Am I the only one who fucks with customers at work purposefully to ruin their day? I work as a waiter...

Am I the only one who fucks with customers at work purposefully to ruin their day? I work as a waiter, and if someone pisses me off I will make every effort to waste their time as possible.

For example, on Father's Day lunch, a man and his family sat down. He was giving me shit about us not having an appetizer that he liked at another restaurant, so I decided to ruin his morning.

Not only did I wait 45 minutes to put his order in, but I assured them the entire time that the kitchen was "very backed up" and that the food would be out shorty. I ran the food out completely cold, so cold that half of it had to e sent back. All in all, I wasted 4 and a half hours of this mans time.

Any other restaurant workers like to take petty revenge on their patrons?

You sound like a dickhead and don't deserve a job.



>work at deli as sandwhich dresser
>hate job, get paid shit, owner is a faggot
>begin to put way too much pepper on peoples sandwhiches
>notice a few less people come back over time
>start putting to much mayo/ranch/ on salads for to-go people so it will be soggy when they eat it
>less to-go customers, less work for me
>when people order hot sandwhich, only heat up half way
>even less customers

over about 6 months i probably saw a 70% decline in business. i ended up no-call no-showing later on, fuck that place. I drove by the other day and looked like the shop had shut down. Sometimes I wonder if I had any part in that.

Fuck 'em

Best thing about shitty customer service jobs is that there's no shortage of them, and they don't pay enough for anyone who works there to care.

Most people eat shit from lousy customers because the moneys good, but you don't have that constraint, true?

You sound like a whiney faggot with a fragile ego.
>le made them wait for there food XD

Anyway i used to collect debt of cars over the phone. When i spoke to real d bags who would scream and threaten and think they were getting away with not paying i would pull the accounts out of regular collections untill enough time passed for the company to commence legal action, write off debt, repo and ruin credit rating then send them to legal. I would check the accounts later and 9/10 they took car, sued the guy to oblivion and destroyed any chance of getting a loan for the next 7 years

Nah, he sounds like me when I was a kid working retail.

Then I started a website made 3k a month at 15, went on to own equity in 4 startups that sold.. Keep doing what you're doing bro!

>inb4 you didn't do that, I'm jelly of you.

How many Lamborghinis are in your Lamborghini account?

Keep it coming I need ideas for my shitty place. People are morons and humanity does not deserve to be saved from its own stupidity.


You're unemployable. And I know exactly what you're going to do. You're going to pull this shit, lose your job in a week or two, pull the same shit elsewhere, lose that job. Once you've went through 4 or 5 jobs like this in a same fashion.... your track record of unemployability will show and no one will want you. Or they'll only offer you jobs made for simpletons, like a greater job or a by-the-part assembly line work.

Then you'll complain about how no one will hire you and give all your friends and family a woe is me act. I've known your type.

And you don't think like an adult who has bills to pay, they generally try to treat the customers right and competently.

I bet mom will get sick of your chronic lack of employablity.

well, you didn't do that, you're still not even 15.

Yup, all this AND there he'll have a degree of cognitive dissonance about it. He will think everyone else does that shit and he genuinely was a great employee and the long list of employers that fired him were just severely mistreating him. People like him cannot take responsibility.

None, I spent a lot of it on my fam, I own a 2016 honda civic lmao. But a dope house in mountain view CA where it's hard to get.

I said inb4 you fucking cuck

ha. user who happened to grown braincells spotted.

grow, I mean.

Shoulda stopped reading here. Back to 9gag, newfriend.
>there food
Actually did stop here. Stay in school, kid.

Also, I put a lot of it into other startups.. I "angel invest" a lot... It's a great way to make money. I invest into bio med now, because I like gene editing, CRISPR, etc.

AI is good too, just went to an event and put down 200k on 3 dif startups. I love this shit.

Maybe this is how it was back in the 80s, but in the 'new economy' turnover for service industry jobs is so fast you can't remember all the people that have been let go at your local branch of the megacorp in the 40 days.

Use the button puncher / shelf stocker job you got fired from as reference. They won't call it, and even if they do, management won't confirm anything other than 'maybe' you worked there.

This isn't even half believable unless you live in a country where servers don't get tips.

You do realize that restaurant jobs are extremely easy to get? No background check, and moving from job to job is extremely common in the industry. Many by-trade servers have had well over twenty jobs. You could always get a bad reputation in an area, of course, but at the same time that isn't a deterrent to many employers who need bodies on the floor while being understaffed. You obviously grossly misunderstand the nature of the restaurant industry.