I like your booty, but I'm not gay

I like your booty, but I'm not gay

Ok maybe a little bit

Booty makes the world go round.


I like booty, girly and manly.

That's my man

Booty of every shape and size!
I'd like to see your booty.

oh hi im retarded


I didn't link cause of reasons lol, my bad


thats disgusting

it was the first time i opened the finder in 3 months, so thats progress at least

I saw.
I just noticed that you forgot to capitalize Kez. Start over.
Damn. I can't believe you called that disgusting.

I guess I should've told you to check steam too, but it's too late for that now :P

my next montage will be versus bots

i dont have steam open, i only have like waterfox open.

Angles and lighting make all the difference. My upper body is ugly and gross.

We must go further.

Remember, don't see dick or balls in image = girl

I guess since everyone's posting pics... fuck it, here's a cock, enjoy

I guess, even if they sound like a man :p

Love that song.

Lately I've found that it's the person inside the body that matters the most to me.
You still have an amazing butt.
And who's cock might that be?

Thanks! Someone who recognized it lol
Could be miiiine >w>

I'll post too

Yes it does


Could be? Could be anyone's. Could be mine.

Tiger is getting sleepy.

Noice. I was going to leave it at that, but dicks are always appreciated.

Aww, thanks :3



I would've posted butt pic but that's a lot harder to take pics of :P



Next montage? Calm down, I'm still working on my first.
Tiger being you? If so, nite. Thanks for showing me yourself.
Got a mirror? Last resort use a webcam like I did for the butt pic Snarf posted.


they are really comfy.

to be honest, ocean man isnt a good ween song.

YEAH gotta plan the future. its gonna be L I T like my stove.

I have to admit I've looked at my butt in the mirror every once in a while, might consider it :p


Yours look so much better than mine

Yeah, I'm gonna sleep now. Night furiends!

Tell me about it. It ain't easy turning my stubby body like that.

My pleasure. Have one for the road, because it would be wrong to leave ya hangin.

I bet they are. Lovely.

Lol :p Nini tiger, dream of dicks

Please.....Don't Ignore the wrath of the Ocean Man I am trying to judge you for your crimes


Don't do it just for me.
I like seeing peoples butts but we aren't close enough for me to want to see yours specifically.
Oh lawd
Sleep well.


they're cheap

That's not necessarily what I meant but ok

I give up........I'm just gonna drink my Peposi

Don't take it personally. I would like to see it but no more than other butts.


That's fine by me, I suppose my dick might've been enough for a day :p



Got half my clips cut. If i'm not lazy I'll be done tomorrow.
It's not fine. I can sense the passive aggressiveness.
Now that I think about it, your butt is above the wanted level of most butts but it's just not as high as Dash or Wem.

neat, gl fam


Well you've seen Dash's butt and wem has said he has a pretty bad butt :P Wait, have you seen wem's butt? Nekkid? Anyway there's no passive aggression there, I'm more of a top than a bottom anyway


I've seen Wem's butt nekkid. I think it's a nice butt.
The more we talk about it the more I want your banana butt.


We'll see, one of these days :P
I have to go find some underwear and pants before anyone sees me and then I'll play some games, laters :3


For once I'm actually working on it while posting. If I don't get bored I could be done tonight.

Why do you guys have to draw such good porn?

My goal is to lose enough weight so someone can do this with me.

What the fuck did I walk into?


I just had to name that clip meatspin.
I can't draw.
You can do it!
A whole lot of butts and it's all because you posted mine.

Dudes fucking hopefully a little more feminine dudes in their asses.






Probably headed to bed. Nini folks.

Fucking hell, you guys have some quality twinks

Join us. Don't you want quality twinks?

Never a shortage of girly asses!

Last one for me.

I'll post butt later.

Really? Are you allowed?
I can't wait!


I kinda just like the twink porn, and that's on occasion. I don't think that qualifies me as furry

I got home already.

Snarf would not ask others to post butt if he wasn't willing to do it himself.

It's cool man. You bi or what?
That's mighty decent of you.




Can someone explain why masculine guys fucking feminine guys is so good in furry porn

I might have to pass on recording it with my phone. The mic doesn't pick up much and it's not a good time to be loud.

Still gonna be a good montage meow

do whachu want, your montage your calls, IM JUST HYPED

Damn strai...
Damn gay!


I should go to /wsg and see if I can find my webms. There was something I wanted to do but it seems to have been patched out.

Maybe. Yeah

which webms? And what was patched out?


why do you have webms on wsg?

I see. Don't be ashamed. If you enjoy it is all that matters.
I'd rather Matty didn't find out I put this game in my montage.

Heh, at least until you post it :b

Because I felt like sharing. Apparently they were good enough to get reposted, one was even used by OP, so I might find them if I look now.
Right. Until then it's a surprise.