Are there any Asian comedies you actually found funny? My Asian friend told me I HAD to check out Stephen Chow's films, but I honestly didn't laugh once.
Are there any Asian comedies you actually found funny? My Asian friend told me I HAD to check out Stephen Chow's films...
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Did you just get cucked by an Asian or something?
Asians are so fucking unfunny. LOL I am Asian, LOL I got a B on my test and now I am grounded.
Make way for true ojiichan comedy kino
Plus it's got based Takeshi in it
white people
No, I just got finished watching Kung Fu Hustle and can't understand why the hell anyone would think this was a comedy classic.
I don't mean why Chinese would, I understand comedy is culturally subjective. I mean why any white person would, are they just weaboos who trick themselves that they thought it was funny to prove thye are really Asian inside?
agreed. us non whites still beat out children thank god
Then again any Takeshi movie is funny. I laugh every time he hits somebody upside the head even when the subject is supposed to be gloomy.
Kikujiro is his goat comedy tho.
nah man, you're just an unfunny fuck that no one likes
japs are funny occasionally. rest of them I don't think so Tim.
>I laugh every time he hits somebody upside the head even when the subject is supposed to be gloomy
This sounds like crap, desu
He reminds me of a morbid Buster Keaton. All deadpan and shocking violence
I didn't remotely get Kung-Fu Hustle either. It's totally baffling
assblasted weeb detected. kill yourself fatty, you will never get a japanese girlfriend
Call me racist or lacist lol, but whenever I see an Asian couple together they seem more like siblings than bf/gf. Wtf is up with that? I don't see white or black people and go "are they related? They must be". OP's pic, that dude seems more her bro not her cockrocket.
stephen chow films, mainly his older films, are harder to appreciate if you don't speak cantonese. I don't think even mandarin speakers will find them as funny. A lot of the humour is slang/langauge.
kung fu hustle and shaolin soccer was just fun silly slapstick. don't try too hard to "get it".
Yes, plenty.
Fuck off with your thinly veiled Asian masculinity shitpost thread.
I guarantee you it is and they set it up as a gag
nice trips
crazy thing is: its not even an asian couple thing its an asian male thing. check out Marzgurl's podcast with her asian bf. They totally have the same dominant older sister/sheepish kid brother vibe going on even tho they obvs don't look alike
Fine, so name a few. I only see one in this thread and you don't seem to be the one who suggested it. I'm not here to tell people they have shitty taste, I am here to get a list of shit to watch.
I think it's mostly that you can't tell asian people apart as distinctly as other races so you can't see the minute difference between non-related peoples
you have shit taste from years of consuming shit so everything tastes shitty to you, ya shit eater
no they get beat with a stick if they get a b
Jackie Chan has some pretty good ones
>asian """""humor"""""
Hana and Alice
Fish Story
Adrift in Tokyo
Survive Style 5+
Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald
Castaway on the Moon
Mr. Vampire
Attack the Gas Station!
The Woodsman and the Rain
Death by Hanging
this triggers r/asianmasculinity
asians are vermin
what is that subreddit
So's yer Ma.
This one isn't bad if you like cheeseball horror comedies.
check it out, its an asian /r9k/, but instead of hating women they hate whites lol
Survive style is horrendous and I actually live in Japan.
Branded to Kill is GOAT
You have just proven you're a pleb user, it's OK. Kung fu hustle is kino
What the fuck is this autistic shit you are watching?
Looks interesting, I will try to find it to watch.
I see you've adopted their culture of having bad taste in media.
did girls in this thread with asian guys move from Sup Forums to int?
Tampopo, Bong Joon-ho movies. Most Chinese comedies are bad, like Jack & Jill levels of bad. I know this because shitty Chinese comedies are always shown in cinemas and there are a few times where I'm dragged to go watch them.
Why do all women make the fish face. Is it genetic?
none of these are funny. a lot of them are good but none of them are funny and in fact I'm pretty sure most of them aren't even supposed to be.
They're all comedies, they're all amusing.
Go ahead and post your top 10 comedies, no silent films.
consequences for bad behavior???? HOW COULD THEY
This was pretty ok.
Been years since I watched it though.
Haha no, after years of observing Asian couples in N. America, UK, Aus, Thailand, HK, Phillipines and Tokyo I've noticed that when I see a young couple in public the guy is shyly asking what Sister is making him for dinner tonight and the girl answers with no hint of romance but just remote detached amusement that it's stir fry like every other night. It's so brotherly/sisterly how Asians act together it looks fucking incestual.
Granted older Asian couples don't act all autistic like that and act like husband and wife but then some of them went through harder trying times. Not anime fantasyland like it is for Asians now.
Face it, this generation of Asian males better man up and treat their girls like women not surrogate sister. Otherwise they're cucking themselves in the longrun.
>white people think "grounding" is a negative consequence
>no they get beat with a stick if they get a b
You mean an iron pipe, surely?
The Hero Yoshihiko
Stephen Chow is only funny when you are a teenager, unfortunately. The subs often help, as your brain makes the timing funnier than the low effort they put into the dubs.
>Survive Style 5+
That was a comedy??
>grounding is a consequence for bad behavior
lmao and did you get put in the time out corner too big boy
>Sup Forums
Real Asian films aren't funny because its a different culture and humor hardly translates well. I live in Japan and almost no pure foreign comedies get exported here. When they do the Japanese audience only laughes when someone falls down or gets hit.
Asian Americans are usually not funny because they are minorities and rely on either funny voices of their family that get old fast or things that really only apply to Asian Americans
how come asian americans can't be funny but african or latin americans can be?
Ping Pong Playa is pretty great.
The only people who give a shit about asianmasculinity are typically cucks from Sup Forums and /r9k/ because you have to be an insecure basement dwelling loser to get triggered by SJW and tumblr level faggots.
>rest of them I don't think so Tim.
A white male will fuck your sister right in the pussy.
Why are you mad about that?
Salty as cuck
How's Tyrone's cum tasting from Mary Sue's snatch?
my asian roommate in college convinced me to watch Shaolin Soccer with him and his friends and that shit was boring as fuck. but i did find Kung Fu Hustle to be alright
I also have seen a few episodes of that show Fresh Off the Boat that were pretty good for a network tv show, too bad Constance Wu is a nutjob
Actually what you're describing is probably a difference in culture thing. My dad does the exact thing to my mom (I'm Chinese), in that he would occasionally ask my mom what's for dinner. It's a show of affection, to express that he's thinking of her, and appreciates her and the work she does. It's basically a mild form of flirting, my mom would answer differently depending on her mood.
In general, Asian people (not just couples) are more 'familial' and less patriarchal, which might explain your incestual vibes.
Actually if we break it down we can probably pretty much get pretty close to the actual answer. There are white couples too that you get major sibling vibes from and we could try pinpointing the criteria.
1. They look alike (facial appearance)
2. Similar height/build
3. Neither one overtly dominant personality-wise.
4. Both with similar attentiveness to style/self-grooming/dress.
I think the factor is two-fold. One is a general inability of non-Asian peoples to identify the masculine features of Asians and the second being quite frankly, that being overly masculine isn't the "in" thing in Asia at the moment.
Years later, Funky Forest remains the most retarded movie I've ever seen. I loved it
>he doesn't know about asian music kino