of different shitholes and maybe happen across a good discussion if you're lucky.

i dont think they like communists down there


The people who write her songs and handle her public image did.

she did what nigga? do you live in the same world as the rest?


but we do have to consider the fact that 'discussion boards' such as this one and countless others are just an alternative to people talking in pubs. The only good thing is that you can sift out the stupid threads here

I bet OP listens to Taylor

occasional reminder

Lmao what an ugly bleached whore

I think you're referring to two groups of people that don't know that the other group exists